The stadium sound system

is it as annoying in the stadium as it sounds on tv?

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact, at least for the first half yesterday, I hardly even noticed it. After the last two games, this game was like a morgue in the first half.

When they started to pump in the noise, the Beav became one of the toughest places to play in the Nation. Before that, it had a reputation as being one of the quietest. Screw silence. Give me all the noise you got! I can get silence at church. I want other teams to absolutely dread playing there.
Before all of that millennium-required, aspartame-like stadium-experience fodder was force-fed into the stadium, the gameday experience was second-to-none

Ya. It was like a church picnic. Opposing teams absolutely loved the silence and how polite we were when we allowed them to run their offense
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Yes everyone should sit on their hands and be quiet during the game. Silence is golden.

The crowd used to generate its own sound, with spontaneity and ingenuity. Now you sit there prompted by people who have no idea about game flow. It's like being in a studio and waiting for the Applause sign. Against MSU we even had a false start due to the blaring music not being turned off in time.
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NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact, at least for the first half yesterday, I hardly even noticed it. After the last two games, this game was like a morgue in the first half.

When they started to pump in the noise, the Beav became one of the toughest places to play in the Nation. Before that, it had a reputation as being one of the quietest. Screw silence. Give me all the noise you got! I can get silence at church. I want other teams to absolutely dread playing there.

The loudest crowds I have witnessed were before all of these canned theatrics were introduced. Nebraska, ND, Miami in the early 2000's come to mind.
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is it as annoying in the stadium as it sounds on tv?
I sat in the upper deck in the south stands last year. The PA system was so loud that I was covering my ears. The person sitting behind me told me that the ushers have ears plugs to hand out. I went to the usher, got the plugs. He told me that he had a sound meter at a previous game, and it was consistently in the upper 90s decibel level. And he stands well below where I was sitting. That is way too high.
The loudest crowds I have witnessed were before all of these canned theatrics were introduced. Nebraska, ND, Miami in the early 2000's come to mind.

That's crazy. Most people will agree that the loudest game ever at the Beav was 2005 Ohio State. And there was certainly music for that.

There have been numerous other games since the three you mentioned at least as loud as they were (2001 Miami wasn't really all that loud after the 1st quarter). It's just that we are so used to it now, one loud game blends into another.

It's great when everyone sings along with the songs. In our Section, people sing along with the songs like we used to do in the old days when Oldies at the Gaff used to be so great. Right now, the atmosphere at the Beav exponentially better than it was in the old days when everyone just sat on their hands. And the music is huge part of that! I actually thought they toned it WAAAY down for Iowa. Hence, the place was next to dead in the first half.
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I disagree. Yes Beaver Stadium had quiet moments when nothing exciting was going on. What’s wrong with that? During big moments, the stadium got extremely loud and there was a big home field advantage. Remember the flags thrown for “excessive crowd noise” against Michigan in 1993? Now there is never a moment when there isn’t some advertisement or song blaring. The constant noise has taken away from the game day experience for many. It’s very NFL/pro wrestling, I hate it. It’s tacky and forced. I graduated in the 2000s, was a season ticket holder going back to the late 80s. Unfortunately this is pretty trivial among the complaints I have for the modern PSU.

That's crazy. Most people will agree that the loudest game ever at the Beav was 2005 Ohio State. And there was certainly music for that.

There have been numerous other games since the three you mentioned at least as loud as they were (2001 Miami wasn't really all that loud after the 1st quarter). It's just that we are so used to it now, one loud game blends into another.

It's great when everyone sings along with the songs. In our Section, people sing along with the songs like we used to do in the old days when Oldies at the Gaff used to be so great. Right now, the atmosphere at the Beav exponentially better than it was in the old days when everyone just sat on their hands. And the music is huge part of that! I actually thought they toned it WAAAY down for Iowa. Hence, the place was next to dead in the first half.
These guys seem to like it.

I honestly don't care if they like it or not. They are probably great kids but haven't had kid a mortgage or cancer. That is to say they are immature, as all college kids are to some extent. The fact the college kids 'like it' would never have any affect on what is right or acceptable
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I don't mind the songs, I mind the volume.

I actually do have a complaint about the songs - just as you are getting into one, they suddenly switch to another.
I don't mind the songs, I mind the volume.

I actually do have a complaint about the songs - just as you are getting into one, they suddenly switch to another.

