My wife has determined that we must "de-tuscanize" our home. Seems the grand poohbahs of interior fashion design (who I believe are a coven that includes the wizards who decree women's fashion colors must change every year and shoes.... well... shoes... nuff said) have decreed that our beautiful tuscan style home we built for 7 years is no longer "in" and in fact is quite the "out".... and so we must lay out mucho doleros (euros... dinars... lira???) to remedy this horrification.
And in fact their focus group came up with a term for it... they call it de-tuscanization. Instead of vibrant golds and bronze and rust... we now have... (i sheet thee not) silver... and gray.... with a thread of rustic stone chucked in to keep the menfolk in the game but allegedly to "tie the old with the new" together such that you won't even notice that what was once balanced and a home any Tuscan would love to own... is now fit only for american oafs. The beautifully chic folks who have been raised on the mantra "thou must change they stripes"... well, they know better. Ahem.
Can anyone provide a way out? My budget is less than comfortable and frankly, the new look looks like crap.
At the point where i sell this albatross (the house, the house) and move to the Algarve to retire. Just sayin...
And in fact their focus group came up with a term for it... they call it de-tuscanization. Instead of vibrant golds and bronze and rust... we now have... (i sheet thee not) silver... and gray.... with a thread of rustic stone chucked in to keep the menfolk in the game but allegedly to "tie the old with the new" together such that you won't even notice that what was once balanced and a home any Tuscan would love to own... is now fit only for american oafs. The beautifully chic folks who have been raised on the mantra "thou must change they stripes"... well, they know better. Ahem.
Can anyone provide a way out? My budget is less than comfortable and frankly, the new look looks like crap.
At the point where i sell this albatross (the house, the house) and move to the Algarve to retire. Just sayin...