What a strange, sad little man

To me, Brands has not breached the protocol of integrity, which is the main thing that matters. UNLIKE Mark Perry, who stops matches illegally to get his wrestler free lung timeouts, which is what he did last year at the Big Ten championships, and UNLIKE Tom Ryan, who stops matches in the same manner.

The coaches I dislike, are Mark Perry and Tom Ryan.
I'm in the camp that "sad, little man" is demeaning. Why some feel pot-shots like that are ok, I'll never understand.

Let me ask you a question. If you had a 12 year old son, and you saw him behave like Terry did in that clip, would you yank him aside and say "go apologize to that man" or pat him on the back and say "you showed him, son"? But we're not talking about a 12 year old boy, we're talking about a supposed adult man.
Check out the 15 second mark of the below video. Not sure if that's Tom or Terry hitting the mat like crazy. Zalesky was even more over the top he got suspended. It must have been a different culture back then. No way any coach can get away with that today.
This video explains why Penn State is winning the recruiting wars. It shows where the culture took a dive after the Gable years and has never recovered, IMO.
This video explains why Penn State is winning the recruiting wars. It shows where the culture took a dive after the Gable years and has never recovered, IMO.

It wasn't any better during the Gable years. Iowa was just more "successful". I have compassion for Gable and can understand how he wound up a little, well, different. What happened to his family and him was just an awful, awful thing. If I had experienced what he had, I don't know if I would have responded any better, or even close to as well, than he. Not without years and years of intensive therapy. But it at least places his behavior in a context I can somewhat understand. And I am certainly not going to judge him. I would never have wanted to walk in those shoes.

I don't see anything like those kind of mitigating circumstances with the Brands. And Gable certainly never reigned the Brands in, which may have been something that they would have been better for. It's a continued culture of entitlement and infantile behavior (Gilman being the latest example) that reflects badly upon the sport we love, imo.

We really don't need poorly behaving "men" to "sell" our sport in my mind.
It wasn't any better during the Gable years. Iowa was just more "successful". I have compassion for Gable and can understand how he wound up a little, well, different. What happened to his family and him was just an awful, awful thing. If I had experienced what he had, I don't know if I would have responded any better, or even close to as well, than he. Not without years and years of intensive therapy. But it at least places his behavior in a context I can somewhat understand. And I am certainly not going to judge him. I would never have wanted to walk in those shoes.

I don't see anything like those kind of mitigating circumstances with the Brands. And Gable certainly never reigned the Brands in, which may have been something that they would have been better for. It's a continued culture of entitlement and infantile behavior (Gilman being the latest example) that reflects badly upon the sport we love, imo.

We really don't need poorly behaving "men" to "sell" our sport in my mind.
Yep, I think we're mostly agreeing here, but maybe differ a little bit in the timing. You are right in that the Brands Bros and others on the team had their issues that weren't very well checked by Gable at the time. It began after J left for MN. I do believe J was a big factor in their success at that time and may have helped reign things in a little bit. Anyhow, that's probably about when the culture started to change. That's what I saw anyhow.
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I saw that little clip also. Although Terry certainly was not gentlemanly about it, I got the sense that the other guy said something first, just off camera, and Terry reacted to that. Not sure, but that was my feeling.

They were both jawing before/after the match, competitors included. That's passion. That's a rivalry. Colon-Ramos was a rivalry.

I love Penn State wrestling, but not everyone has to be Cael It's ok to show passion and be determined. Watch the documentary, instead of the clip. I have kids in my program that still use that "I'll take you out" line as an inside joke, in our room. People with that kind of passion are good for our sport.

I never took this board for the PC/sportsmanship type. It's not a lot of people I'd take in a fight over Terry because he's bat-$&%^ crazy.

I've done my fair share of before/during/after comments. Freestyle coaching has almost a prize-fighter like feel to it, as you're in a "corner" and there's a break between periods, etc. I'm not a sad, strange, or little man. I'm passionate. I'm behind my guys 1000%. And if you're (or your athlete) holding my guy back from acheiving a goal, you're in the way, and that's a problem.
Wow...what a thread. Getting a bit personal and not a little weird plus you throw Gable's sister in there to explain his "behavior"...what behavior are you referring to? As if a coach/competitor who was arguably the best of any sport needs explaining.