I am a big Interpol fan but they have much better songs than Mr. Brightside. Still not sure why that's all of a sudden popular.:confused:
Before all of that millennium-required, aspartame-like stadium-experience fodder was force-fed into the stadium, the gameday experience was second-to-none
Do you mean back when we were known for having one of the quietest 100k+ stadiums in the country? That's what it was in the late 90's for the most part when I had season tickets, with the exception of a handful of games. I get that some don't like the music but it's a fact that Beaver Stadium is much more intimidating venue they transitioned to playing music instead of just having the band play. Fans of teams all over the country consider a PSU Whiteout night game to be one of the best environments in the country. It's on many fans bucket lists even if they aren't PSU fans.
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I disagree. Yes Beaver Stadium had quiet moments when nothing exciting was going on. What’s wrong with that? During big moments, the stadium got extremely loud and there was a big home field advantage. Remember the flags thrown for “excessive crowd noise” against Michigan in 1993? Now there is never a moment when there isn’t some advertisement or song blaring. The constant noise has taken away from the game day experience for many. It’s very NFL/pro wrestling, I hate it. It’s tacky and forced. I graduated in the 2000s, was a season ticket holder going back to the late 80s. Unfortunately this is pretty trivial among the complaints I have for the modern PSU.

1993 MICHIGAN???????!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you SERIOUS???????!!!!!!!!

Anyone that was there knows that was the most bogus penalty in the history of the Planet. i think the Refs were just surprised we were making ANY noise and threw the flag.

We had more noise on almost every down against Iowa Saturday than we had on that one play against Michigan in 1993. And compared to the previous two games against Ohio State and Michigan State, the place was next to dead, at least in the first half.
of course the penalty was bogus because the rule was incredibly stupid. I and many others would take the stadium experience of that era over today any day, including the lack of luxury suites and the unnecessary club level. Let the fans make the noise not some stupid sound system playing the same songs over and over and over for decades.

1993 MICHIGAN???????!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you SERIOUS???????!!!!!!!!

Anyone that was there knows that was the most bogus penalty in the history of the Planet. i think the Refs were just surprised we were making ANY noise and threw the flag.

We had more noise on almost every down against Iowa Saturday than we had on that one play against Michigan in 1993. And compared to the previous two games against Ohio State and Michigan State, the place was next to dead, at least in the first half.
I understand the "Hey you kids, get off my lawn" thing, but OTOH if they kids really are on your lawn and really are messing it up even though they have other places to play then telling them to get off your lawn is reasonable.

I haven't attended a game in a long time so I can't speak to what it is like today but TV viewing experience has gotten worse and worse. Whoever said the games were becoming more like pro wrestling was right on the mark.

One thing I don't understand when I watch games is why they sing "Sweet Caroline" at so many places. Don't get me wrong, it's a great tune, but since other schools or pro teams use it already wouldn't you want to do something different? There are a million great tunes to choose from. Pick your own tune and then it becomes associated with you. And it's special for your fans because it's not the same tune everybody else does.
It's not the volume that drives me nuts. Play it louder for all i care. It's the quality of sound that is very poor. Buy some real gear.

Also balance the sound ... the south end zone during the last upgrade recieved the majority speakers and power. The north end zone received very little. Problem being the south end zone needs to be blaring because 90 percent of the time the sound is going into the wind. Hence why people in the upper deck are deaf.
His name is Dean Devore. If you think back, he has changed his style significantly over the last 7-8 years. He was not always like that.

No he hasn't he schtick has been the same. Laaaaa Reeeee John-son ... he has been bad from the get go and just got more flamboyant as he went on... the greatest show!!!!!!! let him know on twitter ... handjob and a half
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I honestly don't care if they like it or not. They are probably great kids but haven't had kid a mortgage or cancer. That is to say they are immature, as all college kids are to some extent. The fact the college kids 'like it' would never have any affect on what is right or acceptable

I have a mortgage, a kid, and am a cancer survivor, and I like it - a lot. The lady who sat near me at the last game I attended who looked a good 20+ years my senior (mid-70's) and her husband seemed to like it, too. Making noise IS the right and acceptable - it's a college football game not a dinner party. Behaving like it's an event for quiet enjoyment and casual conversation, and worse, expecting othes to do the same is neither right nor acceptable. As for maturity, a big part of it is not being self-centered and understanding that's there's a time for place for everything and one should adjust their expectations accordingly. We're there for the team, they aren't there for you.
I have a mortgage, a kid, and am a cancer survivor, and I like it - a lot. The lady who sat near me at the last game I attended who looked a good 20+ years (mid-70's) and her husband seemed to like it, too. Making noise IS the right and acceptable - it's a college football game not a dinner party. Behaving like it's an event for quiet enjoyment and casual conversation, and worse, expecting othes to do the same is neither right nor acceptable. As for maturity, a big part of it is not being self-centered and understanding that's there's a time for place for everything and one should adjust their expectations accordingly. We're there for the team, they aren't there for you.
Great....when someone calls someone one the N-word or a woman a bitch and a hoe, remember, they are not racists or sexists. They just like the art.


