Way too early 2020 points


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2018
Before running through the numbers I thought Iowa would be hands down favorites next year in the neighborhood of a 15-20 point cushion. I love the fact that the 2019 returning champs are spread so evenly there is less room for a decided concentration of power at the top.

As you know I remain with my toe testing the waters of a mass red shirt....however I took my partially educated look at total points next year and unless I am totally off base we are looking stronger than at least I had expected. I also ignored Oly red shirts so both Hall and Spencer are going. That said, I remain convinced if Hall shirts and Cassar passes on his 6th, we punt.

I remain very cautiously optimistic that Verk and Berge will surprise, but given what I have seen so far I chose not to place either of them them above the R8 for this excercise. Maybe 8 pounds will really help Berge as we all hope, but I don't think that converts him into a bonus machine. Likewise I'll go with Conel as a semi guy until I see a half a season with the healthy shoulder. I actually see more points (especially bonus) potential for both Beard and Brooks right out of the gate but I will ignore them for now.

Iowa is super deep with top level talent so if they breakout and send 3-4-5+ to the finals it will be a done deal for them, but for now I say no.

I am playing very conservative for our guys so don't crucify me for my RBY, Lee, Berge, Shak, Verk ratings just yet. Do I think RBY can/should break through next year? Yes, but for the sake of this take not yet. Do I know that 141 clears out a bit maybe with a Yanni Oly - yes. In short i wanted to keep a bit of a homerless view of our total. In contrast I looked at Iowa through more rose colored lenses but was a little tough in a few spots like Wilke and Warner.

I also try to ignore bonus points until the end and simply give a generic average for placement and advancement with a small tweak here and there - this is where my system will get picked apart but I am up for it so go ahead and run your own numbers. Without Bo, Nolf and Zain for that matter our bonus potential falls off a bit of a cliff - another area where I remain cautiously optimistic that I will get surprised, but without further evidence, I think Iowa can out pace us here by a wide margin maybe even 2x.

In essence I take an approx average for each place - (a finalist gets 22). What I do here is equate Hall, VJ, Cassar to Spencer, knowing that Spencer with Bonus might be 27 points and a 2nd place might get only 16-18. Some of this is corrected out with the "team" bonus points at the end which is a combination of outright bonus points earned and correction for only mapping in the round level and not the specific place i.e 5th vs 8th.


Finalist = 22 Points
R4 = 15 Points
R8 = 7 Points
Top 12 = 3 Points
R16 = 1.5 Points

Iowa Place Points PSU Place Points

Spencer F 22 Teske R16 1.5
Desanto R4 15 RBY R8 7
Murin R8 7 Lee R4 15
Lugo R4 15 Verk R8 7
Young R4 15 Berge R8 7
Marinelli R4 15 VJ F 22
Kemerer R4 15 Hall F 22
Wilke R16 1.5 Shak R8 7
Warner R8 7 Conel R4 15
Cassiopi R8 7 Cassar F 22

Subtotal 119.5 125.5
Team Add'l Bonus 15+ 10

Grand total 134.5 135.5

I did not purposely try to make it close and will admit my model is flawed as I think next year 110-120 points takes it all, but I would not be surprised to see Iowa take 6 into the semis to our 5 and having them out bonus us like they did in 2018.

On balance this pencils out much better than I perceived and given I have basically ignored Cael's magic with our returning Sophomores in particular, we are looking pretty damned solid.

Hall hail Ceasar we need you champs!
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Honestly I would say you are quite generous with Lugo, KemDawg, and Murin for Iowa and Conel, Berge, And Teske for PSU.
Iowa returns 8 guys and 75 points.
Penn State returns 7 guys and 85.5 points.

I’d say there is more upside for PSU! Iowa will struggle to get to 100-105 pts, which seems to be their capacity under Brands. PSU’s low end is 110-115 pts.
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2018 PSU & tOSU were two of the better teams of the last 25 years; both top to bottom & high end firepower.

They scored 141.5 & 133.5, respectively.

Just from that, I cannot see 2020 PSU & Iowa both breaking 134.

It’s pretty freaking tough just to break 110.
It's April 1. Several fan bases believe they can win the 2020 title this early. Good for all of them, and good for those of us that think way-too-early that we'll be in the mix too.
It's April 1. Several fan bases believe they can win the 2020 title this early. Good for all of them, and good for those of us that think way-too-early that we'll be in the mix too.
Non-traditional powers will step up next year and muddle the projections for teams like PSU, Iowa, and tOsu & OSU. 120-130+ points .... forget it! 19-20 is gonna be a very exciting year for college wrestling. My suggestion: get super wide angle lenses and plan to be in Minny for a story that no one can predict!
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two things you could word salad on before another 2020 thread
- Add Braxton Amos to the tO$U roster and tell me how they spend their 9.9. Asking for some friends of ours
- A comparison of opponents for DT, ER, ZPain, Nolf and Bo so we can debate who had the toughest path to legend status. Need this for the next board meeting when we layout plans for the next hodge marketing plan for Mark and Cenzo

Thanks from all of those enjoying day 8 of the 2019 team title