This is a good high level summary that many folks should read. There are a lot of people who continue to be so concerned with the 25/year number and ignore the real limiting issue, which is 85 scholarships. The EE option is a moot point when you have maximum roster capacity constraints. But it does get him a 6 month head start over his fellow classmates. That's time to learn the playbook, hit the weightroom and become acclimated. Wade will very likely see the field in the 2017 season.

We are at 18 commits for 2017 now. I believe that puts us right at 85 or within -/+ 1 of it. We will also likely see Brandon Smith and Tyler Davis get 'ships this year. IMO, we take Proctor if he wants to commit and that'll finish out the class. We'd also take Webb & Swift, but I'd give a 90% chance Webb sticks with his Georgia commit while Swift is more like 99.9%.

I'd expect about 2 ships to free up due to playing time/moving on transfers. At the end of the day, we'll be fine. In Franklin I Trust.


PSU took 20 recruits last year (3 EE & 17 summer/fall enrollees). Thus, PSU can count 5 - 8 early enrollees as part of the 2016 class depending on which class McGovern, Zembiec, and Dalton counted to. This accounting only applies to initial qualifiers (freshman) because the NCAA limits initial qualiers in a year to 25. EE this year can count towards either the 2016 or 2017 initial qualifier limit.

The bigger number is 85 scholarship limit for the season, which I believe must be declared sometime around June (late spring/early summer). This is why the class this year is smaller than 25, because the staff wouldn't have room for them come June if the took the max of 25. In reality, the EE don't make a difference because neither last year nor this year was maxed out to 25. However, if we had 5 EE that counted to last year, we could theoretically take 25 recruits at LOI day this year and have a total of 30 guys coming in as freshman, but split into different class for the initial qualifier counting.

If there is room, EE are typically counted towards the previous class as it gives you more flexibility in the future.
Walk-on scholarships are renewed yearly, though. They could conceivably un-scholarship him for the June deadline, and then when one inevitably opens up over the summer that is unplanned, re-scholarship him. In theory that helps with bookkeeping.
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