I feel the NCAA lost my respect way they do things.
This happen in the quarters match at 157.
Was a scoring error.
Now the rules say that the review is for a judgement call not score.
This match should not have gone overtime.
Gutless chairman on the committee in my opinion.
3.11.2 Error by Timekeeper and/or Scorers. If there is an error on the part of the
timekeeper and/or scorers, the error shall be corrected and the referee will
inform the wrestlers, coaches and announcer of the correction. During a dual
meet, correction shall be made by the referee before the start of a subsequent
match. An error during the last match of a dual meet must be corrected before
the referee has signed the scorebook.
For a tournament, the correction shall be made by the referee and shall take
place before the contestants leave the mat area or the bout sheet leaves the
scorer's table. Any error not resolved by the referee shall be arbitrated by the
tournament committee.
This is on the score table, the referee, and the tournament committee. Not the coach.
This happen in the quarters match at 157.
Was a scoring error.
Now the rules say that the review is for a judgement call not score.
This match should not have gone overtime.
Gutless chairman on the committee in my opinion.
3.11.2 Error by Timekeeper and/or Scorers. If there is an error on the part of the
timekeeper and/or scorers, the error shall be corrected and the referee will
inform the wrestlers, coaches and announcer of the correction. During a dual
meet, correction shall be made by the referee before the start of a subsequent
match. An error during the last match of a dual meet must be corrected before
the referee has signed the scorebook.
For a tournament, the correction shall be made by the referee and shall take
place before the contestants leave the mat area or the bout sheet leaves the
scorer's table. Any error not resolved by the referee shall be arbitrated by the
tournament committee.
This is on the score table, the referee, and the tournament committee. Not the coach.