Way OT: In WWII, a message was broadcast into France that


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2002
basically meant that the Resistance should start doing it's job. It was something like "My heart is wounded with monotonous langor" or some variation on that. Does anyone have the actual quote? TIA.
I thought it was let's get going you bunch of rifle-droppers!
Les sanglots longs The long sobs
Des violons Of the violins
De l'automne Of Autumn
Blessent mon cœur Wound my heart
D'une langueur With a monotonous
Monotone Languor.
Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan? OK, different poems by two different...

...poets separated by 400 years, but vaguely similar in tone. Thanks to Sister Marie Francoise, my high school French teacher, I still remember a little bit.
You nailed it. By Paul Verlaine. I found it on Wikipedia after

You showed me how to spell languor.
Re: You nailed it. By Paul Verlaine. I found it on Wikipedia after

Originally posted by furfoot:
You showed me how to spell languor.
I remember it from the movie The Longest Day haha
That would be much more appropriate for the INCOMPETENT...

...English army in WWII. Great Britain's army couldn't fight its way out of paper bag in WII...they were saved by the English Channel otherwise England would of fallen to the Germans most likely in just two weeks. The only army likely worse than the English were the Italians. The French army fought hard at Dunkirk making possible the evacuation of the inept English at Dunkirk. Sheesh the ignorance about WWII.

The RAF and RN (navy) were held in much higher regard of course.

This post was edited on 3/22 2:28 PM by JJTopp99