Tracking the BWI Board 2018-19 LMS Contest

Tom McAndrew

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Below are the entrants I recorded for each participant. Primary is listed as 1, and Secondary is listed as 2.

Tom McAndrew
1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Derek White (lost on 11/18)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Pat Glory (lost on 11/16)

1. Derek White (lost on 11/18)
2. Isaiah White (lost on 11/10)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Mekhi Lewis (lost on 11/16)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Alex Smythe (lost on 11/11)

1. Mike Labriola (lost on 11/16)
2. Vito Arujau (lost on 11/11)

1. Derek White (lost on 11/18)
2. Trent Hillier (lost on 12/29)

1. Derek White (lost on 11/18)
2. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)

1. Vito Arujau (lost on 11/11)
2. Kanen Storr (lost on 11/30)

lobo lion
1. Mike Labriola (lost on 11/16)
2. Jake Woodley (lost on 11/11)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)

1. Anthony Cassar (lost on 1/2)
2. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)

1. Gable Steveson (did not wrestle on 11/9)
2. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)

John Basedow
1. Pat Lugo (lost on 11/9)
2. Austin DeSanto (lost on 12/1)

1. Mekhi Lewis (lost on 11/16)
2. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)

1. Gable Steveson (did not wrestle on 11/9)
2. Jacob Warner (did not wrestle on 11/9)

1. Nick Reenan (did not wrestle on 11/17)
2. Derek White (lost on 11/18)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Nick Reenan (did not wrestle on 11/17)

1. Derek White (lost on 11/18)
2. Stephen Loiseau (lost on 11/18)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Gable Steveson (did not wrestle on 11/9)

Ban Basketball
1. Taylor Lujan (lost on 12/1)
2. Anthony Valencia (did not wrestle on 11/11)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Austin DeSanto (lost on 12/1)

1. Mekhi Lewis (lost on 11/16)
2. Nick Reenan (did not wrestle on 11/17)

1. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)
2. Brock Zacharl (lost on 12/1)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Thomas Haines (lost on 11/11)

1. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)
2. Mekhi Lewis (lost on 11/16)

1. Derek White (lost on 11/18)
2. Nick Reenan (did not wrestle on 11/17)

1. Derek White (lost on 11/18)
2. Mike Labriola (lost on 11/16)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Ke-Shawn Hayes (lost on 11/30)

1. John Erneste (did not wrestle on 11/11)
2. Austin DeSanto (lost on 12/1)

1. Vito Arujau (lost on 11/11)
2. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)

1. Brock Zacharl (lost on 12/1)
2. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Taylor Lujan (lost on 12/1)

1. Ryan Presch (lost on 11/11)
2. Anthony Cassar (lost on 1/2)

1. Anthony Cassar (lost on 1/2)
2. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)

1. Mason Parris (lost on 11/11)
2. Mike Labriola (lost on 11/16)

1. Nick Reenan (did not wrestle on 11/17)
2. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)

1. Brock Zacharl (lost on 12/1)
2. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Anthony Cassar (lost on 1/2)

1. Isaiah White (lost on 11/10)
2. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)

1. Chandler Rogers (lost on 11/25)
2. Jacobe Smith (lost on 1/1)

1. Nick Reenan (did not wrestle on 11/17)
2. Anthony Cassar (lost on 1/2)

1. Isaiah White (lost on 11/10)
2. Max Murin (lost on 12/1)

Eastern HWT
1. Mekhi Lewis (lost on 11/16)
2. Pat Lugo (lost on 11/9)

1. Derek White (lost on 11/18)

1. Ryan Kreisch (lost on 11/11)
2. Brock Zacharl (lost on 12/1)

1. Dylan Barreiro (lost on 11/9)
2. Isaac Bast (lost on 11/9)

1. Max Murin (lost on 12/1)
2. Austin DeSanto (lost on 12/1)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Max Murin (lost on 12/1)

1. Anthony Cassar (lost on 1/2)
2. Nick Reenan (did not wrestle on 11/17)

1. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)
2. Derek White (lost on 11/18)

