There are some who post here, in various guises, who bring this image to mind.

BTW, I also have a Master's Degree from a top-5 ranked Private School within my professional discipline in addition to my PSU Undergraduate Degree, but I don't run around name-dropping it in some lame, pathetic attempt to define or validate myself AND arrogantly claim it as some pretext to pompously lecture others as to the pride they are permitted to take in their Alma Master's Sports Teams accomplishments on the field while maintaing some of the highest standards & accomplishments in the classroom (i.e., the manner in which these sports programs - both athletes & coaches - represent The University).
Some of most corrupt, pieces-of-garbage, ethicless, immoral, lying, self-serving, narcissistic, self-dealing, indecent lawyers-turned-politicians and abusive, tyrannizing "public servants" to ever grace "public life" received their undergraduate and/or jurisprudence degree from Harvad and Yale. True ethically-challenged lowlifes and immoral, self-dealing miscreants, you should be so proud!
You are the one who attacked the culture created by Joe Pa... basically called is all phonies for believing that Penn State's grade experiment is a fraud.
I am a 2007 alum of the Eberly College of Science.
You just are the type of cynic with who I have nothing in-common.
BTW, I also have a Master's Degree from a top-5 ranked Private School within my professional discipline in addition to my PSU Undergraduate Degree, but I don't run around name-dropping it in some lame, pathetic attempt to define or validate myself AND arrogantly claim it as some pretext to pompously lecture others as to the pride they are permitted to take in their Alma Master's Sports Teams accomplishments on the field while maintaing some of the highest standards & accomplishments in the classroom (i.e., the manner in which these sports programs - both athletes & coaches - represent The University).
Some of most corrupt, pieces-of-garbage, ethicless, immoral, lying, self-serving, narcissistic, self-dealing, indecent lawyers-turned-politicians and abusive, tyrannizing "public servants" to ever grace "public life" received their undergraduate and/or jurisprudence degree from Harvad and Yale. True ethically-challenged lowlifes and immoral, self-dealing miscreants, you should be so proud!
I understand the concept of demand v. supply, but I really hope this entrepeneur - who has stones to list his Overnight RV passes for $3k each - finds himself with with an acute urinary tract infection...
Thankfully with my kids' HS football schedules neither of those contests were options for me... though with patience and persistence, I was able to find a Blue (preferred) RV parking for Rutgers for $150... but there are more than a couple Nittwits listing theirs for $4/$500 ...
Makes me not regret (so much) my son's recent decision to stiff-arm the prospect/reality of out-of-state PSU tuition and attend college elsewhere...
Can't deny the odor of "country club" at PSU was always there... but, to me, the stench is turning me off to what should otherwise be a great way to spend a fall afternoon with family and friends... this is the "culture problem" that has been turning me, an alumnus, off to things Penn State...
Well, this thread is fun. Let's all go drink cyanide and jump off the bridge to really get this party started.
They need to reconsider renaming this board. There's a UMD thread on 247 called "I Hate PSU So Much". Some of you might fit right in?
I have said on a number of occasions that I will always have my friends, my memories, and my degree, but the Penn State I knew no longer exists. I respect the opinions of those who say it is a better place. I just don't share them. I have given my reasons many times so I won't belabor them here. I have been happily married for 45 years, but I have friends who have gone through bitter divorces in what were once happy marriages. What changed? As this relates to me and Penn State, one might argue it is I who have changed, but those who know me best, my wife and college friends, say otherwise. Regardless, I cannot change how I feel. I have tried. I have not set foot on campus in 3 years and I have no desire to go back. Perhaps that too will change, but the present leadership, from the President and BOT, down to the Alumni Association, make the odds of that happening very long indeed.What a shame! On the other hand both of my kids, one a recent alum, and the other a sophomore absolutely LOVE PSU. Guess you can't please everyone.
Fairgambit, everyone has a different experience on what makes their unviersity special. It should have been the time you spent there that made your experience special because other than that, yes, 8 out of 10 things about a University are pretty much status quo.
