What a strange, sad little man


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
I don't know if any of you caught the Flo promo over the weekend that included a snippet of their "Terry" feature.

Terry Brands is walking at a tournament, paying no attention to where he is going and bumps into a guy (a lot bigger than him, btw).

Now, you and I in that circumstance would probably say something like "Sorry" or "Excuse me" and be on our way.

Not Terry. He stops and starts shouting at the guy he just bumped into through his own inattentiveness. "Get out of my way! I'll take you out!". Then he repeats it to the Flo cameraman - "I'll take him out. I don't care how big he is."

Dude will never grow up or lose the chip on his shoulder, apparently.
Would have been interesting if the guy he mouthed off to had been Alexander Karelin.
I respect the Brands Bros as coached but gotta tell you I lost some respect for Terry as a competitor when he wouldn't shake Jason Kelber's hand after losing to him in the NCAA finals.

I understand being disappointed when you lose but there is no place in the sport for poor sportsmanship. And people wonder why Gilman gets away with the stuff he does ...
Ok, myself what I can't understand is why when the Brands do something silly or stupid why is it always called Brands. 95% of the time it is Terry not Tom..Tom has settled down heck of a lot
but it seems like for some reason they just report Brands and people not interested that much in wrestling assume it is Tom.
Like bull Terry pulled at the duals always going to score table and getting into it and then a fan gets on him and he just sits down near the mat...They say Brands is up set is it so dam hard to say TERRY BRANDS is upset.
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Ok, myself what I can't understand is why when the Brands do something silly or stupid why is it always called Brands. 95% of the time it is Terry not Tom..Tom has settled down heck of a lot
but it seems like for some reason they just report Brands and people not interested that much in wrestling assume it is Tom.
Like bull Terry pulled at the duals always going to score table and getting into it and then a fan gets on him and he just sits down near the mat...They say Brands is up set is so dam hard to say TERRY BRANDS is upset.

Wait, there are two of them? This explains EVERYTHING
Ok, myself what I can't understand is why when the Brands do something silly or stupid why is it always called Brands. 95% of the time it is Terry not Tom..Tom has settled down heck of a lot
but it seems like for some reason they just report Brands and people not interested that much in wrestling assume it is Tom.
Like bull Terry pulled at the duals always going to score table and getting into it and then a fan gets on him and he just sits down near the mat...They say Brands is up set is so dam hard to say TERRY BRANDS is upset.
Fair Point
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I respect the Brands Bros as coached but gotta tell you I lost some respect for Terry as a competitor when he wouldn't shake Jason Kelber's hand after losing to him in the NCAA finals.

I understand being disappointed when you lose but there is no place in the sport for poor sportsmanship. And people wonder why Gilman gets away with the stuff he does ...
Gilman said he got in trouble... didn't say from whom but said they were given a bench warning (believe he was referring to his Minnesota pre-match antics. So, someone is letting him know (although probably not the right person)
To some extent, the wrestlers will adopt the persona of their coach if they respect him. You can see this in the calm, cool, grateful demeanor with which Penn State's wrestlers usually conduct themselves. You can also see this mirroring of the coach with the antics of Thomas Gilman and Mike Evans, who incidentally, is not impressed by this thread. And in the final analysis, although Terry and Tom are two different entities, ultimately the head coach is responsible for setting and reinforcing the expectations for how his wrestlers, and his assistant coaches conduct themselves. So while arguably Terry has issues with self-control, Tom lets him and others get away with it.
... ultimately the head coach is responsible for setting and reinforcing the expectations for how his wrestlers, and his assistant coaches conduct themselves. So while arguably Terry has issues with self-control, Tom lets him and others get away with it.

I just so happened to watch the Terry Brands documentary within the past week. I saw a few other less then positive incidents such as screaming boom in the guy's face after pinning him or as a coach shouting the score at the opposing coaches after every point. However, you also see the positives (determination, hard work, ect.) that made him and Tom so successful at wrestling and how they really do put everything they have into coaching when one of their guys is on the mat..... sometimes to a fault, lol. I have always had mixed feelings about those guys and the documentary didn't change that. One thing is for sure, it's definitely more interesting with them around.
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I don't know if any of you caught the Flo promo over the weekend that included a snippet of their "Terry" feature.

