I'm not trying to argue what did or did not go on in the shower. I'll never know.
What I do know, because it is documented, is what people have testified to. What I object to is people falsifying that testimony. All this crap that goes around about McQueary changing his testimony is mainly due to people inaccurately repeating his words.
Your twisting of multiple evidence sources to "confirm" what the OAG manufactured in 2011 is just another example of taking a conclusion and then working everything to support it from there.
IF...repeat...IF...the evidence existed as stated in the OAG presentment then it is reasonable to expect the "Guilty as charged" outcome you use to support your personal version of Sandusky reality.
However....we continue to see CREDIBLE evidence to support EVERYTHING that the OAG and the State of PA used to convict Sandusky IS TAINTED - if not manufactured. In fact, there is so much "evidence" that it appears the OAG wanted to create the illusion of guilt because IT KNEW that there was another story here and that the LEGAL CASE against Sandusky was "iffy" at best unless what was described as evidence was SERIOUSLY manipulated.
Remember, the state used the Grand Jury Process as a method of HIDING from the public key information about the Sandusky case and any real evidence that existed. This is both illegal and a significant point which supports the premise that Sandusky's trial was engineered for deception. Tainted evidence is NOT what American justice should be based upon!!!
The real question is WHY did the state of PA "tilt the playing field" in a court of law if the real evidence supported a "Guilty Sandusky"? Why continuously reinforce this suspicion by "suspicious" legal processing and unprecidented legal interpretations. You only need to look at the bogus C/S/S trials which will not occur for more than 6 years to validate the suspicious characteristics of the entire Sandusky trial.
REMEMBER...absolute guilt or innocence is NOT the reason for "supporting a pedophile" and demanding a retrial based upon a legally level playing field - but it is, a reason for discrediting what you continue to quote a "proof".... because your "proof" is based on the same tainted evidence and legal process that "suspiciously" convicted Sandusky.
Justice is what every person that the media calls a "JoeBot" wants....nothing more nothing less. Where the TRUTH takes us is not a problem...what is a problem is the mountains of suspicious, questionable and manipulated evidence that has been used to convict both Sandusky and implicate Penn State Football in "criminal Culture" issues.
Rather than argue on Sandusky....
how come you don't support getting the state to answer this....In the "infamous" janitor "sworn statements" involving a witnessed "shower incident" - which by the way was used to
convict Sandusky on several counts - the statements obtained by the state asked "...was it Sandusky you saw in the shower with that boy...". The response from the witness was EMPHATICALLY
"No it was NOT Jerry Sandusky".
The state then invalidated the sworn statement because the witness suffered from dementia. WHAT????? How convenient and how suspicious that Sandusky
would be convicted by testimony that DEFINITIVELY STATED he was not the subject of the event witnessed!!!
More importantly....
WHY would the state of PA take testimony about suspicious behavior with a minor in "Penn State Facilities" and KNOWINGLY not follow up to find out who that person was at the time???? They KNEW it WAS NOT SANDUSKY...yet nothing was done with that evidence to investigate a potential crime?? This alone provides all the evidence needed to support that this entire matter REEKS of a PA engineered criminal scandal and basic legal abuse!!!
If you can answer just this one fact above, your continuous attempts at shoehorning this currently tainted evidence pool as "real evidence" would make much more sense!!!