Theeeeee Yankees win! Stop the Mets 11 game winning streak and are


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2001
in 1st in the AL East. You Philly guys better come over to the dark side so you will have a team to root for this year.
in 1st in the AL East. You Philly guys better come over to the dark side so you will have a team to root for this year.
Don't get too excited. The Yankees infield will be lucky to hit .220 for the season. They're hot now but....

For the Yankees to make the playoffs:
Tanaka has to rebound
Pineda has to stay healthy
Nova has to come back healthy
ARod/Beltran have to avg .260 and combine for 35 HRs & 150

Headly will hit .230
Gregorious will hit .210
Drew will hit .220
Teixeira will hit .235
in 1st in the AL East. You Philly guys better come over to the dark side so you will have a team to root for this year.
in 1st in the AL East. You Philly guys better come over to the dark side so you will have a team to root for this year.
How can Yankee fans tell who the players are without the names on the backs of their uniforms?:D