Why Foley Won't Address Ref Corruption

You've never once seen a protester get arrested for anything other than something illegal? You mean, like disturbing the peace? Letting blacks sit at the front? Interracial marriage?

If you need the law to tell you what's right and what's wrong then you are a morally weak person.

You've been to Iran three times? How did the Iranians treat you? Not too bad if you went back. Twice.

And no I wasn't alive when those atrocities were committed. Now many of the protestors I see being arrested now are the ones who are causing fights, etc
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My masters is in Poly Sci with a focus on the Middle East, I took three trips in college. The people are very nice but you never truly felt safe or comfortable.

How safe or comfortable would an Iranian feel in the Midwest?

"And no I wasn't alive when those atrocities were committed. Now many of the protestors I see being arrested noware the ones who are causing fights, etc"

Causing fights over what? Equal rights?
How safe or comfortable would an Iranian feel in the Midwest?

"And no I wasn't alive when those atrocities were committed. Now many of the protestors I see being arrested noware the ones who are causing fights, etc"

Causing fights over what? Equal rights?
I work in an industry where we hire many from India and the middle east. My boss is Iranian. Most of these people would give a left nut or more to have a chance to escape the nonsense that goes on over there. I'm not sure where the disconnect here is, but it seems to me like you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Iowa would be like Disneyland for 99.5% of these guys.
I work in an industry where we hire many from India and the middle east. My boss is Iranian. Most of these people would give a left nut or more to have a chance to escape the nonsense that goes on over there. I'm not sure where the disconnect here is, but it seems to me like you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Iowa would be like Disneyland for 99.5% of these guys.

Maybe the disconnect stems from the fact you were conversing with your employer.

I've had lengthy conversations with a peer from Pakistan. There are misconceptions on both sides.
Maybe the disconnect stems from the fact you were conversing with your employer.

I've had lengthy conversations with a peer from Pakistan. There are misconceptions on both sides.

congrats on your lengthy convo with a foreign national. I'm sure you gained a vast bit of knowledge. The rest of us will continue to live in real world. Some of us actually have friends and family that gave everything they had to escape the atrocities of brutal regimes in that part of the world.

For you to actually say: "How safe or comfortable would an Iranian feel in the Midwest?" is frankly insulting to anybody with any knowledge of the situation.
Bob, I was a United States Marine.

You've never served in the military, so shut your mouth.

: )
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You are a fool.

"Some of us actually have friends and family that gave everything they had to escape the atrocities of brutal regimes in that part of the world."

I was a United States Marine.

You've never served in the military, so shut your mouth.

: )

sure, I wasn't a United States Marine. not sure what that has to do with anything we're talking about ( although some of the most important people in my life were/are Marines, including my BIL who is currently a Major at Camp Lejune). If you want to whip out your dick and have a contest, I would bet my mortgage I had a security clearance where your access was my cover story. That being the case, and me being a fool, I guess the ODNI should be held accountable for giving access to such a fool.

It's the 4th of July. Happy 4th to you and your family. Good night.
sure, I wasn't a United States Marine. not sure what that has to do with anything we're talking about ( although some of the most important people in my life were/are Marines, including my BIL who is currently a Major at Camp Lejune). If you want to whip out your dick and have a contest, I would bet my mortgage I had a security clearance where your access was my cover story. That being the case, and me being a fool, I guess the ODNI should be held accountable for giving access to such a fool.

It's the 4th of July. Happy 4th to you and your family. Good night.

Thank you, too. Have a good night.
What is this corruption everyone's talking about? I see no such corruption

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I work in an industry where we hire many from India and the middle east. My boss is Iranian. Most of these people would give a left nut or more to have a chance to escape the nonsense that goes on over there. I'm not sure where the disconnect here is, but it seems to me like you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Iowa would be like Disneyland for 99.5% of these guys.

Bob, you never sacrificed a damn thing for our country. The most you've done is paid taxes, then cried about it.
What is it about "social justice warriors" that you find distasteful?

It sounds like you're saying "hey, this guy complains about trivial stuff like equal rights but he still hasn't followed up on his promise to expose the importance stuff like corruption in a sport's international governing body."

I'm late here, but I'm gonna throw my two measly Lincoln's in here anyhow

A social justice warrior like Foley is anti-American. And I mean "American" in the broadest possible political sense, going back to our country's very, very old social and cultural roots in England. You know: Magna Carta, St. Thomas More, Blackstone's commentaries, all that crap.

Americans are not supposed to be ideologues; people who put their personal ideology above the law, above their native traditions, and so on. And maybe most especially, above obvious facts and logical reason.

Foley is simply an infrequently logical writer in certain areas.

Foley is a SJW who likes LGBTQ causes. Great, it's a free country, I guess.

Well, then he has the nerve to say an inane, stupid, factually bogus thing like Iran is safer than Iowa. Ok. Well, does Foley know what happens to gay people to Iran? Are you kidding me? How can you be that stupid, that contradictory? Gay people in Iran, famously/infamously, have been buried alive and stoned to death. Have you ever heard of gay people being stoned to death in the state of Iowa? More importantly, does the full might of the government of the state of Iowa *sanction* that treatment? No. Of course not. Whereas gay people executed in Iran have been executed at the behest of the laws of that regime.

Foley is an ideologue, a blind ideologue. Either that or he simply isn't very thoughtful. If you support marriage equality, or whatever, then you shouldn't be enough of a fool to say Iowa is less safe than Iran. Ridiculous. By the way, Iowa was on the way to legalizing gay marriage before the Supreme Court ruled.

