Good call with looking at the book. Someone far more astute than me (see ringer podcast link below, if you want), figured out that the book used to stand in for Amelia's book is actually this:
In other words, they didn't mock up/typeset Amelia's book, they just used an existing book and wrote stuff related to True Detective in it (the notes).
(they way the knew to look for this was that the text mentions cell phones which were not at all common in 1990)
Anyway, this probably doesn't mean anything directly to the story (i.e. this IS supposed to be Amelia's book in the show), but choosing that particular book as a stand in MIGHT be a subtle message from the writers of the show (especially since we know they create a fake book (the D&D book in Will's room) just for the show). I won't spoil anything, but you can listen to the podcast below (it's at the 24 minute mark or so if you don't want to listen to the whole thing)