The Target downtown has limited space and is not “full service”. The availability of items there is much less than that of McClanahan’s and not much better than Rite Aid. No deli, produce, limited meats and frozen, etc. There is also a noticeable markup of prices than at a normal Target by about 25% on non sale items. If you have no other options then I guess one could survive, but it isn’t close to being a “grocery store”. It is outclassed in every way except location and housekeeping by the ghetto Weis on Westerly. It is far less trouble and almost as cost effective for the kids to hit the low end restaurant options like pizza (dollar slices), tacos (the taco shed in McCalister Alley is the new thing), or the pie tin Chinese places scattered around town. This rolls into the volatility issue as kids look for bang for buck and effort, and frequent low profit margin places. If you are counting on selling 500 dollar slices, and you forget that it is a Thon canning weekend or there is a heavy rain, the receipts are going to come up short. If a student is going to cook for himself without spending a significant amount of time chasing things down on CATA, a vehicle is needed. Now the student has to park it somewhere and that gets expensive as well. The only other options for a student without a car are to bus to campus from apartment complexes located on Waupalani, Martin St, or Vairo, to be close to retail centers. Those places aren’t cheap. Sending a kid to college is a hard thing to pay for, but the town is set up to shake every last cent out of a students pocket, and it has become significantly worse in just the last few years.