They now have 86 committed scholarship athletes for next year. I would expect them to make room for Proctor, Kaindoh, Swift, and Webb if they all wanted to hop on board! But they would have to thin the herd.
Congratulations to Lamont and the entire Wade family......who are now officially part of the PSU family.
They can if not at the 85 scholarship limit and there was room in last year's class. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe PSU is at 85 and thus there is no room in the 2016 class. Technically, PSU is over the limit with Wade for 2017 so someone will have to give up a scholly to make room for him. This can happen if someone declares for the NFL or transfers or scholarship is not renewed (i.e. walk on who received a scholarship) or quits football or if a 2017 verbal commit flips.
At the beginning of the season there were 81 players on scholarship.
Now that we have Mr. Wade in the fold we ought to have him give Paris Ford a call. Maybe Mr. Ford would like to play in the same defensive backfield as Mr. Wade. Ford might just like to move from the minor leagues to major big time college football.
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Now that we have Mr. Wade in the fold we ought to have him give Paris Ford a call. Maybe Mr. Ford would like to play in the same defensive backfield as Mr. Wade. Ford might just like to move from the minor leagues to major big time college football.
No room or need for Ford.
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Imagine how great our recruiting would be if we only had names on our uniforms.:rolleyes:

No, we need to have multiple uniform options, with bold flashy patterns and colors... mix and match so that we never wear the same uniform twice. That will do it. Oh, yeah, and replace those black shoes with white ones....

Come to think of it, I can't remember whether Penn State still wears black shoes exclusively. Is this still the case?
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No, we need to have multiple uniform options, with bold flashy patterns and colors... mix and match so that we never wear the same uniform twice. That will do it. Oh, yeah, and replace those black shoes with white ones....

Come to think of it, I can't remember whether Penn State still wears black shoes exclusively. Is this still the case?

You mean like this? ;) :rolleyes:
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You mean like this? ;) :rolleyes:
Every time I see what the designers do with the Maryland flag unis I throw up in my mouth a little bit... The flag itself is actually pretty cool, but seriously???
The Trib article had a nice nugget of information about Boyd and his PSU recruitment.
Great news! Should be Franklin's first 5-star commit to enroll. Hopefully there will be at least one more in this class.

L Wade - super kid, super athlete - he will love it at Penn State and maximize his potential on and off the field there. Penn State proved it is back (big-time) this year and it will be a dominant force every year going forward. Notice served.
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Now that we have Mr. Wade in the fold we ought to have him give Paris Ford a call. Maybe Mr. Ford would like to play in the same defensive backfield as Mr. Wade. Ford might just like to move from the minor leagues to major big time college football.
Wade and Ford can't stand each other.
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No. I'm not as much of an expert as some, but recruits that enroll early do not count as the year before. I think the only way to alter the year that the scholarship counts against is to grayshirt.


PSU took 20 recruits last year (3 EE & 17 summer/fall enrollees). Thus, PSU can count 5 - 8 early enrollees as part of the 2016 class depending on which class McGovern, Zembiec, and Dalton counted to. This accounting only applies to initial qualifiers (freshman) because the NCAA limits initial qualiers in a year to 25. EE this year can count towards either the 2016 or 2017 initial qualifier limit.

The bigger number is 85 scholarship limit for the season, which I believe must be declared sometime around June (late spring/early summer). This is why the class this year is smaller than 25, because the staff wouldn't have room for them come June if the took the max of 25. In reality, the EE don't make a difference because neither last year nor this year was maxed out to 25. However, if we had 5 EE that counted to last year, we could theoretically take 25 recruits at LOI day this year and have a total of 30 guys coming in as freshman, but split into different class for the initial qualifier counting.

If there is room, EE are typically counted towards the previous class as it gives you more flexibility in the future.
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My being in church just may have been the reason we landed Wade.

An old-school Protestant would say that this was all pre-determined from the beginning of time, so no. Predestination, I think they call it.

A Catholic might agree, if you prayed hard enough and said a few novenas and lit a few candles and threw some extra money in the Poor Box. But then again, I've tried that in the past and it hasn't worked, so it's not fool proof.

I am not sure what a Jew would say. The really serious ones probably aren't into football much.
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