If you're not aware that PSU Isn't a state school then you need to do some research into the difference between the "PA State System of Higher Education Schools (PASSHE)" and the "PA Commonwealth System of Higher Education aka PA State Related Universities".
There are 4 PA State Related Universities - Pitt, Penn State, Temple and Lincoln University.
There are 14 PASSHE schools -
Others have started arguing the differences between the states - but I just wanted to share the different kinds of "state" schools in PA and that you should educate yourself in how they are funded before drawing parallels between the SUNY schools and a state related school like Penn State.
- Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
- California University of Pennsylvania
- Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
- Clarion University of Pennsylvania
- East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
- Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
- Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
- Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
- Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
- Millersville University of Pennsylvania
- Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
- Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
- West Chester University of Pennsylvania
I have said on a number of occasions that I will always have my friends, my memories, and my degree, but the Penn State I knew no longer exists. I respect the opinions of those who say it is a better place. I just don't share them. I have given my reasons many times so I won't belabor them here. I have been happily married for 45 years, but I have friends who have gone through bitter divorces in what were once happy marriages. What changed? As this relates to me and Penn State, one might argue it is I who have changed, but those who know me best, my wife and college friends, say otherwise. Regardless, I cannot change how I feel. I have tried. I have not set foot on campus in 3 years and I have no desire to go back. Perhaps that too will change, but the present leadership, from the President and BOT, down to the Alumni Association, make the odds of that happening very long indeed.
Many of us have come to the conclusion that Penn State really is not what we thought it was. We just have taken different roads to get to the same point. That does not make the ultimate value judgment any less valid.
Move to New York then. Everything in NY is perfect!Meanwhile in state tuition is free to NY residents.
NY sucks. Free tuition doesn't make sense IMO. It's not free, it's just getting other people to pay for it. People intentionally keep their incomes low enough to qualify which is absurd. But if you can take advantage why not?Move to New York then. Everything in NY is perfect!
Thanks Bushy!Your comparison is incorrect. Cornell is the "Land Grant University" in New York and the tuition isn't free jasper. Cornell was split at the time of its naming as the NY State Land Grant Public University - its colleges which were funded under the "Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862" (Engineering, Agriculture and Teaching) became a Pulbic University, while other Colleges were maintained as Private Colleges, which remains true to this day (i.e., Cornell has both Private and Pulblic Colleges within its overal "Institutional Structure" which predates the Morrill Act). See the following LINK directly at Cornell's website, which clearly states that Cornell is a member of the "Association of Public and Land Grant Universities". PSU as an institution pre-dated the "Morrill Land Grant Act" as well, but when PSU was "reorganized" as PSU and named as the sole-recipient of the Federal Land Grant Act proceeds, PSU was structured as a "singular" PUBLIC INSTITUTION via Legislation by the PA Government that not only formed the new University, created it's seminal "Founding Charter" (and bylaws), but also DEEDED the University to Citizens of Pennsylvania in perpetuity (i.e., PSU is a part of the "Public Trust" just as a State Park is....).
The Land Grant Universities (Colleges in the case of Cornell) are "Public Institutions" in that they are deeded to the "Public" in perpetuity via their founding legislation. The nomenclature that Pennsylvania uses in regards to it's "State University System" (i.e., schools run directly by the PA Department of Education rather than Public Schools that are "self-governed" by charter) is just that "nomenclature". Yes, the PA "State University System" are "Public Schools", but so is the "Pennsylvania State University" and all of its "branch campus system" a Public School as well.
This is why I invested in a 12 x 20 walled canopy, which goes up in my backyard at the beginning of the season and comes down after the final game. Big screen TV, sound system, beer, friends and family. And I don't travel more than 50 feet. Love the games live, but too much expense for this buckeroo.
Thanks for the history lesson but the last time I looked PSU wasn't a private Ivy League University.
