And you can't even grasp the point that I continually make. I'm not debating anything about what went on in that shower. I don't know what happened there and neither do you. What I am debating is people who distort the testimony of McQueary. We know what he testified to because there are transcripts. When you and others claim that McQueary testified that he didn't see a sex act, they are changing his words. He said no such thing.
TRANSCRIPTS....which "transcripts" do you want. Truth has a way of showing itself by ACTION. If you take each one on MM's "testimonies" none of his actions match what he did.
His ACTIONS voided his own testimony!!!
Now....lets look at those people who he DIRECTLY TOLD about what he saw in the PSU showers in 2001. Both Dranov and Mike's father CONFIRMED in multiple testimonies that a "sexual component" was NOT what MM told them!! If it was, then there would have been a CRIMINAL ELEMENT to what MM saw and ACTION would have been taken by one or both of them. REMEMBER...
they BOTH stated emphatically that there was nothing concrete that was observed.
Now TODAY...2011+ MM has introduced the "sexual" term into his sighting. Of course, this change in "emphasis" could not have been introduced because he may have been "reminded" by those State of PA persons interviewed him that they knew of his "photo swapping" and gambling issues. This surely would not be a motive for "embellishing" what COULD have happened in 2001. IF something in hos 2001 description changed....what harm? After all...who would know???
The only first hand witness was MM...Just because his actions in 2001 and his description
to MULTIPLE persons ruled out seeing anything criminal ....hey, The OAG and Linda Kelly, Frank Noonan, Frank Fina are all honorable(???) people....
so what if this group took the "worst case " sighting (from at least 3 reported vesrions) from MM and then took "artistic license" with this testimony and turned it into "SODOMY with a 10 year old". ... not much different from what
MM's actions in 2001 proved actually happened ?.... RIGHT!!!
Grow up - you are "wishing" an end result that was and is an abuse of the Legal system so as to hide OTHER CRIMES ---
Are you happy with promoting hidden crimes so that you personal ego can be stroked??? That's what your doing by supporting a testimony that has been CONFIRMED to be suspect - most likely an externally created LIE!!!!
Remember - the 2001 "Victim" confirmed "nothing happened" in 2001. This all supports
actions taken in 2001 - not the "Story" created in 2011 and the "evidence" you continue to spew!!
Charging others with Child Sex Crimes as a means of
hiding other crimes has been around forever - It is also something that has been linked to other "suspicious" handling by PA government in similar accusations/crimes in the past. Check Milton Hershey School Sex Scandal and "Kids for Cash".
THE SIMPLE QUESTION.....So you righteously support the "legal kill at all costs" of anyone
ACCUSED of child crimes no matter how many "questionable" legal issues are involved.....
YET you ACTIVELY SUPPORT those same kinds crimes if they are sanctioned by rouge PA government actions and then professionally covered-up.