Why "Social Media" is great....

She plagiarized it from Bernie Madoff’s IG! :)

A post from the.mat forum:​


Posted 37 minutes ago
Dear Anthony Cassar,
America thanks you for all that you did in March 2019. Like a bad puppy, you pushed Gable’s nose down when he thought his $hit don’t stink. It motivated him to earn the greatest accomplishment in our sport. I hope that one day you sell the movie rights to your story once Steveson is a global icon.

”Rudy 2: Cassar Boogaloo” the story of a scrappy underdog who went from junior varsity to defeating a gold medalist pretttty much writes itself!

[I give myself a 4.2/10 for this trolling effort against PSU, but this morning seriously would not have happened if Gable didn’t get his eyes opened and gain humility from the Cassar losses. It’s all part of the journey.]

The Cold War Wrestling Rivalry That’s Heating Up the Tokyo Olympics: Captain America vs. The Russian Tank

Team USA’s Kyle Snyder and ROC’s Abdulrashid Sadulaev have wrestled twice before in fights known as ‘Snyderlaev I’ and ‘Snyderlaev II’

There is no real team medal but ... Snyder - Sadulaev To Decide The Olympic Team Champs. USA is currently leading Russia in the team score 100-95. Team USA has been on an unstoppable streak the last 2 days of wrestling and have won 9 straight matches.

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USA Women's Volleyball team STUNS Brazil 3-0 to win the FIRST EVER women's Gold Medal in Volleyball. GO USA!!!!! USA leads China in Gold Medals by one. The first USA boxer lost in the finals to claim silver. China's boxer also lost in the finals so ...with one match to go....USA clinches FIRST in Number of Gold Medals as well as TOTAL Medals. USA. USA

Best individual US performance

Gable Steveson. The 21-year-old Minnesotan, named after 1972 Olympic champion Dan Gable and competing in only his second senior-level international tournament, scored a pair of late takedowns in the 125kg final – the second with less than a second remaining – to dramatically turn an 8-5 deficit into a 10-8 victory over Georgia’s Geno Petriashvili and win America’s first heavyweight gold in freestyle wrestling since 1992. Even on a US wrestling team that brings home more medals than any non-host nation in history, Steveson’s star-making run managed to steal the show.

CP posted a fantastic interview with the Magic Man…..
Scary how much Taylor is like his mentor from his mannerisms, the way he sounds, to the answers he gives to questions. You can really tell there’s a Cael influence there. Read over on HR that they hate that one of our Olympic Champions is so unlikeable but how in the hell can anyone not like this guy? Especially after hearing this interview. Great representative for our school and our country!
That is an awesome picture and speaks volumes about both guys, especially Akgul. I know pictures can be deceiving and it looks like Akgul is slightly closer to the camera, but their listed heights of 6'4" for Akgul and 6'1" for Steveson seems way off per this picture.
I've always felt 6'1 was a little generous for Gable
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