Weirdest Movie(s) you have ever seen?

I forgot to add 'Tusk' by Kevin Smith. It's falls into the 'body augmentation as torture' sub-genre (a al Human Centipede) and you wonder, 'WTF happened to Kevin Smith?' It starts out with a lot of promise and has some great dialogue from Michael Parks and Justin Long as a lonely old seaman and 'weird things' podcaster respectively (and includes a bizarro cameo by Johnny Depp as some weird, French detective...). It's mildly entertaining and pretty funny if not a bit grotesque. But, the one true 'great' thing about this movie is the monologue by Genesis Rodriguez (who will be in Umbrella Academy S3) - it's tremendous and one of the best I've ever seen. She should be a massive star. Even out of context this alone is worth watching the movie for...

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Some good ones in here like Edward Scissorhands.

I'll go with Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut or The Royal Tenenbaums.
Mondo Cane - music was only redeeming quality (barely)
I believe I walked out of the theatre on S. Allen St.
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I saw A Clockwork Orange as a midnight showing at The Forum in college. My girlfriend was the Arts Editor for the Collegian and had talked this up as an incredible film. I had no idea what to expect content wise- but I found the gratuitous violence bizarre and upsetting. "Art" and "Great" are definitely in the eyes of the beholders. It totally ruined my buzz....never saw it again.
I was likely at that same showing! Went with my girlfriend. I loved it. I see someone else added Donnie Darko to the list. Two others for consideration:

The Lighthouse (2019)
Being John Malkevich

A man who, as a result of an injury, has anterograde amnesia (the inability to form new memories) and has short-term memory loss approximately every fifteen minutes. He is searching for the people who attacked him and killed his wife, using an intricate system of Polaroidphotographs and tattoos to track information he cannot remember.

At least 10 people walked out. The guy behind us stood up and announced, “This is the worst movie I’ve ever seen.”
Note also that the story is told in reverse order. It is one of my favorite movies.
First two I thought as Weird were The Day the Fish Came Out and Zardoz with Sean Connery. Thinking back, I probably saw the first one after school on WNEP Dialing for Dollars. Zardoz had to be a late night on WVIA when they ran some off beat stuff.
I saw A Clockwork Orange as a midnight showing at The Forum in college. My girlfriend was the Arts Editor for the Collegian and had talked this up as an incredible film. I had no idea what to expect content wise- but I found the gratuitous violence bizarre and upsetting. "Art" and "Great" are definitely in the eyes of the beholders. It totally ruined my buzz....never saw it again.
It's supposed to be bizarre and upsetting. That's the point.

I'm not here to tell what movies to like but this is reminiscent of people who say things like "I don't like XXX, because this character isn't likeable" Many characters aren't supposed to be likeable.

Clockwork Orange isn't nearly as good as the book, but it is more accessible (book is hard to read because of dialect) but it is VERY good.
What is the weirdest movie or movies you have seen? I've seen a number over the years, but my guess is that people's standards concerning what is "weird" or "good" might vary considerably. I thought The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and her Lover was both crazy and bad. I also thought The Blair Witch Project was bad in a weird sort of way (with all of the POV shots of people whimpering in fear), and ended up rooting for the (never to be seen) witch. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (with Donald Sutherland) was mainly bad, but also weird. Seems like most weird movies are bad, but they can occasionally be good. The Gods Must Be Crazy was very offbeat, but I thought it was good.

How about you?
Upstream Color

Definitely not for everyone but I really liked it because it is not like any other movie I've ever seen (which is rare these days)
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What is the problem with Blood Simple? It is an early Cohen Brothers movie and fairly well done.

I agree on Blood Simple. I really liked that movie. It was out around the same time as Body Double (Brian DePalma), which was also a really good movie imo.

Coen Bros = weird, but within bounds. I don't think that's the level of weird the OP is looking for.
What is the weirdest movie or movies you have seen? I've seen a number over the years, but my guess is that people's standards concerning what is "weird" or "good" might vary considerably. I thought The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and her Lover was both crazy and bad. I also thought The Blair Witch Project was bad in a weird sort of way (with all of the POV shots of people whimpering in fear), and ended up rooting for the (never to be seen) witch. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (with Donald Sutherland) was mainly bad, but also weird. Seems like most weird movies are bad, but they can occasionally be good. The Gods Must Be Crazy was very offbeat, but I thought it was good.