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I am 62 and I don’t know who performs a lot of these songs but I love it. All of it. It’s part of the experience and the students love it and they make most of the noise in the stadium so I’m good with it.
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Great....when someone calls someone one the N-word or a woman a bitch and a hoe, remember, they are not racists or sexists. They just like the art.


If your objection is to the song and not the crowd noise, then we're talking about two different things, and I'm sorry I misunderstood your post. I don't know the song and can't understand the lyrics on the video, so I missed your point entirely. I don't like hip hop as a whole (old guy), am as bothered by lyrics of that sort as you, and have had discussions about the lyrics of songs of many genres with my kid. Having been a student during the era of the profane lyric version of the alma mater, I try to give stupid kids a little grace. I certainly needed it at that age. Cheers.
If your objection is to the song and not the crowd noise, then we're talking about two different things, and I'm sorry I misunderstood your post. I don't know the song and can't understand the lyrics on the video, so I missed your point entirely. I don't like hip hop as a whole (old guy), am as bothered by lyrics of that sort as you, and have had discussions about it with my kid. Having been a student during the era of the profane lyric version of the alma mater, I try to give stupid kids a little grace. I needed it at that age, too. Cheers.
OK, my apologies. Crowd noise, the louder the better. Some hip hop I like, others I do not. I recall singing the Stone's "Star, F a Star" from Goats Head Soup so I get it. However, I don't want that blaring from the loudspeakers in front of 107,000 people. I quit going to Browns games because I guy next to me kept tossing F bombs at the refs next to his 9 year old kid (no matter how warranted). I asked him a couple of times to quit dropping F bombs. After a quarter, I asked stadium security to ask him. They told me that he didn't mean any harm. We need to maintain, at least, a minimum level of decorum in society.
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OK, my apologies. Crowd noise, the louder the better. Some hip hop I like, others I do not. I recall singing the Stone's "Star, F a Star" from Goats Head Soup so I get it. However, I don't want that blaring from the loudspeakers in front of 107,000 people. I quit going to Browns games because I guy next to me kept tossing F bombs at the refs next to his 9 year old kid (no matter how warranted). I asked him a couple of times to quit dropping F bombs. After a quarter, I asked stadium security to ask him. They told me that he didn't mean any harm. We need to maintain, at least, a minimum level of decorum in society.

We're good - pretty much 100% in agreement. I had a similar experience at my last NFL game - no thanks.
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I have a mortgage, a kid, and am a cancer survivor, and I like it - a lot. The lady who sat near me at the last game I attended who looked a good 20+ years my senior (mid-70's) and her husband seemed to like it, too. Making noise IS the right and acceptable - it's a college football game not a dinner party. Behaving like it's an event for quiet enjoyment and casual conversation, and worse, expecting othes to do the same is neither right nor acceptable. As for maturity, a big part of it is not being self-centered and understanding that's there's a time for place for everything and one should adjust their expectations accordingly. We're there for the team, they aren't there for you.

I think many in this thread are talking past each other.

I love the loud stadium. Yelling, cheering, being on my feet. Nothing better. I don’t mind some music, or a competent PA announcer and program. It’s not that there is noise, it’s the WAY IT’S DONE. It is so over the top, so cartoonishly amateur, so needlessly’s hot garbage. Not every waking second has to be filled with artificial noise, or the sound of our dogsh*t PA announcer climaxing. We could do SO much better.
I honestly don't care if they like it or not. They are probably great kids but haven't had kid a mortgage or cancer. That is to say they are immature, as all college kids are to some extent. The fact the college kids 'like it' would never have any affect on what is right or acceptable

You don't think the teams enjoying that and deserves it for busting their asses in the rain for the last three hours? I think it's great for them
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of course the penalty was bogus because the rule was incredibly stupid. I and many others would take the stadium experience of that era over today any day, including the lack of luxury suites and the unnecessary club level. Let the fans make the noise not some stupid sound system playing the same songs over and over and over for decades.

That's the problem. Too many fans DIDN'T make any noise. In fact, I can't tell you how many "fans" have told me to be quiet in years past so they "could enjoy the game". Meanwhile, those same hand sitting a$$holes that always told me to be quiet would be gone by the beginning or middle of the 4th quarter. We might as well have all spread out a nice, pretty little picnic lunch for all to enjoy.

The music has made it OK to actually cheer. I love that about it. Now you can scream your lungs out and nobody gives a crap. And whereas in the past, NO ONE even sang to our fight song, now the whole stadium sings to almost everything. They even sing the actual words to our Alma Mater now.

Place is such a blast now I don't even miss the fact we don't serve alcohol. Greatest fricken place on the entire Planet Earth!!!!!!!!!

Keep the music a-blastin!!!!!!!!!