What's this all about? (msu plane flying to SC today)

connect the dots, duh.......It's obviously Daryl Clark, he just moved here......
All of that being said, if I am Pry, I don't want that job. I know it is a Power 5 job and MSU has done some winning. But when it comes to recruiting, it's the traditional 4th best program in the Big East.....;
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Hope its not Tyler Bowen either. I just listened/watched an interview he did. I never paid much attention to him. He is very articulate and makes a commanding presence. I believe he has a big future in coaching.
That was my first thought.
Stranger things have happened, but Pry had to have a lot to do with the Scott hire. That doesn't sound like a guy whose looking to leave. But, 4.2 million per yer isn't something anyone (assistant) is going to turn down.
It would be just a little amusing (despite the loss) if they took our DC and left "Old Salty Jr." to rot in Pittsburgh.
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Stranger things have happened, but Pry had to have a lot to do with the Scott hire. That doesn't sound like a guy whose looking to leave. But, 4.2 million per yer isn't something anyone (assistant) is going to turn down.
It would be just a little amusing (despite the loss) if they took our DC and left "Old Salty Jr." to rot in Pittsburgh.

I think Pry has done a great job. And as much as I'd hate to lose him, it would be a nice reflection on CJF to lose another coordinator to become the head coach at another MSU. I'm confident we could find a fairly good replacement, so I'm not terribly worried.

I'd be pretty surprised if Pry was offered the head job, though. The Banks scenario seems more plausible.
Hang on, so the plane scoops up fickell and then flies straight to SC to interview Tim Banks for D-coordinator? That would be shocking to me. It has to be Pry and I think he is doing it to get some HC interview experience.

Banks makes more sense. If its Pry it wouldn't even be a "lateral" move, IMO.
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I think Pry has done a great job. And as much as I'd hate to lose him, it would be a nice reflection on CJF to lose another coordinator to become the head coach at another MSU. I'm confident we could find a fairly good replacement, so I'm not terribly worried.

I'd be pretty surprised if Pry was offered the head job, though. The Banks scenario seems more plausible.

Where do you think pry would get his,staff,
Pry would be foolish to walk into that situation with chaos and NCAA infractions coming. He has top notch D returning and highly improved offense. Reach for BT / BCS then have a pick of HC jobs.
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Pry would be foolish to walk into that situation with chaos and NCAA infractions coming. He has top notch D returning and highly improving offense. Reach for BT / BCS then have a pick of HC jobs.
If I were to get offered a $3 million + dollar raise, I'd have to strongly consider it. That's life changing money.
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You guys are reading this all wrong. Narduzzi was spotted at the Pittsburgh rail yards last night where he jumped a boxcar headed to Tyrone. There he hitchhiked to State College where he meets with MSU officials at the Tavern to hash out contract details. Meanwhile his wife was spotted at Lowe’s buying boxes, tape, and bubble wrap. They’ll leave tonight under cover of darkness and a press conference will take place tomorrow. That’s my theory.
Pry would be foolish to walk into that situation with chaos and NCAA infractions coming. He has top notch D returning and highly improving offense. Reach for BT / BCS then have a pick of HC jobs.
Money talks. B***S*** walks.
I’d be okay if Pry left honestly, for 2 reasons. One creates a track record of CJF’s assistants leaving for HC job promotions. Two bc I’m sorta fed up with Pry’s pass defense schemes, and there are many DC’s out there that could help improve tht for this 2020 CFP run
I think the only thing this indicates is that Fickell did not immediately accept the position and MSU is still looking for a HC and Pry is on their list. The idea a representative would fly to State College to interview Banks seems a little far fetched. If Banks wanted to interview he would be flying there or they would be flying him. Most likely Pry would be flying to East Lansing too, so maybe this is completely unrelated.
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Lou Ann Simon looking for an exile location in the Valley?

Wouldn’t be disappointed if it’s Pry or Banks they are after.... need new blood on defense, too.
If I were to get offered a $3 million + dollar raise, I'd have to strongly consider it. That's life changing money.

Yeah, I don't want to lose Pry right now either, and the MSU job has its warts for sure, but that would be a pretty solid opportunity for him that I think would be tough to turn down. I think he is HC material too.

The timing would not be ideal, and I think he's a solid DC, but he can be replaced without downgrading IMO. And to be extra clear, I hope he is our DC next season.
Yeah, I don't want to lose Pry right now either, and the MSU job has its warts for sure, but that would be a pretty solid opportunity for him that I think would be tough to turn down. I think he is HC material too.

The timing would not be ideal, and I think he's a solid DC, but he can be replaced without downgrading IMO. And to be extra clear, I hope he is our DC next season.