I'm sure. While gunsie likes to argue, he also doesn't type out complete paragraphs.
He spaces every thing out.
Like this in two or three sentences
Every time he posts his bs
He also types random words in all caps and resorts to childish insults every time somebody calls him out. He'll end posts by typing out the word period or fact. He also makes up stories or steals info from another site or two in order to pass him self off as an insider to stroke his fragile ego. He'll challenge people to fights or threaten physical harm when called out on his bs. He'll make up crap and try to pass it off as news, but then can never seem to find the link to back it up. He likes to read thread titles from paid sites with out actually reading the threads and then jump to his own asinine conclusions and try to pass it off as fact. Gunsie also frequents the wrestling board to offer up his wisdom. I don't believe 78 ever did.He likes to throw the word apologist around and has a deep seeded hatred for UncleLar and Ed Dechellis.
He decided to threaten me a few years back on fos, so I made it my business to out him every time he crawls out from under his little rock. So yeah, I'm certain that he and 2020 are not the same person. 2020 likes to argue just to argue, gunsie argues because he has a desperate need to fit in and gets combative anytime somebody disagrees.