So a car doing 90-100 came up me and flicked his lights and got on my bumper. As I was doing 75. I slammed on my breaks and he (they) slid into the median.
So get over before they are on your bumper...
So a car doing 90-100 came up me and flicked his lights and got on my bumper. As I was doing 75. I slammed on my breaks and he (they) slid into the median.
Yesterday on a two lane highway there was someone in the left lane with noone in front of them.
I slowly advanced towards them and gently flicked my high beams. Just once, to ask them to pull over to the right.
They did not. So, I was forced to pass on the right. I then moved over to the left lane to pass some other cars.
Original car decides to turn on high beams and tailgate me the next 15 minutes.
This is why our roads are so dangerous. Lack of courtesy. Way too many people with lastwhateveritis. People don't know left lane pass right lane slow.
This this so many times this. My commute time is right before rush hour so there is some traffic, but usually not steady lines of cars. So many times I'm driving along and come upon someone in the left lane that is cruising along at about the speed limit with no cars for a quarter mile ahead of them and few/no cars to the left. They see me coming and refuse to get over, so I'm forced to pass them on the right. I've had mornings where I've had to pass upwards of 10-12 cars on the right.
For some reason they take this as an affront to their ego and like you shared will try to tailgate me for some time and I can only think that if they had been willing to go this fast while tailgating me why were they farting along in the passing lane in the first place?
Drive right, pass left.
This thread has been enlightening. One guy actually brags about causing an accident that could easily have killed innocent people? Incredible.
The left lane, contrary to popular belief, is the passing lane, not the fast lane. If you are passing someone, you have every right to be there. If not, then move to the right so people can pass you. It's that simple.
Life is too short to get angry just because someone else might be in more or less of a hurry than me.
It didnt. Maybe the ****er shouldnt be doing almost double the 55. I'm not going to pull behind slower traffic when I'm in a line. Or do you suggest I pull under an 18 wheeler? To my right. Or in your mind is the almost triple digit driver the safe one?
When highways are crowded (which they are around here from about 7 am to 8 pm), there isn't room for all cars to be in the right hand lane. In the right hand lane, the line of cars is going anywhere from 60-70. In the left hand lane, the line of cars is going from 75 -83. And the guys who are driving at 85-100 expect everyone to fight their way back over to the right hand lane so they don't have to slow down at all.
If someone is causing the left hand lane to be clogged, they are a problem. But if there are a dozen cars stuck behind some slow ass driver in the left hand lane, don't expect them all to move over to make way for Speed Racer.
Well, unless some a-hole slams on their brakes in front of themI'm not sure where "here" is located, but seems like my simple rules apply. If you are passing, okay to be in the left (line of cars moving 75-83 will be passing the cars going 60-70). Speed Racer going faster can just slow down and wait until there is space.
If someone is causing the left hand lane to be clogged, they are a problem. But if there are a dozen cars stuck behind some slow ass driver in the left hand lane, don't expect them all to move over to make way for Speed Racer.
Why single out Walmart? I'm sure the entitled snoots that shop at high end places drive like they own the roads and expect everyone to get out of their way.Roads are dangerous because people are stupid. Go to Wal Mart. It doesn't matter where or what time of day. People watch. Understand that you are sharing the roads every day with the people you see. Complete this exercise, then come back here and convince me it's not a miracle you're alive.
I'm not sure where "here" is located, but seems like my simple rules apply. If you are passing, okay to be in the left (line of cars moving 75-83 will be passing the cars going 60-70). Speed Racer going faster can just slow down and wait until there is space.
BMW drivers are known for itWhy single out Walmart? I'm sure the entitled snoots that shop at high end places drive like they own the roads and expect everyone to get out of their way.
I suggest you avoid roid raging.
This is sort of the point of my original post. Angry drivers make things unsafe.
Lucky he did not rear end you and damage your vehicle and potentially harm you.
I laughed, but then I realized you're not actually being sarcastic.Why single out Walmart? I'm sure the entitled snoots that shop at high end places drive like they own the roads and expect everyone to get out of their way.
Do, if he crosses the median and hits a family head on, you are good with that. No. I gotta say you are part of the problem.
So get over before they are on your bumper...
Now would not be a good time to start.I have never done roids