NoVa Lion
1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Ke-Shawn Hayes (lost on 11/30)

1. Mike Labriola (lost on 11/16)
2. Isaiah White (lost on 11/10)

Just another PSU Fan
1. Vito Arujau (lost on 11/16)
2. Austin DeSanto (lost on 12/1)

The Japanese Whizzer
1. Gable Steveson (did not wrestle on 11/9)
2. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)

1. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)
2. Ryan Kreisch (lost on 11/11)

1. Mikhi Lewis (lost on 11/16)
2. Vito Arujau (lost on 11/11)

1. Pat Lugo (lost on 11/9)
2. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)

1. Nick Reenan (did not wrestle on 11/17)
2. Max Murin (lost on 12/1)

1. Derek White (lost on 11/18)
2. Anthony Cassar (lost on 1/2)

Sue Nammy
1. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)
2. Austin DeSanto (lost on 12/1)

1. Derek White (lost on 11/18)
2. Thomas Haines (lost on 11/11)

1. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)
2. Jon Viruet (lost on 11/30)

1. Nick Reenan (did not wrestle on 11/17)
2. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)

1. Mikhi Lewis (lost on 11/16)
2. Daton Fix (lost on 1/19)

Zep Graffiti
1. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)
2. Anthony Artalona (lost on 11/18)

1. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)
2. Nick Reenan (did not wrestle on 11/17)

1. Anthony Cassar (lost on 1/2)
2. Vito Arujau (lost on 11/11)

1. Derek White (lost on 11/18)
2. Mekhi Lewis (lost on 11/16)

The Shelter
1. Anthony Cassar (lost on 1/2)
2. Devin Schnupp (lost on 11/11)

1. Patrick Brucki
2. Derek White (lost on 11/18)

PSU James
1. Gable Steveson (did not wrestle on 11/9)
2. Roman Bravo-Young (lost on 1/2)

This is the 3rd year of the BWI LMS Competition. hlstone won the 2016-17 contest, and dsauer22 won the 2017-18 contest.
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Sorry for the delay in getting the BWI LMS started, and then the delay in starting the tracking. We had many more people enter this year (a good thing), and I've been somewhat busy of late.

I wanted to start tracking this before the CKLV tournament, and it appears that I met that self-imposed deadline.

Update after a month of wrestling, on Nov. 30th:

