Ticket Transfers with web or app

Cowbell Man

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2002
Has anyone had any issues with this? My friend gets an error message that the transfer I have initiated to them is invalid or expired. I've tried using both the app based transfer and web based.
Has anyone had any issues with this? My friend gets an error message that the transfer I have initiated to them is invalid or expired. I've tried using both the app based transfer and web based.

I don’t think the system lets you scalp your tickets this early.
I don’t think the system lets you scalp your tickets this early.
lol. Simply a transfer for the first two who can scalp those anyway?

And I'd say user error but they definitely have a problem with the app recognizing consecutive seats. It won't work.

Meanwhile, in case anyone market Idaho seats are like $30plus. Open Market Rutgers......$20. lol