Terry Brands is walking at a tournament, paying no attention to where he is going and bumps into a guy (a lot bigger than him, btw).

Now, you and I in that circumstance would probably say something like "Sorry" or "Excuse me" and be on our way.

Not Terry. He stops and starts shouting at the guy he just bumped into through his own inattentiveness. "Get out of my way! I'll take you out!". Then he repeats it to the Flo cameraman - "I'll take him out. I don't care how big he is."

Dude will never grow up or lose the chip on his shoulder, apparently.

I saw that little clip also. Although Terry certainly was not gentlemanly about it, I got the sense that the other guy said something first, just off camera, and Terry reacted to that. Not sure, but that was my feeling.
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I don't know if any of you caught the Flo promo over the weekend that included a snippet of their "Terry" feature.

Terry Brands is walking at a tournament, paying no attention to where he is going and bumps into a guy (a lot bigger than him, btw).

Now, you and I in that circumstance would probably say something like "Sorry" or "Excuse me" and be on our way.

Not Terry. He stops and starts shouting at the guy he just bumped into through his own inattentiveness. "Get out of my way! I'll take you out!". Then he repeats it to the Flo cameraman - "I'll take him out. I don't care how big he is."

Dude will never grow up or lose the chip on his shoulder, apparently.

Pretty sure that was Tolly Thompson who was coaching Colon and this occurred after the Colon Ramos match.
All I know is that you can jump one or two weight classes up and if you're really good, beat the guys at those higher weights. Move 3, 4, or god forbid, 10 weight classes up and you are getting CRUSHED...literally.
I once asked a veterinarian friend why a little Chihuahua would be so willing to attack a full grown human?7lbs vs. 200lbs, let's say. He said that they simply aren't smart enough to know how outmatched they are.
Tom Brands has a doppelganger. Its rumored when he gets excited he does head stands and then flees mubbling "haters are gonna hate, hate hate"
All I know is that you can jump one or two weight classes up and if you're really good, beat the guys at those higher weights. Move 3, 4, or god forbid, 10 weight classes up and you are getting CRUSHED...literally.
I once asked a veterinarian friend why a little Chihuahua would be so willing to attack a full grown human?7lbs vs. 200lbs, let's say. He said that they simply aren't smart enough to know how outmatched they are.
When I was 12 I had a paper route and always tried to avoid one house where a vicious Chihuahua lived (honest). One day after dropping off their paper and starting to leave I heard it coming. I turned around, dropped my paper sack and waited for it. Just as it got to me I unleashed a full kick as it launched itself at me. I caught it under the throat and flipped it completely end over end. It stopped dead in its tracks when it landed, shivering, and shat on the ground. Then it turned around and walked back to the house. That dog never bothered me again. Ironically the dog's name was Terry. (I made that part up but the story was true)
When I was 12 I had a paper route and always tried to avoid one house where a vicious Chihuahua lived (honest). One day after dropping off their paper and starting to leave I heard it coming. I turned around, dropped my paper sack and waited for it. Just as it got to me I unleashed a full kick as it launched itself at me. I caught it under the throat and flipped it completely end over end. It stopped dead in its tracks when it landed, shivering, and shat on the ground. Then it turned around and walked back to the house. That dog never bothered me again. Ironically the dog's name was Terry. (I made that part up but the story was true)
Hahaha - good story bud!
"Ran into the toughest man I know, my coach Terry Brands. Terry is the most passionate, patriotic American I have ever met in my life. Thank you coach for everything you've done for me and molding me into the person that I am today. #terrybrands #brandstrained"--Henry Cejudo, Aug 2016

The "strange, sad little man" has accomplished more in his career and coaching than most in the sport, has a family that loves him, and lives a good life. He's given his life to this sport. He may be little, but nothing strange or sad about that.
"Ran into the toughest man I know, my coach Terry Brands. Terry is the most passionate, patriotic American I have ever met in my life. Thank you coach for everything you've done for me and molding me into the person that I am today. #terrybrands #brandstrained"--Henry Cejudo, Aug 2016

The "strange, sad little man" has accomplished more in his career and coaching than most in the sport, has a family that loves him, and lives a good life. He's given his life to this sport. He may be little, but nothing strange or sad about that.

