Well, I'm fairly certain the OAG thinks the verdict will be overturned on appeal...


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2001
we have learned that the oag offered a plea to what graham was convicted 7 times. They did so bc they know that such conviction would be overturned on appeal

Of course, one cannot appeal a plea (except for in certain circumstances that don't appear to exist here).

Thus, Tim and Gary must (and appear to) accept their fate but graham will be exonerated.

And it is not a technicality. There is a reason we have statute of limitations and one of them is due to memories fading. The more serious the crime the longer the statute. Thus, many states have no statute of limitations for murder.

The oag knows they are gong to get overturned and thus are going to milk this "victory" for as long as it can.
we have learned that the oag offered a plea to what graham was convicted 7 times. They did so bc they know that such conviction would be overturned on appeal

Of course, one cannot appeal a plea (except for in certain circumstances that don't appear to exist here).

Thus, Tim and Gary must (and appear to) accept their fate but graham will be exonerated.

And it is not a technicality. There is a reason we have statute of limitations and one of them is due to memories fading. The more serious the crime the longer the statute. Thus, many states have no statute of limitations for murder.

The oag knows they are gong to get overturned and thus are going to milk this "victory" for as long as it can.
The State considers GS a trophy so they will display it. If it is overturned, you will see crickets first
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