- Tom McAndrew is out because his secondary, Derek White, lost to Gable Steveson, and others have the same primary and a secondary that has not yet lost
- tikk10 is out because his secondary, Pat Glory, lost to Spencer Lee, and others have have the same primary and a secondary that has not yet lost
- pish69 is out because his primary, Derek White, lost to Gable Steveson, and his secondary, Isaiah White, lost to Ebed Jarrell
- findtheStrength is out because his secondary, Mekhi Lewis, to to Connor Flynn, and others have the same primary and a secondary that has not yet lost
- a_mshaffer is out because his secondary, Alex Smythe, lost to Zach Hartman, and others have the same primary and a secondary that has not yet lost
- ecdcr lost because his primary, Mike Labriola, lost to Ryan Christensen, and his secondary, Vito Arujau, lost to Chaz Tucker
- CowboyUp61 is out because his primary, Derek White, lost to Gable Steveson, and others has his secondary as their primary
- lobo lion is out because his primary, Mike Labriola, lost to Ryan Christensen, and his secondary, Jake Woodley, lost to Alex Hopkins
- Lion-around lost because his primary, Gable Steveson, did not wrestle on 11/9, and others have his secondary as their primary
- JohnBasedow is out because his primary, Pat Lugo, lost to Russell Rohlfing, and others have his secondary but their primary has not yet lost
- Doak is out because his primary, Mikhi Lewis, lost to Connor Flynn, and others have his secondary as their primary
- VRE is out because his primary, Gable Steveson, did not wrestle on 11/9, and his secondary did not wrestle on 11/9
- Wrestler91 is out because his primary, Nick Reenan, did not wrestle on 11/17, and his secondary, Derek White, lost to Gable Steveson, and others have the same primary and a secondary that has not yet lost
- RoarLions1 is out because his secondary, Nick Reenan, did not wrestle on 11/17, and others have his primary with their secondary not having lost
- philflyboy is out because his primary, Derek White, lost to Gable Steveson, and his backup, Stephen Loiseau, lost to Bo Nickel
- Lyons212 is out because his secondary, Gable Steveson, did not wrestle on 11/9, and others have the same primary and a secondary that has not yet lost
- PSU_Pride_93 is out because his primary, Mikhi Lewis lost to Connor Flynn, and his secondary, Nick Reenan, did not wrestle on 11/17
- danoftw is out because his secondary, Thomas Haines, lost to Take Orndorff, and others have his primary without their secondary having lost
- dicemen99 is out because his secondary, Mekhi Lewis lost to Connor Flynn, and others have his primary without their secondary having lost
- sneedram55 is out because his primary, Derek White, lost to Gable Steveson, and his secondary, Nick Reenan, did not wrestle on 11/17
- boroscott is out because his primary, Derek White, lost to Gable Steveson, and his secondary, Miek Labriola, lost to Ryan Christensen
- CholleyVandine is out because his primary, John Erneste, did not wrestle on 11/11, and others have his secondary and their primary has not lost
- nerfstate is out because his primary, Vito Arujau, lost to Chaz Tucker, and others have his secondary as their primary
- burnsie1983 is out because his primary, Ryan Preach, lost to Nick Reenan, and others have his secondary as their primary
- 98lberEating2Lunches is out because his primary, Mason Parris, lost to Chase Singletary, and his secondary, Mike Labriola, lost to Ryan Christensen
- Bob_Anderson is out because his primary, Nick Reenan, did not wrestle on 11/17, and others have his secondary as their primary
- Shifty15 is out because his primary, Isaiah White, lost to Ebed Jarrell, and others have his secondary as their primary
- psujeepman1 is out because his primary, Nick Reenan, did not wrestle on 11/17, and others have his secondary as their primary
- yekrut321 is out because his primary, Isaiah White,lost to Ebed Jarrell, and others have his secondary as their primary
- Eastern HWT is out because his primary, Mikhi Lewis lost to Connor Flynn, and his secondary, Pat Lugo, lost to Russell Rolhfing
- Lyco1990 is out because his primary, Derek White, lost to Derek Steveson
- TheDFP is out because his primary, Ryan Preisch, lost to Nick Reenan, and others have his secondary as their primary
- LemonPie is out because his primary, Dylan Barreiro, lost to Ryan Christensen, and his secondary, Isaac Bast, lost to Evan Wick
- SWPA is out because his secondary, Nick Reenan, did not wrestle on 11/17, and others have his primary and their secondary has not lost
- PSUbluTX is out because his secondary, Derek White, lost to Gable Steveson, and others have his primary and their secondary has not lost
- Gork2 is out because his primary, Mike Labriola lost to Ryan Christensen, and his secondary, Isaiah White, lost to Ebed Jarrell
- Just another PSU Fan is out because his primary, Vito Arujau, lost to Chaz Tucker, and others have the same secondary and their primary has not lost
- The Japanese Whizzer is out because his primary, Gable Steveson, did not wrestle on 11/9, and others have his secondary as their primary
- Gray52 is out because his secondary, Ryan Preisch, lost to Nick Reenan, and others have his primary and their secondary has not lost
- mikbard is out because his primary, Mikhi Lewis, lost to Connor Flynn, and his secondary, Vito Arujau, lost to Chaz Tucker
- ihawk9times is out because his primary, Pat Lugo, lost to Russell Fohlfing, and others have his secondary as their primary
- jrod9 is out because his primary, Nick Reenan, did not wrestle on 11/17 and others have his secondary as their primary
- alton11 is out because his primary, Derek White, lost to Gable Steveson, and others have his secondary as their primary
- SetonHallPirate is out because his primary, Derek White, lost to Gable Steveson, and his secondary, Thomas Haines, lost to Tate Orndorff
- Budapest18 is out because his primary, Nick Reenan, did not wrestle on 11/17, and others have his secondary as their primary
- dsauer22 is out because his primary, Mikhi Lewis, lost to Connor Flynn, and others have his secondary as their primary
- ZepGraffiti is out because his secondary, Anthony Artalona, lost to Mitch Finesilver, and others have his primary and their secondary has not lost
- SLUPSU is out because his secondary, Nick Reenan, did not wrestle on 11/17, and others have his primary and their secondary has not lost
- bigbopper1985 is out because his secondary, Vito Arujau, lost to Chaz Tucker, and others have his primary and their secondary has not lost
- Michlion is out because his primary, Derek White, lost to Gable Steveson, and his secondary, Mekhi Lewis, lost to Connor Flynn
- The Shelter is out because his secondary, Devin Schnupp, lost to Jake Ferri, and others have his primary and their secondary has not lost
- PSU James is out because his primary, Gable Steveson, did not wrestle on 11/9, and others have his secondary as their primary
Continuing with my 11/30 standings update:

Still alive in the competition are:
El-Jefe, impalanut, funkisfun12, nitlion6, Ban Basketball, rmg78, Cali_Nittany, bevard, Psu9012, johnstownsteel, 1AA, pawrest01, Used2BEerie, PhilaNit, LaxHawk174, minnhawkeye, NoVa Lion, Sue Nammy, 7brwnpsu, bowandarrow

It will be interesting to see how much the duals this weekend, and the CKLV tournament affects the LMS contest.

Note: If you find that an entrant lost, and I have not indicated as such, don't hesitate to post about it.
Nick Reenan sat against Reinhardt and UNCP. He also did not wrestle in the Wolfpack Open.
Last edited:
Nick Reenan sat against Reinhardt and UNCP. He also did not wrestle in the Wolfpack Open.

ugh, I actually looked at the recap of the Wolfpack Duals, and saw Reenan won against Davidson. I'm usually pretty good at checking all of the box scores, but I seem to have missed that Reenan wasn't in against Reinhardt and against UNC Pembroke.

Per the LMS rules, he would not be penalized for missing the Wolfpack Open -- only would have been an issue if he had wrestled in it and lost a match.

I'll have to modify my earlier post about the standings as of Nov. 30 to reflect that Reenan did not wrestle on 11/17. Note -- I believe I've completed that modification.
I edited my picks after I heard Gable was "RSing" to
1. Anthony Cassar
2. Nick Reenan
in post 79 of the pick list thread on November 9.
I edited my picks after I heard Gable was "RSing" to
1. Anthony Cassar
2. Nick Reenan
in post 79 of the pick list thread on November 9.

Oh, I missed the edit. I corrected your selections in the OP. You're still out, as Reenan didn't wrestle on 11/17, and others have your primary and their secondary has not yet lost.
As expected, the Cliff Keen LV competition, and a return to a robust dual schedule, caused a lot of movement in week 4 of the LMS contest. Here's who's out, and who is still in, in the LMS competition after the fourth week/weekend:

Newly Out: impalanut, Ban Basketball, rmg78, bevard, CholleyVandine, Psu9012, johnstownsteel, pawrest01, LaxHawk174, minnhawkeye, NoVa Lion, and 7brwnpsu

Previously Out: Tom McAndrew, tikk10, pish69, findtheStrength, a_mshaffer, ecdcr, CowboyUp61, lobo lion, Lion-around, John Basedow, Doak, VRE, Wrestler91, RoarLions1, philflyboy, Lyons212, PSU_Pride_93, danoftw, diceman99, sneedram55, boroscott, nerfstate, burnsie1983, 98lberEating2Lunches, Shifty15, psujeepman1, yekrut321, Eastern HWT, Lyco1990, TheDFP, LemonPie, SWPA, PSUbluTX, Gork2, Just another PSU Fan, The Japanese Whizzer, Gray52, mikbard, ihawk9times, jrod9, alton11, SetonHallPirate, Budapest18, dsauer22, Zep Graffiti, SLUPSU, bigbopper1985, Michelin, The Shelter, and PSU James