I think PSU is a great school but it is one of the most expensive in the B1G.
No, actually someone pays for itMeanwhile in state tuition is free to NY residents.
as the win total goes up and the rankings go up.......guess what so does my price i'm charging for my seat. i love capitalism.Manc, to be fair there is nothing remotely exciting at any of those campuses that you mentioned that would warrant such an obscene markup in prices.
If you have the fever for PS football then you are in the pricing war for a lot of needs: [parking, tickets, lodging, meals]. It just sounds like your fever for the product has waned. Understandable.
I do wonder if PS will feel any impact of free tuition in NYS. I understand that your son found a option for college better for him than PS, but, I live in town here and there are a tremendous amount of out of state plates [NY and NJ especially] for move in weekend. The education here really is still in big demand, even for out of state students....
Exactly right. Ridiculous comparison. Many of the students going to these SUNY universities have been accepted at schools like RIT, Cornell, Penn State, Boston College, NYU but have made the decision to get a fine degree, in their respective major, at a fraction of the cost.Please, Binghamton, UB, Albany, Geneseo aren't exactly Bloomsburg, Slippery Rock, LHU... Brockport? Oswego? cortland? Yeah
I have said on a number of occasions that I will always have my friends, my memories, and my degree, but the Penn State I knew no longer exists. I respect the opinions of those who say it is a better place. I just don't share them. I have given my reasons many times so I won't belabor them here. I have been happily married for 45 years, but I have friends who have gone through bitter divorces in what were once happy marriages. What changed? As this relates to me and Penn State, one might argue it is I who have changed, but those who know me best, my wife and college friends, say otherwise. Regardless, I cannot change how I feel. I have tried. I have not set foot on campus in 3 years and I have no desire to go back. Perhaps that too will change, but the present leadership, from the President and BOT, down to the Alumni Association, make the odds of that happening very long indeed.
Yes, and it's not only the taxpayers. Many don't know that the student is required to live and work in NY for the number of years equal to the time they received the tuition.No, actually someone pays for it
My love of PSU is waning because I've found Pitt.
Tickets are cheap, expectations are low. As a Pitt fan posting online, I can post whatever nonsense I want and pretend to believe it. The best part is, no one expects me to use proper grammar and punctuation.
My love of PSU is waning because I've found Pitt.
Tickets are cheap, expectations are low. As a Pitt fan posting online, I can post whatever nonsense I want and pretend to believe it. The best part is, no one expects me to use proper grammar and punctuation.
Your posts on this are unbelievable. Maybe it never was what you thought it was in the first place? Just cuz you realized way late in life that other schools have great opportunities too, that you were an ignorant fool and your arrogance misplaced, suddenly means the place has changed? You opened your eyes and realized you were wrong, and now you're compounding that wrong by blaming everyone but the man in the mirror. Shit happens, grow up, the place is still amazing and means a ton to a lot of us.
Is this just a gradual erosion of your love for Penn State, beginning with the change from neutral gray face masks to blue?
And you're always considered a "Super Fan" entitled to the greatest perks like free tickets with your hamburger purchase as well as other fabulous perks at your Rent-a-Stadium because there's only a handful of you.
You are clearly faster too.I truly feel elite, now that I am a Pitt fan. For the first time in a long time, I am smarter and better looking than all of my peers.
Go to King Canopy online and invest in the canopy with the heavier posts (wider diameter). Get walls with windows. It's a great setup.I like that idea. So much so, I might steal it.
I understand the concept of demand v. supply, but I really hope this entrepeneur - who has stones to list his Overnight RV passes for $3k each - finds himself with with an acute urinary tract infection...
Thankfully with my kids' HS football schedules neither of those contests were options for me... though with patience and persistence, I was able to find a Blue (preferred) RV parking for Rutgers for $150... but there are more than a couple Nittwits listing theirs for $4/$500 ...
Makes me not regret (so much) my son's recent decision to stiff-arm the prospect/reality of out-of-state PSU tuition and attend college elsewhere...
