Thread on testing & treatment research for COVID-19

Masks work, according to this somewhat limited study.
Surgical mask ~25% better than no mask for people directly exposed to Covid.
N95 ~40% better than no mask for people directly exposed to Covid.

or people directly exposed to Covid.

This is the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine candidate. Looks promising for older adults. These are Phase II results, I believe, and don't really examine efficacy.


1. Pour a large glass of red wine. Try to smell it.
2. If you can smell the wine, drink it and see if you can taste it.
3. If you can smell and taste the wine it confirms you don't have Covid.

Last night I did the test 19 times and all were negative, thank God.

Tonight, I am going to do the test again, because this morning I woke with a headache and feel like I am coming down with something.

I am so nervous!