Reminds me of one of the first trials I tried as a young lawyer. I was presenting my witness and the attorney on the other side was objecting tot he scope of my client's testimony as being outside the scope of his expert report. The judge, sitting on his first trial, couldn't figure out what to do (i.e. Either sustain or overrule the objection) and caused a long delay as he tried to get the two of us (the attorneys) to come to an agreement on how the objection should be resolved. This was extremely bizarre. On lunch breach, I called one of the senior partners in the firm and explained the situation to discuss the objection and possible appealate issues that might be arising. The partner said something that has stuck with me for many years.....he said "Just win the case! Don't worry about the other stuff, just win the case. The other stuff will take care of itself later". Luckily, I won the case and no appealate issues were raised. There are some parallels here. We have no control over what this committee is going to do. We have no control over whether there is unfair biases at work. We have no control over whether an uproar is going to happen resulting in an 8 team playoff in the future. What we do have control of: JUST WIN THE CASE (OR GAME IN THIS CASE). Just control what we can control and just win the game! Wisconsin, Wisconsin, Wisconsin.....shut out this other nonsense for now!