Still In The Running: El-Jefe, funkisfun12, nitlion6, Cali_Nittany, 1AA, Used2BEerie, PhilaNit, Sue Nammy, bowandarrow. Interestingly, while we have more competitors this year, after Week 4 last year there were 13 competitors still in the running, versus 9 this year.

- impalanut's out because his backup, Kanene Storr, lost to Jaydin Eierman in the CKLV tournament on 11/30, and his primary (which he was the only one to have) had previously lost
- Ban Basketball's out because his primary, Taylor Lujan, lost to Daniel Lewis in the CKLV tournament on 12/1, and his primary (which he was the only one to have) had previously lost
- rmg78's out because his secondary, Austin DeSanto, lost to Austin Gomez in the IA - IA St. dual on 12/1, and others have his primary without their backup having lost
- bevard's out because his backup, Ke-Shawn Hayes, lost to Troy Heilmann in the CKLV tournament on 12/1, and others have his primary without their secondary having lost
- CholleyVandine's out because his secondary, AustinDeSanto, lost to Austin Gomez in the IA - IA St. dual on 12/1, and his primary (which he was the only one to have) had previously lost
- Psu9012's out because his primary, Brock Zacherl, lost to Micah Jordan in the CKLV tournament on 12/1, and others have his secondary as their primary
- johnstownsteels out because his secondary, Taylor Lujan, lost to Daniel Lewis in the CKLV tournament on 12/1, and others have his primary without their secondary having lost
- pawrest01's out because his primary, Brock Zacherl, lost to Micah Jordan in the CKLV tournament on 12/1, and others have his secondary as their primary
- LaxHawk174's out because his primary, Max Murin, lost to Ian Parker in the IA - IA St. dual on 12/1, and his secondary, Austin DeSanto, lost to Austin Gomez in the IA - IA St. dual on 12/1
- minnhawkeye's out because secondary, Max Muri, lost to Ian Parker in the IA - IA St. dual on 12/1, and others have his primary without their secondary having lost
- NoVa Lion's out because his secondary, Ke-Shawn Hayes, lost to Troy Heilmann in the CKLV tournament on 12/1, and others have his primary without their secondary having lost
- 7brwnpsu's out because his secondary, Jon Viruet, lost to Josh McClure at the CKLV tournament on 11/30, and others have his primary with their secondary not having lost until 12/1

Note: If you find that an entrant lost, and I have not indicated as such, don't hesitate to post about it.
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No changes in the LMS standings after the wrestling competition in week 5.

Newly Out: nobody

Previously Out: Tom McAndrew, tikk10, pish69, findtheStrength, a_mshaffer, ecdcr, CowboyUp61, lobo lion, Lion-around, John Basedow, Doak, VRE, Wrestler91, RoarLions1, philflyboy, Lyons212, PSU_Pride_93, danoftw, diceman99, sneedram55, boroscott, nerfstate, burnsie1983, 98lberEating2Lunches, Shifty15, psujeepman1, yekrut321, Eastern HWT, Lyco1990, TheDFP, LemonPie, SWPA, PSUbluTX, Gork2, Just another PSU Fan, The Japanese Whizzer, Gray52, mikbard, ihawk9times, jrod9, alton11, SetonHallPirate, Budapest18, dsauer22, Zep Graffiti, SLUPSU, bigbopper1985, Michelin, The Shelter, and PSU James

Still In The Running: El-Jefe, funkisfun12, nitlion6, Cali_Nittany, 1AA, Used2BEerie, PhilaNit, Sue Nammy, bowandarrow

Note: If you find that an entrant lost, and I have not indicated as such, don't hesitate to post about it.
No changes in the LMS standings after the wrestling competition in week 6.