How about you?
Saw a Vincent Price movie when I was like 5 and it's stuck with me ever since, but can't figure out what the name of it was. All I can remember is one minute he is lying in a casket and people come to see him and then he is running through the woods. At one point he locks people in a vault of some type as well, anybody remember this?
What is the weirdest movie or movies you have seen? I've seen a number over the years, but my guess is that people's standards concerning what is "weird" or "good" might vary considerably. I thought The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and her Lover was both crazy and bad. I also thought The Blair Witch Project was bad in a weird sort of way (with all of the POV shots of people whimpering in fear), and ended up rooting for the (never to be seen) witch. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (with Donald Sutherland) was mainly bad, but also weird. Seems like most weird movies are bad, but they can occasionally be good. The Gods Must Be Crazy was very offbeat, but I thought it was good.

How about you?
The Gods Must Be Crazy
A couple come to mind for me; Zabriskie Point and The Magus. I had read The Magus and it intrigued me. When I was in the Navy we were on a Med Cruise and the movie came on board and I watched it. I had a hard time thinking it was actually based on the book despite the fact that the author, John Fowles, also wrote the screenplay.
It's supposed to be bizarre and upsetting. That's the point.

I'm not here to tell what movies to like but this is reminiscent of people who say things like "I don't like XXX, because this character isn't likeable" Many characters aren't supposed to be likeable.

Clockwork Orange isn't nearly as good as the book, but it is more accessible (book is hard to read because of dialect) but it is VERY good.
I guess that was Kubrick's goal- but knowing nothing about the book or the plot of the movie going into the Forum- I'll just say that it wasn't something that I would have sought out on my own- nor was it a good "date" movie. It was not so upsetting as to disable the later portion of the "date night"....but almost....which is hard to do to a college aged guy (pun intended)
Saw a Vincent Price movie when I was like 5 and it's stuck with me ever since, but can't figure out what the name of it was. All I can remember is one minute he is lying in a casket and people come to see him and then he is running through the woods. At one point he locks people in a vault of some type as well, anybody remember this?
Sounds vaguely familiar. By chance might it have been The Fall of the House of Usher?
What is the problem with Blood Simple? It is an early Cohen Brothers movie and fairly well done.
It's probable my fault - I didn't know at the time it was supposed to be funny/satire - I always remember the scene where they can't decide whether to kill the guy by shooting him or hitting him with a shovel and at the end decide to run him over I think. By again I may have been on the outside looking in on the joke.

A man who, as a result of an injury, has anterograde amnesia (the inability to form new memories) and has short-term memory loss approximately every fifteen minutes. He is searching for the people who attacked him and killed his wife, using an intricate system of Polaroidphotographs and tattoos to track information he cannot remember.

At least 10 people walked out. The guy behind us stood up and announced, “This is the worst movie I’ve ever seen.”
So does Memento go that extra mile for you? SO bad that it you can enjoy it for the pure badness?
I agree on Blood Simple. I really liked that movie. It was out around the same time as Body Double (Brian DePalma), which was also a really good movie imo.

Coen Bros = weird, but within bounds. I don't think that's the level of weird the OP is looking for.
De Palma, Phantom of the Paradise. Weird but very good. A really enjoyable experience.
When I was a kid in the sixties I watched what I thought was a very strange sci-fi movie - George Orwell's 1984. How could anyone live under such oppressive conditions? But, even as a child I realized it was fiction taken to the extreme absurdity... Surely that couldn't happen in REAL life???

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Here's another from my high school days...

“Nothing but Trouble”

It had a really good cast with Akroyd, Chase, Candy and Demi Moore (when they were all stars).

The movie is supposedly inspired by Centralia, PA, but is an insult to the good people of that town that were displaced from their homes. It’s weird and bad, but not in fun, campy way. Whatever they were going for completely missed the Mark.