You know what? Amalone and I have had it out on here plenty of times but at least he ties it back to PSU. Matter has an extreme fascination, some might say obsession, with Iowa coaches, wrestlers and its fans. I get that some are enjoying PSU dominance and like to throw it into the faces of Iowa fans but Matter is just kind of creepy.
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Just my take.
When wrestling temporarily lost its place in the Olympics I watched an interview Terry did. In the interview Terry pointed out the ill advised method of attempting to promote wrestling by belittling other athletic endeavors. Noting athletes and fans of these other sports are as passionate for their sport as we are about wrestling, and wrestling never needs to belittle others to stand above.
Terry was passionate and delivered his speech with the touch of a skilled ambassador for the sport.
There have been times my thoughts of either one or both of the Brands brothers was, boy what a clown(s) or what a jerk(s) but there have been times I know people have thought that of me.
Terry Brands has a love for the sport of wrestling, so do I and that is a common bond. There will be times in the future i may think Terry is being a jerk or whatever, but at the end of the day wrestling is better with Terry than without.
I cannot stand either Brands when they are lined up against one of the boys in blue. Much like I couldn't stand J Rob. However, I don't think the sport suffers for having them around. Just like the point the Joker makes in The Dark Knight, every hero needs a villian.
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They were both jawing before/after the match, competitors included. That's passion. That's a rivalry. Colon-Ramos was a rivalry.

I love Penn State wrestling, but not everyone has to be Cael It's ok to show passion and be determined. Watch the documentary, instead of the clip. I have kids in my program that still use that "I'll take you out" line as an inside joke, in our room. People with that kind of passion are good for our sport.

I never took this board for the PC/sportsmanship type. It's not a lot of people I'd take in a fight over Terry because he's bat-$&%^ crazy.

I've done my fair share of before/during/after comments. Freestyle coaching has almost a prize-fighter like feel to it, as you're in a "corner" and there's a break between periods, etc. I'm not a sad, strange, or little man. I'm passionate. I'm behind my guys 1000%. And if you're (or your athlete) holding my guy back from acheiving a goal, you're in the way, and that's a problem.
I guess the guys on our team just don't have that passion. I wonder how good Cael could have been had he more of that Terry passion?
You see, it's all just a poor excuse for bad behaviors. Rationalization is the operative word here.
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Reminds me of those epic "man versus beast" pictures that used to grace the covers of Outdoor Life. BTW, how do you hear a Chihuahua coming?
Lots of growling. This Chihuahua, although small, was ferocious. Hence the Terry analogy.
I'm in the camp that "sad, little man" is demeaning. Why some feel pot-shots like that are ok, I'll never understand.

Let me ask you a question. If you had a 12 year old son, and you saw him behave like Terry did in that clip, would you yank him aside and say "go apologize to that man" or pat him on the back and say "you showed him, son"? But we're not talking about a 12 year old boy, we're talking about a supposed adult man.

I probably shouldn’t presume to speak for Roar, but I don’t think he was talking about whether Terry was right or wrong (I didn’t even see the video so have no opinion), or was even speaking about Terry at all. What I believe he meant is that each of us are individually responsible for our actions, same at Terry is. It is not up to us to correct him since we are not his parent, and regardless of what we think of him and what he did, disparaging him in this particular way is not right either.

Has nothing to do with who or what the other person is and does. Its courtesy and kindness, and US doing the right thing and treating people right regardless of what the other person does. I know some people will say some people do not “deserve” anything better, but I certainly don’t “deserve” better than him or anyone else. I’m fortunate to be forgiven. (couldn’t resist a plug….looking forward to getting ripped by Jammenz ;) ).

You can totally disagree with someone, tell them that strongly, and even dislike them, but still do it in a “right” way. In other words we don’t stoop to what we perceive their level to be.

Ironically enough after this weekend, I sprained my ankle pretty bad on Monday (walking the dog if you can believe it), and just hurt it worse getting down off my soapbox….
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I've come to appreciate the Brands brothers more and more over the years. Definitely great for wrestling. The culture of being the bully is not as effective as it was back in the day.