Newly Out: nobody

Previously Out: Tom McAndrew, tikk10, pish69, findtheStrength, a_mshaffer, ecdcr, CowboyUp61, lobo lion, Lion-around, John Basedow, Doak, VRE, Wrestler91, RoarLions1, philflyboy, Lyons212, PSU_Pride_93, danoftw, diceman99, sneedram55, boroscott, nerfstate, burnsie1983, 98lberEating2Lunches, Shifty15, psujeepman1, yekrut321, Eastern HWT, Lyco1990, TheDFP, LemonPie, SWPA, PSUbluTX, Gork2, Just another PSU Fan, The Japanese Whizzer, Gray52, mikbard, ihawk9times, jrod9, alton11, SetonHallPirate, Budapest18, dsauer22, Zep Graffiti, SLUPSU, bigbopper1985, Michelin, The Shelter, and PSU James

Still In The Running: El-Jefe, funkisfun12, nitlion6, Cali_Nittany, 1AA, Used2BEerie, PhilaNit, Sue Nammy, bowandarrow

Note: If you find that an entrant lost, and I have not indicated as such, don't hesitate to post about it.
No changes in the LMS standings after the wrestling competition in week 6.

Newly Out: nobody

Previously Out: Tom McAndrew, tikk10, pish69, findtheStrength, a_mshaffer, ecdcr, CowboyUp61, lobo lion, Lion-around, John Basedow, Doak, VRE, Wrestler91, RoarLions1, philflyboy, Lyons212, PSU_Pride_93, danoftw, diceman99, sneedram55, boroscott, nerfstate, burnsie1983, 98lberEating2Lunches, Shifty15, psujeepman1, yekrut321, Eastern HWT, Lyco1990, TheDFP, LemonPie, SWPA, PSUbluTX, Gork2, Just another PSU Fan, The Japanese Whizzer, Gray52, mikbard, ihawk9times, jrod9, alton11, SetonHallPirate, Budapest18, dsauer22, Zep Graffiti, SLUPSU, bigbopper1985, Michelin, The Shelter, and PSU James

Still In The Running: El-Jefe, funkisfun12, nitlion6, Cali_Nittany, 1AA, Used2BEerie, PhilaNit, Sue Nammy, bowandarrow

Note: If you find that an entrant lost, and I have not indicated as such, don't hesitate to post about it.

Mike Evans isn't impressed with El Jefe's pick.
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No changes in the LMS standings after the wrestling competition in week 6.

Newly Out: nobody

Previously Out: Tom McAndrew, tikk10, pish69, findtheStrength, a_mshaffer, ecdcr, CowboyUp61, lobo lion, Lion-around, John Basedow, Doak, VRE, Wrestler91, RoarLions1, philflyboy, Lyons212, PSU_Pride_93, danoftw, diceman99, sneedram55, boroscott, nerfstate, burnsie1983, 98lberEating2Lunches, Shifty15, psujeepman1, yekrut321, Eastern HWT, Lyco1990, TheDFP, LemonPie, SWPA, PSUbluTX, Gork2, Just another PSU Fan, The Japanese Whizzer, Gray52, mikbard, ihawk9times, jrod9, alton11, SetonHallPirate, Budapest18, dsauer22, Zep Graffiti, SLUPSU, bigbopper1985, Michelin, The Shelter, and PSU James

Still In The Running: El-Jefe, funkisfun12, nitlion6, Cali_Nittany, 1AA, Used2BEerie, PhilaNit, Sue Nammy, bowandarrow

Note: If you find that an entrant lost, and I have not indicated as such, don't hesitate to post about it.

Looks like its down too: @funkisfun12 , @Used2BEerie , @bowandarrow
good luck folks
The holiday tournaments often bring dramatic changes to the LMS competition, and this year that pattern continued. Jacob Smith, Trent Hillger, Roman Bravo-Young, and Anthony Cassar suffered their 1st defeats of the season. As such, the board has changed a great deal after Week 8 in the LMS standings.

