There are only two alternatives. Horseplay or something of a sexual nature. Nobody has testified to a third (although Schultz testified to both).
Also, the Penn State police commissioner (Schultz) had already looked into this and concluded that nothing untoward had happened, so what is Raykovitz supposed to do? Is he supposed to read Curley's mind and realize that even though Penn State concluded that nothing had happened and that it was a case of horseplay it was something else?
And this brings up something else. Where is the evidence that TSM was on notice that Sandusky was a pedophile. After 51/2 years why hasn't any employee or volunteer come forward to say TSM knew? Where's the equivalent of McQueary, the janitor, the second janitor (from 2005) and the Penn State cops (i.e relatively low level)? Where's the equivalent of Paterno (high level). Where is the equivalent of #6's mother (a complaining parent)? Or number 6's psychologist (a professional). And where are the emails implicating TSM?
If PSU was so concerned that TSM know about horseplay in the shower in 2001, why didn't they report '98 where a professional opined that Sandusky was a probable pedophile?
Are you serious?
JR is supposed to do his job
His job has nothing to do with "nothing untoward happened"
What is so hard to understand
He was told
They have protocols
They didn't follow them