Will it matter?

Will it matter?

  • Yes- it will open a lot of eyes

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • No- the stroy has already been set in stone

    Votes: 80 76.2%
  • no idea

    Votes: 14 13.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2008
Will the long overdue release of the Freeh Report Review matter in the long run- meaning will it change the narrative in a significant way?

Understand, I'm not asking if it SHOULD- we can all agree that it should.

WILL it? Why or why not?
Will the long overdue release of the Freeh Report Review matter in the long run- meaning will it change the narrative in a significant way?

Understand, I'm not asking if it SHOULD- we can all agree that it should.

WILL it? Why or why not?

No. It doesn’t have the full support of the university or any other impartial party. Would take a deeper dive by an organization or entity with a stellar investigative reputation and maybe subpoena power.


(I figured these cliches would get used sooner or later, so I decided to get in some preemptive OUTRAGE. :eek: .)
What new meaningful information is in there?
Maybe there was something I missed in my repeated readings of the document.

I assume since you take such offense, you must have also read the review and were struck by important new revelations.... what were they?

Maybe you were so ignorant to begin with, that everything in there was "new" to you :) But that doesn't make it "new information".
What's "New" is that evidence in the form of documents, emails and interviews actually exits to support what most here have been saying all along. Outside of this insular Board, I'd surmise that 99.99% of the rest of the world would be very surprised to learn that Freeh was acting in cahoots with the NCAA, PA OAG and PSU BOT with the sole purpose of creating and defending a false narrative. Surely you must see that.

NOW, you are going to go look for something?

You don't want to share that wealth of discovery that you were so upset about?
After getting your hackles up wrt not acknowledging the treasure trove of new, impactful information?


(Excuse me for not "holding my breath" :) )

Excuse me for not taking extensive notes when I read this the first time at 11 pm last night.

I am going back through the document now, and making a list to show you how wrong you are. In the meantime you can continue to act like a giant jackass; you seem to be quite good at that.
What's "New" is that evidence in the form of documents, emails and interviews actually exits to support what most here have been saying all along. Outside of this insular Board, I'd surmise that 99.99% of the rest of the world would be very surprised to learn that Freeh was acting in cahoots with the NCAA, PA OAG and PSU BOT with the sole purpose of creating and defending a false narrative. Surely you must see that.
No one outside of this board gives a shit and you’re delusional for thinking otherwise.
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Lawsuits mean discovery which goes both ways.

Suggesting Paterno(s) had or have something to hide? Dunno - but, seemed like if they wanted to get the NCAA for acting in a malicious manner to slander or ruin the reputation of Joe, Penn State had to be a party to the suit too (not a lawyer, but if you can prove those two worked together to draft a narrative that placed the blame, incorrectly, on Joe and football, the case seemed like a winner). That they dropped it is telling IMO.
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From Day 1, not naming the BOT/Admin as defendants made the whole thing a fool's errand.
Some folks here :) knew that from Day 1.
It was my understanding that it was not possible to sue individuals on the BOT; so you'd have to sue PSU as a whole and I can see how that might be unpalatable to the Paternos, no?
Suggesting Paterno(s) had or have something to hide? Dunno - but, seemed like if they wanted to get the NCAA for acting in a malicious manner to slander or ruin the reputation of Joe, Penn State had to be a party to the suit too (not a lawyer, but if you can prove those two worked together to draft a narrative that placed the blame, incorrectly, on Joe and football, the case seemed like a winner). That they dropped it is telling IMO.
In something like this? Discovery goes both ways.
If it was a slam dunk I doubt they’d drop it. I’ve seen some lawsuits dropped. And I’ve seen real crappy cases settled. I mean people settled the case because fighting would cost more even though they were in the right. One was a lawsuit asking for over 50 k andvitcwas settlef for $.2,000.
The business would lose more byclosings dsy or two. The lawyer for the plaintiff was begging for bread crumbs by the end .
Do the math. But that’s my take.
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I am holding out hope that a big "investigative" news service (60 Minutes, 20/20, Dateline) will pick up on this story and get it out to a much wider audience. I'm not holding my breath. If it just remains in PA newspapers it will have very little impact.
Will the long overdue release of the Freeh Report Review matter in the long run- meaning will it change the narrative in a significant way?

Understand, I'm not asking if it SHOULD- we can all agree that it should.

WILL it? Why or why not?
It absolutely matters to me and my fellow Penn State friends.

Outside of us, it will matter to those who are objective/open-minded about this topic, though they may be few.

And from a historical perspective it also matters that Freeh's report is no longer the unchallenged document of record.

So, in summary: it matters.
It absolutely matters to me and my fellow Penn State friends.

Outside of us, it will matter to those who are objective/open-minded about this topic, though they may be few.

And from a historical perspective it also matters that Freeh's report is no longer the unchallenged document of record.

So, in summary: it matters.

Facts and justice always matter.
Whatever happened to the lawyer in California that had an incredibly detailed website debunking freeh report? Was supposedly unconnected to the school
It was my understanding that it was not possible to sue individuals on the BOT; so you'd have to sue PSU as a whole and I can see how that might be unpalatable to the Paternos, no?

