What is it about "social justice warriors" that you find distasteful?
It sounds like you're saying "hey, this guy complains about trivial stuff like equal rights but he still hasn't followed up on his promise to expose the importance stuff like corruption in a sport's international governing body."
I'm late here, but I'm gonna throw my two measly Lincoln's in here anyhow
A social justice warrior like Foley is anti-American. And I mean "American" in the broadest possible political sense, going back to our country's very, very old social and cultural roots in England. You know: Magna Carta, St. Thomas More, Blackstone's commentaries, all that crap.
Americans are not supposed to be ideologues; people who put their personal ideology above the law, above their native traditions, and so on. And maybe most especially, above obvious facts and logical reason.
Foley is simply an infrequently logical writer in certain areas.
Foley is a SJW who likes LGBTQ causes. Great, it's a free country, I guess.
Well, then he has the nerve to say an inane, stupid, factually bogus thing like Iran is safer than Iowa. Ok. Well, does Foley know what happens to gay people to Iran? Are you kidding me? How can you be that stupid, that contradictory? Gay people in Iran, famously/infamously, have been buried alive and stoned to death. Have you ever heard of gay people being stoned to death in the state of Iowa? More importantly, does the full might of the government of the state of Iowa *sanction* that treatment? No. Of course not. Whereas gay people executed in Iran have been executed at the behest of the laws of that regime.
Foley is an ideologue, a blind ideologue. Either that or he simply isn't very thoughtful. If you support marriage equality, or whatever, then you shouldn't be enough of a fool to say Iowa is less safe than Iran. Ridiculous. By the way, Iowa was on the way to legalizing gay marriage before the Supreme Court ruled.
But ..... Iowans and upper Midwesterners in general, though more socially liberal than, say, Texans, are essentially conservative people who don't move around much, like social stability, and are also generally very white. To a guy like Foley, living in his own little ivory tower in New York, all that's gross. Plus Iowa voted for Trump - the kiss of death. Personally, I disdain Foley's writing style because, to me, what's the point of being able to appreciate and sympathize with the culture of Mongolia or Ossetia if you can't even be fair to the culture of Iowa?