I will give some of my thoughts with the realization that a message board is very limiting in trying to present a cogent position. I could talk on these topics for hours and have done so in the past with various people. My background is that I retired a year ago as a patrol sergeant with the San Diego Police Department where I worked for 32 years. My number one priority for my officers and myself, not including officer safety, was that I expected my officers to treat everyone they encountered with dignity and respect. It was not always easy to do when some individuals would treat you with utter disdain and resistance/attack (being spit on, physically assaulted, vilely cussed out, threatening harm to me and my family, throwing down the race card at the drop of a hat, etc.) but as an officer it is your professional responsibility to not abuse your authority no matter what the provocation may be.
On the topic of race, I have spent numerous hours talking with my black friends and colleagues about race issues and racism, especially as it relates to police work. It has always been my belief that racism and discrimination are grave individual sins, but even more so when exhibited by officers. With all of that said, San Diego has historically had better race relations than most large cities, and SDPD is generally viewed as professional and fair in their policing.
The last week has been very difficult for me personally. As I have watched on TV the rampant violence, looting and overall lawlessness I find myself very angry and shaken. I find it appalling the amount of people and "leaders" condoning or excusing the behavior of many of these "protestors". Watching the rioters burn the Minneapolis police precinct after the police abandoned it was particularly infuriating and sad. I am concerned for the future of our country if we continue down some of the paths we have taken as a nation. Some bullet points with my opinions/experiences:
- Officer Chauvin's actions were outrageous and criminal, and I condemn them
- The overall lack of trust in police by many, whether minority or not, is a huge hurdle to overcome
- The racial divide in our country is not getting better anytime soon, especially since the issue of race has been hijacked by those in politics to gain political capital
- Too many police officers treat people (whether minority or not) poorly/unlawfully
- The overwhelming majority of officers act professionally and appropriately most of the time
- Police officers are not monolithic; some are good, some are bad, some are professional, some are unprofessional, some are empathetic and kind, some are badge heavy, some inspire confidence in the profession and some give the profession an extremely bad name
- Police departments need to better monitor and discipline/potentially fire corrupt/abusive officers
- At all levels of society disrespectful behavior/words toward others seems to be increasing
- In the last 10-15 years of my career I noticed an increase in overtly disrespectful behavior toward officers, especially by young people
- Confrontational behavior toward officers seems to be increasing and with it a much higher likelihood of a physical confrontation/use-of-force by the officer (whether justified or not)
- The near immediate 24/7 national news availability that often highlights police use-of-force incidents, especially involving black Americans, skews the belief that the issue is rampant and growing. The race of the suspect and officer seem to be mentioned only when it fits the police racial abuse narrative
- There are millions of interactions each year between police and individuals, and an extremely small percentage of those interactions result in the unlawful injury or death to the individual (any unlawful injury or death is obviously too many)
- I have personally witnessed dozens if not hundreds of instances where officers would have been legally and ethically justified in using force/escalating a situation, but through patience and empathy, defused a potentially volatile/deadly situation. These instances never make the news obviously
- I believe being a police officer is a noble profession and when done well with respect and compassion has the ability to change lives and communities for the better
- As a Christian it is my responsibility to love my neighbor as myself and to try to find common ground with those who view the world differently than I do. I realize that differences of opinion on sensitive and incendiary topics are no excuse to treat anyone poorly
Sorry for the length of this post.