For sure - but, I think it would have been worth it. The rollout of the Freeh Report was nearly enough to suggest a coordinated effort; would have been worth pursuing I think but alas, wasn't meant to be.
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You’re understanding would be wrong.

The members of the BOT had indemnity insurance covering their righteous actions as Board members. But that most certainly doesn’t mean they cannot be sued...... and that they cannot be found liable....
It only means that PSU’s insurers would right the check - assuming the negligent actions were undertaken commensurate with the individual’s roles as members of the Board.

Is that “news” to you?
Thanks for the clarification but the bottom line is the same; the Paternos couldn't "hurt" the BOT individual members without hurting PSU. I can certainly understand why they wouldn't want to do that.
“Hurt PSU”?

How? Because of the money?
If they were concerned with that, what would stop them from turning around and writing a check back to PSU as a donation?

In the meantime, what is the value of “truth” (for lack of a better term)

Anyway..... there are - obviously :) - a lot of people who are afraid of the truth.
Good luck with that.
It's obvious from the historical catalog of posts that you don't care about (or perhaps don't understand) optics.

The optics of the Paternos suing PSU are not good. Even if the Paternos are squarely in the right. Based on what Jay has said, all they wanted was the truth. When it became clear that the courts were going to seal all discovery and nothing would become public, the costs (real plus optics) outweighed the benefits.
I’d much prefer the optics of being a Child Abuse enabler than someone who seeks out truth and righteousness.
That’s F-ing genius level work there!


In the meantime, You just go along moving those goalposts wherever it is that makes you happy!
Ignorance is - indeed - bliss.

But it’s back to the ignore bin for you.

Good luck!
The only thing more dangerous than an idiot is an idiot who doesn't have the self awareness that he is an idiot. Keep living in that weird bubble in which you have convinced yourself that you are a genius. Let me know how that works out for you. Peace.
“Hurt PSU”?

How? Because of the money?
If they were concerned with that, what would stop them from turning around and writing a check back to PSU as a donation? (Or just requesting that any financial penalty be limited to $1 :) )

In the meantime, what is the value of “truth” (for lack of a better term)

Anyway..... there are - obviously :) - a lot of people who are afraid of the truth.
Good luck with that.

Penn State was added to the Paterno suit as an nominal defendant. See the link.
That's serious. It was an excellent website, pro Paterno. Somewhat pro Jerry.
The California lawyer you are talking about is John Ziegler. He has no affiliation with PSU. is the website. I assumed you were joking because he's been discussed quite a lot on here over the past 8 years.
It was the same thing we got at the "meeting" this summer (where you there?).
A rehash of all the reasons the "Freeh Report" was a crock of shit.
From the various critiques we read over the years - from everyone from Costas, to Van Natta, to Ray Blehar, to Cipriano, to Thornbourgh, etc etc.

Is that new?

Just because - in your words - "99.99% of the rest of the world" doesn't care, doesn't make it either "new" or "meaningful".
No, I wasn't there. But, hey, thanks for asking. Even so, not attending a BOT meeting doesn't make my opinion any less relevant or any less accurate than yours...regardless of how much you might protest otherwise.

What's "new" and "meaningful" about this report is that it proves the existence of documentation/evidence that counters the Freeh Report's false narrative. Will it make a difference? Probably not. But, again, that's NOT was I was saying. What I said is that most people not associated with BWI would probably be very interested to learn what this board has surmised for years.
Will the long overdue release of the Freeh Report Review matter in the long run- meaning will it change the narrative in a significant way?

Understand, I'm not asking if it SHOULD- we can all agree that it should.

WILL it? Why or why not?
I voted it will open a lot of eyes but I could just as easily have voted no idea. Definitely wouldn’t vote no.

No story is set in stone, even ones that are set in stone. This may not return the topic to general public interest but adding this review to the discussion will further complicate judgments and statements based on Louis Freeh’s assertions of what MAY have happened. And it certainly calls his analysis, conclusions and credibility into question.

Who knows when it will happen, but folks love juicy scandalous, greed-based conspiracy movies. There will be one down the line. And who knows, it may even have a tear-jerk ending with Jay as an aging grandfather standing by a young grandson admiring the statue on a beautiful fall football weekend. 410
I am holding out hope that a big "investigative" news service (60 Minutes, 20/20, Dateline) will pick up on this story and get it out to a much wider audience. I'm not holding my breath. If it just remains in PA newspapers it will have very little impact.
People are definitely studying this case and more will.

Easy proof: It always comes up as new scandals unfold —everybody’s learned NOT do handle it as PSU did. It’s got sports, scandal, suggestions of conspiracy in the fall of a tragic hero.... What doesn’t this story have? Imagine if Dan Brown were as interested in sports as he is in religious history and symbology. Whamo! NYT bestseller!
The California lawyer you are talking about is John Ziegler. He has no affiliation with PSU. is the website. I assumed you were joking because he's been discussed quite a lot on here over the past 8 years.

Ziegler is not the lawyer & I don't think he knows who it was, unless it was Tom Messeriu (sp?).

I surely dont think he knew at the time the website went up. It's probably down by now, and that guy has published an opinion piece.