By the way, that Mocco video was great. Not the actual incident, but the mature reflection of it is very entertaining.
When I was 12 I had a paper route and always tried to avoid one house where a vicious Chihuahua lived (honest). One day after dropping off their paper and starting to leave I heard it coming. I turned around, dropped my paper sack and waited for it. Just as it got to me I unleashed a full kick as it launched itself at me. I caught it under the throat and flipped it completely end over end. It stopped dead in its tracks when it landed, shivering, and shat on the ground. Then it turned around and walked back to the house. That dog never bothered me again. Ironically the dog's name was Terry. (I made that part up but the story was true)
Animal cruelty as a child is one of the markers for serial killers. Did you also wet the bed and start fires?
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Bo Nickal hardly displays a gracious attitude when he wins as witnessed by his actions at CHA the last couple of years. I'm sure somehow that's Terry's fault too.
Bo Nickal hardly displays a gracious attitude when he wins as witnessed by his actions at CHA the last couple of years. I'm sure somehow that's Terry's fault too.

Im sure you understand the subtle differences between Terry and Bo. Right? I get you want to defend Terry as many on here to do A. LOT. but broad nonsensical statements dont make your point, they just draw greater attention to the differences.
I was replying more to the folks talking about our wrestlers antics and was not specifically comparing Bo with Terry. My point being that these young athletes, all jacked on adrenaline, sometimes act on emotion. It is not an Iowa specific problem.
I was replying more to the folks talking about our wrestlers antics and was not specifically comparing Bo with Terry. My point being that these young athletes, all jacked on adrenaline, sometimes act on emotion. It is not an Iowa specific problem.
Not specifically understanding. You are upset because Bo held his hand to his ear?
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Not specifically understanding. You are upset because Bo held his hand to his ear?
At the Okl St dual, Bo took both hands and lowered them as if to say to the crowd quiet down. I found nothing wrong with that. Others might.
Mark Hall clapped his hands together, and as I recall, Jason Nolf did nothing.
Seems to me that younger people tend to adopt the habits of their elders until they reach that certain point.
Am I upset about it personally? No. I am not upset about what Gilman does either. Both Bo and Gilman acted in ways that got fan bases fired up. It is not just Iowa guys that engage in those antics.....only thing I was suggesting.
This is in a way kinda funny...These guys get all pumped up to go out to battle a opponent. After the battle they win and it was a tough fight so they do some things that some of you don't like. Get over it is all I can say or go to the ivy schools and have a professor cuddle you dam snowflakes...Let the men have some fun..
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This is in a way kinda funny...These guys get all pumped up to go out to battle a opponent. After the battle they win and it was a tough fight so they do some things that some of you don't like. Get over it is all I can say or go to the ivy schools and have a professor cuddle you dam snowflakes...Let the men have some fun..

What I gathered from watching the TB clip was he was having FUN with another coach. Nothing more nothing less. This thread is what is strange and sad.
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At the Okl St dual, Bo took both hands and lowered them as if to say to the crowd quiet down. I found nothing wrong with that. Others might.
Mark Hall clapped his hands together, and as I recall, Jason Nolf did nothing.
Seems to me that younger people tend to adopt the habits of their elders until they reach that certain point.
I didnt see anything wrong with Bo doing that-it was kind of a waste of time, it was pretty quiet already!
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I don't know if any of you caught the Flo promo over the weekend that included a snippet of their "Terry" feature.

Terry Brands is walking at a tournament, paying no attention to where he is going and bumps into a guy (a lot bigger than him, btw).

Now, you and I in that circumstance would probably say something like "Sorry" or "Excuse me" and be on our way.

Not Terry. He stops and starts shouting at the guy he just bumped into through his own inattentiveness. "Get out of my way! I'll take you out!". Then he repeats it to the Flo cameraman - "I'll take him out. I don't care how big he is."

Dude will never grow up or lose the chip on his shoulder, apparently.
The guy Terry bumped was in the corner of the other wrestler Ramos had just beat. There had been some words back and forth during the match by the corners. Probably why Terry was upset about the bump.