But ..... Iowans and upper Midwesterners in general, though more socially liberal than, say, Texans, are essentially conservative people who don't move around much, like social stability, and are also generally very white. To a guy like Foley, living in his own little ivory tower in New York, all that's gross. Plus Iowa voted for Trump - the kiss of death. Personally, I disdain Foley's writing style because, to me, what's the point of being able to appreciate and sympathize with the culture of Mongolia or Ossetia if you can't even be fair to the culture of Iowa?
I'm late here, but I'm gonna throw my two measly Lincoln's in here anyhow

A social justice warrior like Foley is anti-American. And I mean "American" in the broadest possible political sense, going back to our country's very, very old social and cultural roots in England. You know: Magna Carta, St. Thomas More, Blackstone's commentaries, all that crap.

Americans are not supposed to be ideologues; people who put their personal ideology above the law, above their native traditions, and so on. And maybe most especially, above obvious facts and logical reason.

Foley is simply an infrequently logical writer in certain areas.

Foley is a SJW who likes LGBTQ causes. Great, it's a free country, I guess.

Well, then he has the nerve to say an inane, stupid, factually bogus thing like Iran is safer than Iowa. Ok. Well, does Foley know what happens to gay people to Iran? Are you kidding me? How can you be that stupid, that contradictory? Gay people in Iran, famously/infamously, have been buried alive and stoned to death. Have you ever heard of gay people being stoned to death in the state of Iowa? More importantly, does the full might of the government of the state of Iowa *sanction* that treatment? No. Of course not. Whereas gay people executed in Iran have been executed at the behest of the laws of that regime.

Foley is an ideologue, a blind ideologue. Either that or he simply isn't very thoughtful. If you support marriage equality, or whatever, then you shouldn't be enough of a fool to say Iowa is less safe than Iran. Ridiculous. By the way, Iowa was on the way to legalizing gay marriage before the Supreme Court ruled.

But ..... Iowans and upper Midwesterners in general, though more socially liberal than, say, Texans, are essentially conservative people who don't move around much, like social stability, and are also generally very white. To a guy like Foley, living in his own little ivory tower in New York, all that's gross. Plus Iowa voted for Trump - the kiss of death. Personally, I disdain Foley's writing style because, to me, what's the point of being able to appreciate and sympathize with the culture of Mongolia or Ossetia if you can't even be fair to the culture of Iowa?

I heart this!
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How safe or comfortable would an Iranian feel in the Midwest?

"And no I wasn't alive when those atrocities were committed. Now many of the protestors I see being arrested noware the ones who are causing fights, etc"

Causing fights over what? Equal rights?
The 2000 census showed that there were 283,000 Iranian-born people in the U.S. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that more than a few of them ended up in the midwest and feel much safer there than in Iran.
I suspect that many (American and other) wrestling fans don't like someone with critical political positions. There is a great amount of authoritarianism, parochialism, and nationalism (flag waving, jingoism and tribalism) in most sports communities, including and especially wrestling. Foley was likely or largely right when he quoted someone to the effect that the US wrestling fan base is composed greatly of "Jesus, guns, and Trump". If so, to me that is a toxic combination of religiousity, fear-based nonsense, and ignorance. Or worse.

Wow. I'm surprised you even consider yourself a wrestling fan, since the vast majority must be Bible-thumping, gun-hugging ignoramuses. Surely, you are too good for this crowd! I mean, how can you even associate with people that think that way? The ignorance is 100% yours.
I'm late here, but I'm gonna throw my two measly Lincoln's in here anyhow

A social justice warrior like Foley is anti-American. And I mean "American" in the broadest possible political sense, going back to our country's very, very old social and cultural roots in England. You know: Magna Carta, St. Thomas More, Blackstone's commentaries, all that crap.

Americans are not supposed to be ideologues; people who put their personal ideology above the law, above their native traditions, and so on. And maybe most especially, above obvious facts and logical reason.

Foley is simply an infrequently logical writer in certain areas.

Foley is a SJW who likes LGBTQ causes. Great, it's a free country, I guess.

Well, then he has the nerve to say an inane, stupid, factually bogus thing like Iran is safer than Iowa. Ok. Well, does Foley know what happens to gay people to Iran? Are you kidding me? How can you be that stupid, that contradictory? Gay people in Iran, famously/infamously, have been buried alive and stoned to death. Have you ever heard of gay people being stoned to death in the state of Iowa? More importantly, does the full might of the government of the state of Iowa *sanction* that treatment? No. Of course not. Whereas gay people executed in Iran have been executed at the behest of the laws of that regime.

Foley is an ideologue, a blind ideologue. Either that or he simply isn't very thoughtful. If you support marriage equality, or whatever, then you shouldn't be enough of a fool to say Iowa is less safe than Iran. Ridiculous. By the way, Iowa was on the way to legalizing gay marriage before the Supreme Court ruled.

But ..... Iowans and upper Midwesterners in general, though more socially liberal than, say, Texans, are essentially conservative people who don't move around much, like social stability, and are also generally very white. To a guy like Foley, living in his own little ivory tower in New York, all that's gross. Plus Iowa voted for Trump - the kiss of death. Personally, I disdain Foley's writing style because, to me, what's the point of being able to appreciate and sympathize with the culture of Mongolia or Ossetia if you can't even be fair to the culture of Iowa?

Made me break my self imposed BWI ban to say "Attaboy!"
Made me break my self imposed BWI ban to say "Attaboy!"
Chief my man! Can't believe i didn't see this post. I knew you couldn't hold out. Don't worry, i have been keeping the engine running. Time for you to drive for a spell. This BWI road is wearing me out a bit;)
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