Newly Out: El-Jefe, funkisfun12, nitlion6, Cali_Nittany, 1AA, PhilaNit, and Sue Nammy

Previously Out: Tom McAndrew, tikk10, pish69, findtheStrength, a_mshaffer, ecdcr, CowboyUp61, lobo lion, Lion-around, John Basedow, Doak, VRE, Wrestler91, RoarLions1, philflyboy, Lyons212, PSU_Pride_93, danoftw, diceman99, sneedram55, boroscott, nerfstate, burnsie1983, 98lberEating2Lunches, Shifty15, psujeepman1, yekrut321, Eastern HWT, Lyco1990, TheDFP, LemonPie, SWPA, PSUbluTX, Gork2, Just another PSU Fan, The Japanese Whizzer, Gray52, mikbard, ihawk9times, jrod9, alton11, SetonHallPirate, Budapest18, dsauer22, Zep Graffiti, SLUPSU, bigbopper1985, Michelin, The Shelter, and PSU James

- El-Jefe's out because his secondary, Trent Hillger, lost to AJ Nevills at Midlands
- funkisfun12 is out because his secondary, RBY, lost to Austin Gomez at the Scuffle, and one other has his primary and their secondary lost later than did RBY
- nitlion6 is out because his primary, Anthony Cassar, lost to Derek White at the Scuffle, and others have his secondary as their primary
- Cali_Nittany is out because his primary, RBY, lost to Austin Gomez at the Scuffle
1AA is out because both his primary, Anthony Cassar, and his secondary, RBY, lost at the Scuffle
- PhilaNit is out because his secondary, Jacobe Smith, lost to Hunter Bolen at the Scuffle
- Sue Nammy is out because his/her primary, RBY, lost to Austin Gomez at the Scuffle

Still In The Running: Used2BEerie and bowandarrow

So basically, the competition comes down to whether Daton Fix (Okla. St.) or Patrick Brucki (Princeton) loses first. Used2BEerie is dependent upon Daton Fix not losing, and bowandarrow is dependent upon Patrick Brucki not losing.

Things were a little interesting, in that so many contestants had RBY or Anthony Cassar as one of their entrants. RBY lost in the semifinals of the Scuffle, while Anthony Cassar lost in the finals. As such, while they both lost on Jan. 2nd, Cassar was undefeated longer.

Note: If you find that an entrant lost, and I have not indicated as such, don't hesitate to post about it.
Things were a little interesting, in that so many contestants had RBY or Anthony Cassar as one of their entrants. RBY lost in the semifinals of the Scuffle, while Anthony Cassar lost in the finals. As such, while they both lost on Jan. 2nd, Cassar was undefeated longer.

Tom, following your reasoning, I'm curious how the judiciary panel would've handled this had both RBY and Cassar lost in the finals. Typically this would disfavor lower weight picks but here Cassar would've lost first, as the finals started at 174. But would you have deemed them to have both lost at the "same time" since they lost in the same round?

Similarly, what if, on the same day, Fix loses in the morning and Brucki loses in the evening of a dual?

My hypotheticals have never come up in the context of this contest, but it wouldn't be unheard of.
Tom, following your reasoning, I'm curious how the judiciary panel would've handled this had both RBY and Cassar lost in the finals.

@tikk10, you make me chuckle. At the end of my Week 8 update post, I almost included a sentence or 2 about my fear that at some point in the future (future year competitions), I may be left scrambling to figure out the exact time that bouts ended between two wrestlers competing at different events, on the same day. In the end, I opted to not even open that can of worms.

To your hypothetical, if Fix lost in the morning, and Brucki lost in the evening of the same day, then I'd award bowandarrow 1st place.