Can't deny the odor of "country club" at PSU was always there... but, to me, the stench is turning me off to what should otherwise be a great way to spend a fall afternoon with family and friends... this is the "culture problem" that has been turning me, an alumnus, off to things Penn State...
Yes, the place is still amazing in many ways; it still means a ton to me; but..... it has changed since the great fan-hitting of 2011. Some of it is a natural evolution of change, which is often good change. But there has been a significant amount of unnatural and unnecessary change in the guise of turmoil as well. There is a decided less-alumni / friends of PSU 'feel' coming from too many decisions and addy-toods from the BOT Chair and Pres and those who control the power in those areas.
Fair has made his decision to stay away, MMII has opted for other activities and limited PSU activites.... I respect all that. They were not and are not ignorant and arrogant, nor wrong, imo. They are the kinds of people (both alums and friends of PSU) who helped make PSU what is was and what parts of it still are to me and hundreds of thousands of alumni. I am still entrenched and cannot break away as 'easily' (and I doubt they made their choices on a whim), but I admit the thought has crossed my mind.
I've certainly recognized the changes and how it feels differently than it did for decades for me and countless others. I've made donation decisions that reflect how those changes have impacted me and my addy-tood.
We each handle these changes personally and roll with the punches in our own way. You and I are not wrong to stay rather firmly entrenched. Fair and MMII are not wrong for the decisions they made. The things that happened to PSU as a whole and to very good people who have been wrongfully scapegoated, all of whom gave their all for PSU with never a bad intention, have impacted me deeply. I'm heartbroken in that sense. Yet, somehow I cannot fall out of my life-long love with PSU and Happy Valley.
Can't explain it, don't understand it, ain't never felt like this before.
Just my nickle's worth of nuttin'.
Your posts on this are unbelievable. Maybe it never was what you thought it was in the first place? Just cuz you realized way late in life that other schools have great opportunities too, that you were an ignorant fool and your arrogance misplaced, suddenly means the place has changed? You opened your eyes and realized you were wrong, and now you're compounding that wrong by blaming everyone but the man in the mirror. Shit happens, grow up, the place is still amazing and means a ton to a lot of us.
Penn State most certainly has changed from what it was 30 to 40 years ago. Graham Spanier was no Bryce Jordan, and Eric Barron is no Graham Spanier. Higher education has changed throughout the entire country, and Penn State is no outlier in this regard.
In addition, Penn State has made a decision that if you are an alum and over 50 years old, the university will not cater to you. In the past, universities would cater to the older alumni in order to solicit their financial support. Now, the university's attitude is that if the older alums don't like it, the university will get along fine without them. The university may be right or wrong about their approach to older alums, but that is the reality of the situation.
You are clearly faster too.
But since you are a Pitt fan, 48-14.
I don't see a problem with it. The guy is seeking price discovery. It's the capitalist way. Look, you post an item on EBay to sell. Do you seek the best price possible or not? Let's not be hypocritical here. If he thinks there's someone willing to pay then he's well within his rights.
If you think the overall game experience is price-gouging then the solution is simple. Stay home. Watch the game on TV. That said, I like your car reviews. Keep 'em coming.
I thank you and have a blessed eclipse day.
I have said on a number of occasions that I will always have my friends, my memories, and my degree, but the Penn State I knew no longer exists. I respect the opinions of those who say it is a better place. I just don't share them. I have given my reasons many times so I won't belabor them here. I have been happily married for 45 years, but I have friends who have gone through bitter divorces in what were once happy marriages. What changed? As this relates to me and Penn State, one might argue it is I who have changed, but those who know me best, my wife and college friends, say otherwise. Regardless, I cannot change how I feel. I have tried. I have not set foot on campus in 3 years and I have no desire to go back. Perhaps that too will change, but the present leadership, from the President and BOT, down to the Alumni Association, make the odds of that happening very long indeed.