Weirdest Movie(s) you have ever seen?

The Wicker Man

That's from the 2006 remake with Nicholas Cage, which sucks and belongs more on a list of so-bad-it's-funny.

But the 1973 original with Christopher Lee is considered a cult classic and for sure qualifies as weird. Some would even say sick.

A devoutly Christian police inspector is summoned to a secluded island, inhabited by eccentric (and promiscuous) pagans, to investigate the disappearance of a young girl.

The girl, it turns out, has not really disappeared, but the inspector soon an ending that ranks with the most bizarre and disturbing in cinematic history.
Food of the gods with marjor gortner. He had 15 minutes of movies as the guy for some reason.
The Time Bandits.

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In 1982 I drove to NYC to see a film in Greenwich Village. "Liquid Sky" was the other film on the double feature:

From IMDB: A small, heroin seeking UFO lands on a Manhattan roof, observes a bizarre, drug addicted fashion model and sucks endorphin from her sexual encounters' brains.
I can think of two. Satyricon--we walked out about a half hour in. Liquid Sky was the other....
Wasn't sure I'd ever hear of someone else who has watched Liquid Sky! Definitely up there in the rankings of weird AND bad movie genres.
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A couple come to mind for me; Zabriskie Point and The Magus. I had read The Magus and it intrigued me. When I was in the Navy we were on a Med Cruise and the movie came on board and I watched it. I had a hard time thinking it was actually based on the book despite the fact that the author, John Fowles, also wrote the screenplay.
Zabriskie point has a great soundtrack if you appreciate early 70's Pink Floyd and Grateful Dead.
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I would say I've seen most if not all of the movies listed on this thread. That said, the one movie that left me with a 'wtf did I just see' impression was "Dancer in the Dark". If I had to describe it in a single sentence I'd describe it as Mary Poppins meets Schindler's List. I did actually enjoy it.
I've seen some weird movies as illustrated earlier in the thread, but this one was truly bizarre.

There is good weird like Charlie Kaufman's "Synecdoche new york" which has incredibly unique story and great acting.

Recent bad weird like "Vivarium" with Jesse Eisenberg which basically states real estate agents and kids are both bad.

Someone mentioned "Happiness" by Todd Solondz. Actually a decent one by him but a strange cringeworthy movie. That guy lives in depressing and weird like nobody else.

Lars Von Trier is another one. Some weird brilliance like Breaking the Waves but really hardcore and bizarre.

Weirdest move I kind of liked Mandy with Nicolas Cage. Kind of fantasy, over-the-top, violent Mad Max homage set in woods. The director, Panos Cosmatos, also created one of strangest movies I have ever seen but could not stop watching it, Beyond the Black Rainbow. One of light outs, 12AM movies with no one around. Sort of '1980s acid trip homage to 2001 with different story. Cinematography was spectacular but you need a lot of patience for that one. I guess his father directed westerns like Tombstone but son has whole different approach.

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Agree that it is a very unique, weird premise and alternate organization of the movie timeline, but I actually love the movie Memento and would definitely recommend it to others.
Never said I didn’t like Momento. I said others walked out of the theatre. I found it weird and interesting.
The movie titled No Country for Old Man was kind of bizarre. Hooking a co2 tank up and blowing the door knob off to break in was rather different. Crazy ending too!
I'm not sure if this fits the "weird" category or just "disturbing" category but this was a required film for one of the classes I took towards an education major. Freaks (1932 version)
From my son:
The Holy Mountain
any movies by Neil Breen
True Stories by David Byrne
There is good weird like Charlie Kaufman's "Synecdoche new york" which has incredibly unique story and great acting.

Recent bad weird like "Vivarium" with Jesse Eisenberg which basically states real estate agents and kids are both bad.

Someone mentioned "Happiness" by Todd Solondz. Actually a decent one by him but a strange cringeworthy movie. That guy lives in depressing and weird like nobody else.

Lars Von Trier is another one. Some weird brilliance like Breaking the Waves but really hardcore and bizarre.

Weirdest move I kind of liked Mandy with Nicolas Cage. Kind of fantasy, over-the-top, violent Mad Max homage set in woods. The director, Panos Cosmatos, also created one of strangest movies I have ever seen but could not stop watching it, Beyond the Black Rainbow. One of light outs, 12AM movies with no one around. Sort of '1980s acid trip homage to 2001 with different story. Cinematography was spectacular but you need a lot of patience for that one. I guess his father directed westerns like Tombstone but son has whole different approach.

+1 For Synechdoche, New York. Kaufman is def good weird.
Rex Reed called it the worst movie of the century, and his review leaves no doubt of its weirdness:

Darren Aronofsky’s ‘Mother!’ Is the Worst Movie of the Year | Observer

It truly was. He had a great run with Pi, Requiem, Wrestler, Black Swan. Lots of people hated Fountain but I thought it was worthwhile but too ambitious technically where it lost the story. Mother (even if a metaphor for our treatment of planet) was a complete mess.

Someone mentioned The Wicker Man, probably in its own genre of weird and unsettling but also brilliant in simplicity. No gore, little violence really - just a man in a place he does not belong..or maybe he does? Another weird movie is Heredity which is scary and freaky to the max. He did another movie called Midsommar, which is like close to Wicker Man though not as good. Completely f-ed up

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Here is my vote for Centralia movie and coal region PA.
After almost 20 years of friendship through work I can tell you this guy will give you the story straight.

“Nothing but Trouble”

It had a really good cast with Akroyd, Chase, Candy and Demi Moore (when they were all stars).

The movie is supposedly inspired by Centralia, PA, but is an insult to the good people of that town that were displaced from their homes. It’s weird and bad, but not in fun, campy way. Whatever they were going for completely missed the Mark.
I don’t think anyone mentioned Brewster McCloud with Bud Cort - very strange but interesting movie.