WTF? I could barely follow this thread, except for my recognition of some of the posters' history.
Why are you yelling at Tom McAndrew? It you are unhappy about how long it is taking then actually do something about it or are some of you just lazy a holes? If there is a U. S. Postal Service investigation of The Second Mile it would have been reported on by some publication. So, lazy asses, do some homework and tell us your results.
My opinion has always been that the powers that be, the BoT, bidness, yea, businessmen and a politician found out that Joe Paterno was dying, and whomever had something to lose when everyone found out about Sandusky threw JoePa under the bus. Shut him down from speaking under threat of his pension. Now, this happens all the time to smaller people; and I guess Tom Corbitt, John Surma and others thought that Joe would go quietly into the night, but it didn't work out that way, and it isn't going away. All that is required is for all of us to remember and bear witness to Joe Paterno.
So. Here we are. Sandusky in jail, the others at TSM not yet. The NCAA has given back almost everything. And we are left with three trials, how many law suits? And the unprinted facts. Who can argue that the BoT, NCAA, Louie Freeh unknown as yet others, aren't in fact....Steaming piles of manure! Everything that happens just yells "Weasel" louder.
How dumb are these people? shielded from reality by money?
" There is only one, singular, immutable, definitive, quantifiable REALITY and it is whatever you think it is"
"What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so".[/I] Mark Twain