And you think that justifies the behavior shown in the Flo feature? That figures, too. With all the fantastic stuff in his life, that's how he responds to bumping into someone because he is failing to watch where he's going? Must be hell to pay for a fire hydrant he runs into with his car. Stupid fire hydrant.

Maybe I should take it back - that was the behavior of an exemplary human being. :rolleyes:
I'm PSU fan and conducted myself with class and sportsmanship during my college career (bucknell) but have no problems with the Brands Bros. Everyone has different styles and ways to stay motivated at the highest levels. Clearly the Evans, Ramos and Gilmans of the world navigate toward the Brands style. Additionally, having villians and characters are marketable and thats good for wrestling.
"Ran into the toughest man I know, my coach Terry Brands. Terry is the most passionate, patriotic American I have ever met in my life. Thank you coach for everything you've done for me and molding me into the person that I am today. #terrybrands #brandstrained"--Henry Cejudo, Aug 2016

The "strange, sad little man" has accomplished more in his career and coaching than most in the sport, has a family that loves him, and lives a good life. He's given his life to this sport. He may be little, but nothing strange or sad about that.
If you're happy with him, we are happy for you! Who am I to tell you anything different?
That said, I think what most people on here feel is that he does not fit our model.
Some also worry about the image he projects and its potential effect on participation & popularity of wrestling. Any other comments regarding his stature or whether he's a good person are just giving the Iowa fans a good "ribbing".
pretty sure that comment was staged for the video.

Either that or the camera just happened to be in exactly the right place, at exactly the right time, turned on and pointed in exactly the right direction at exactly the right angle to just by chance catch whichever Brands sternly and forcefully proclaiming his manhood for all the world to hear -- lest, God forbid, there should be any doubters within earshot.
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Either that or the camera just happened to be in exactly the right place, at exactly the right time, turned on and pointed in exactly the right direction at exactly the right angle to just by chance catch whichever Brands proclaiming his manhood for all the world to hear -- lest there be any doubters.

That would be truly sad. It looked to me like they were just following him with a camera for the documentary and instead of watching where he was going, Terry was looking back at the camera and blathering on.
If you're happy with him, we are happy for you! Who am I to tell you anything different?
That said, I think what most people on here feel is that he does not fit our model.
Some also worry about the image he projects and its potential effect on participation & popularity of wrestling. Any other comments regarding his stature or whether he's a good person are just giving the Iowa fans a good "ribbing".

Yea, but he's never dull, and it's exciting to have a villain to root against.
When I was 12 I had a paper route and always tried to avoid one house where a vicious Chihuahua lived (honest). One day after dropping off their paper and starting to leave I heard it coming. I turned around, dropped my paper sack and waited for it. Just as it got to me I unleashed a full kick as it launched itself at me. I caught it under the throat and flipped it completely end over end. It stopped dead in its tracks when it landed, shivering, and shat on the ground. Then it turned around and walked back to the house. That dog never bothered me again. Ironically the dog's name was Terry. (I made that part up but the story was true)
I'm curious, is this a true story? and several people liked this?
When I was 12 I had a paper route and always tried to avoid one house where a vicious Chihuahua lived (honest). One day after dropping off their paper and starting to leave I heard it coming. I turned around, dropped my paper sack and waited for it. Just as it got to me I unleashed a full kick as it launched itself at me. I caught it under the throat and flipped it completely end over end. It stopped dead in its tracks when it landed, shivering, and shat on the ground. Then it turned around and walked back to the house. That dog never bothered me again. Ironically the dog's name was Terry. (I made that part up but the story was true)

Reminds me of those epic "man versus beast" pictures that used to grace the covers of Outdoor Life. BTW, how do you hear a Chihuahua coming?