Whats the worst Christmas gift you have ever heard of?

Peloton thread got me thinking...whats the worst/dumbest gift you have ever received or given or have seen others get or give?

Friend of mine got his wife a garbage disposal unit for the kitchen. Wife was actually happy!

As a teenager, I got a tie from an uncle/aunt that said 'US Male'

My son was about 10 at the time and is a diehard Cardinal baseball fan. My brother went to Chicago for business and bought him a Cubs hat for Christmas. My son's disappointment was obvious.
I used to work with a woman who was someone who did lots of things that most of us would buy the product or service. She made homemade perfume and gave it to the women in her department. This stuff was strong as heck and smelled really bad.

It's like smelling your own think it's not bad but to everyone else......woof
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Well for a Wedding Gift I received a plastic donkey/burro on a flat piece of a shiny coal/rock. Similar to this but plastic. BTW she lives in the Wilks-Barre area so I think it was on some kind of coal. I should have received an award for writing a thank you note for that. Also, when people goofed up at work I would place it on their desk for a month calling it the "black burro award".

Was she telling you you are an ass?
Last Christmas, my mother in law gifted me two pairs of flannel pajama pants. Several problems:
1. I rarely wear long pants at night even in the winter inside the house. Because she lives with us, I have to keep my thermostat much higher than I would like just to accommodate her.
2. I already have a half dozen pairs sitting in a dresser in my closet. I can essentially wear each pair once per year.

The two pairs are still sitting in the same place since last December 26th.
She probably hated your hairy legs!
I've got you all beat. You have to be old to get this but a saying in my home town and I think others, when asked "What do you want for Christmas", the answer was a dog turd on a lettuce leaf. My aunt would say it all the time. One Christmas morning I showed up at her house with a box with a bow on it and you guessed it inside was a dog turd on a lettuce. leaf. We laughed about that for years.
My guess is that saying is that that saying is a hold over from WWII referencing some crappy food like spam or C-rations. Good joke to pull on her......
All time worst advertised list in no particular order :
Salad Shooter
Chia Pet
Mr. Microphone
Worst is the pajamagram commercials. Especially when the arse of a guy pats his hand on the bed saying he expects some for buying such a wonderful gift.....and hinting that you will get laid too if you just buy now!

LOLOL While typing this a pj gram commercial came on the radio!
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My in laws got me Steelers stuff the first year or second year.

I'm from Philadelphia. And an Iggles fan.

Thankfully, they did not get me anything from Pitt (or Penn).
Very funny was to read all answers. My worst gift was a leather bag, btw I am a vegan. The sad thing is that I got this bag from a friend who knew I was vegan and I was against leather stuff. It was very sad that he took animal abuse as a joke. In fact, choosing a gift can be difficult sometimes. I am happy to receive any gift, even a simple chocolate bar or even socks. When I don't know what to buy as a gift, I buy gift baskets with chocolate, sweets, tea, coffee or bottles of wine. I always buy on this service. They have a very wide choice, they have even a vegan basket. At this company customer support is prompt, payment is secure and prices are affordable. Take a look, if you don’t want to give a worst gift to your loved one.
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My nephew got a sleeveless shirt that said “Welcome to the Gun Show” on it. He never wore it.
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Peloton thread got me thinking...whats the worst/dumbest gift you have ever received or given or have seen others get or give?

Friend of mine got his wife a garbage disposal unit for the kitchen. Wife was actually happy!

As a teenager, I got a tie from an uncle/aunt that said 'US Male'

My friend Maloney received Hot Dogs from an Aunt, wrapped up and all. So funny they were ball park franks
Moms cancer diagnosis.
That sucks. My old man went into the hospital on Christmas Day in 2012. It’s the only holiday memory from the year.

one year, my ma’s husband gifted me three pair of black socks in a “secret Santa” type of deal with a max of $50. That money could have spent more wisely.
I was 12 or 13 and my Dad had back surgery right before Christmas. I got a sleeping bag (I didn't even like camping) a football and some clothes. I should have handled it better, but was still a kid. I was pretty bummed and for the only time I can remember, my Mother read me the riot act. Then I got to feel like a real shit head on top of missing out on Christmas.
I was 12 or 13 and my Dad had back surgery right before Christmas. I got a sleeping bag (I didn't even like camping) a football and some clothes. I should have handled it better, but was still a kid. I was pretty bummed and for the only time I can remember, my Mother read me the riot act. Then I got to feel like a real shit head on top of missing out on Christmas.
Explains a lot!
"5 o'clock Christmas morning, I run downstairs and look under the tree and what do I find? Uncle Alfresco, dead on the floor, shot through the back of the head. Plus no bicycle. It was a disappointing Christmas on many levels."