The nice thing for Pitt fans is that it's easy to meet low expectations....

We did not give them the game and the stats show that. We do we talk about them all the time?

Then by all mean elaborate. Because all that matters is the score at the end of the game. PSU won 11 games this year with strong second half performances, versus Pitt they screwed up two chances to put the game away at the end.

We don't "talk about them", we make fun of them. A huge and obvious difference.
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Contrary to what you think, our 'lower" rated players can play, and play pretty well.
One example, Henderson a CONCENSUS All American as a soph. He had decent
offers out of h.s. (not from PSU of course). I'm not saying all of our recruits are a "Henderson."As long as we continue to get our recruits to play as they've done the past few years we'll continue to do well.
And therein lies the problem. See, at Penn State we have CONSENSUS All Americans. Like, real ones. Pitt has CONCENSUS All Americans. But hey, I guess concensus players are what you need to win 839 Nationall Champioonships. o_O
Have you looked at hotel prices for that weekend? There aren't 1200 Pitt fans who will be able to afford to attend. They don't own cars, after all.
I can't wait to see Snyder or Fitz put out the 24-21 OSU shirts....oh wait...they won't do that because they aren't idiot fanboys like Peak is. Wearing that shirt says we'll never win a conference title or anything else so this is our championship shirt. Kudos to the Pitt fans buying that shirt by the dozens!!!! I love that shirt to be's says it all.
I hope they all buy one. It will state, once and for all, that the only thing that matters to Pitt fans is to compare themselves to us.
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They won. To the victor belongs the spoils. I hope all 1200 of their fans wear that shirt to Beaver Stadium next season.
If the spoils are a crummy tee shirt, a 4th place finish in the worst division in college football and a trip to the Pinstripe Bowl...then they can have the spoils.
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