In terms of entrants losing in the same event, I'd opt for whichever one lost earlier in the competition. That does have the potential to place some contestants at a disadvantage, in that most tournaments wrestle each round from lowest weight to heaviest weight, with the only variation usually being in the finals. However, I don't really see any viable workaround for this situation. When the competition gets down to two contestants, perhaps I could treat rounds in a tournament as happening at the same time, but that wouldn't work earlier in the LMS contest, and I would like to be consistent in my decisions as commissioner over the course of the contest.
@tikk10, you make me chuckle. At the end of my Week 8 update post, I almost included a sentence or 2 about my fear that at some point in the future (future year competitions), I may be left scrambling to figure out the exact time that bouts ended between two wrestlers competing at different events, on the same day. In the end, I opted to not even open that can of worms.

To your hypothetical, if Fix lost in the morning, and Brucki lost in the evening of the same day, then I'd award bowandarrow 1st place.

In terms of entrants losing in the same event, I'd opt for whichever one lost earlier in the competition. That does have the potential to place some contestants at a disadvantage, in that most tournaments wrestle each round from lowest weight to heaviest weight, with the only variation usually being in the finals. However, I don't really see any viable workaround for this situation. When the competition gets down to two contestants, perhaps I could treat rounds in a tournament as happening at the same time, but that wouldn't work earlier in the LMS contest, and I would like to be consistent in my decisions as commissioner over the course of the contest.
As wise as William Penn. I figure the odds are slim but hardly crazy, and since there's no money at stake, timestamps, if it really came to that, would make the most sense.
No changes in the LMS standings after the wrestling competition in week 9.

Fix won his marquee matchup against Suriano, and Brucki won his marquee matchup against Dakota Greer. I thought the LMS might come to a conclusion based on these matches, but now it could continue on for some time (I'll have to check their future schedules).
Week 10 Update -- We Have A Winner!!!

Newly Out: Used2BEerie

Previously Out: Tom McAndrew, tikk10, pish69, findtheStrength, a_mshaffer, ecdcr, CowboyUp61, lobo lion, Lion-around, John Basedow, Doak, VRE, Wrestler91, RoarLions1, philflyboy, Lyons212, PSU_Pride_93, danoftw, diceman99, sneedram55, boroscott, nerfstate, burnsie1983, 98lberEating2Lunches, Shifty15, psujeepman1, yekrut321, Eastern HWT, Lyco1990, TheDFP, LemonPie, SWPA, PSUbluTX, Gork2, Just another PSU Fan, The Japanese Whizzer, Gray52, mikbard, ihawk9times, jrod9, alton11, SetonHallPirate, Budapest18, dsauer22, Zep Graffiti, SLUPSU, bigbopper1985, Michelin, The Shelter, PSU James, El-Jefe, funkisfun12, nitlion6, Cali_Nittany, 1AA, PhilaNit, and Sue Nammy

- Used2BEerie's out because his primary, Daton Fix, lost to Micky Phillipi on 1/19 at the Okla. St - Pitt dual

The competition was down to Used2BEerie and bowandarrow, as they had Daton Fix (Okla. St.) and Patrick Brucki (Princeton), respectively. Fix was having a great season, but was upset by Micky Phillipi at the Okla. St. - Pitt dual, on 1/19/19. Based on that, bowandarrow wins the 2018-19 BWI LMS Competition. Bowandarrow was the next-to-last competitor to enter the competition, so his options were rather limited. He was the only entrant to list Patrick Brucki as either a primary or secondary entrant.

Major kudos to bowandarrow. He gets bragging rights for one year.

Bowandarrow joins dsauer22, who won the 2017-18 BWI LMS Contest, and histone, who won the 2016-17 BWI LMS Contest
I'd like to thank Patrick Brucki, my opponents, IL wrestling, the wrestling God Cael for inventing wrestling, ankle picks, Zain for perfecting the bow and arrow, Princeton for being the real NJ team, BWI for the countless hours I spend on here, biceps, Gable missing a match, procrastination, Tom McAndrew, graduations, Micky Phillipi and Mickys in general, and mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Was curious if anyone else out there has been thinking about this years contest already or do I need to get a life like I suspect..
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