With Spainer's Legal actions and now exposed facts.....

Legion of Lions

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2011
How come no CRIMINAL charges have been brought concerning the COLLUSION of the actors in this "scandal"??????

As a result of the Grand Jury Secrecy requirements, the TRUTHFUL & FACTUAL information about ANYTHING concerning The Sandusky-Second Mile Scandal has been hard to come by. This fact still continues to impair truth and justice after nearly 4 years!!

Alone...The OAG use of Grand Jury investigation conducted OVER a 3 YEARS period is questionable to say the least. The only benefit I see to this Grand Jury approach is that invoking a Grand Jury investigation is a GREAT WAY TO CONTROL (meaning HIDE) facts from the public so that you can "leak" whatever you want to the press. A great way to create an "illusion" and craft a "story" you control.

The issue of OAG aside, fact is, there are too many people here who know each other in all of this. The questionable common elements here include:
(1) political ties "with potential personal benefits"...
(2) consistently demonstrated personal interest & influence on University crisis handling - not the least of which includes "recommending" Freeh to investigate PSU's handling a former employee's HIDDEN criminal acts ....
(3) providing "public view" shelter to people (and organizations) that potentially have REAL FINANCIAL motives to promote the fact-less story of Criminal Football at PSU...
(4) have promoted (encouraged??) FACTUAL mis-information to the public through a collusion-enforced "story". The actions taken for these past years can only be justified by acknowleging those actions have had malicious intent to PSU and have served only personally directed motives. Excluding a corrupted media, the collusive partners include AT LEAST key PA OAG players, FREEH and the NCAA.

What happened to the Federal Investigation that was supposed to be happening?? How come NO CRIMINAL CHARGES have materialized???

The final result of all this is $200M (including payments for unnecessary administrative services to known political associates) in Penn State Funds that have been STOLEN and EXTORTED....I guess to the Feds, that this is just NOT A BIG ENOUGH CRIME!!!
most of what you suggest would represent a potential civil but not criminal recourse. Spanier and the Paterno's are going down that road and if there is any information to be had that would give rise to criminal accusations they probably have the best chance of anyone to uncover it.
Originally posted by Pardlion:

This is Kathleen Kane's job and she's not doing it.
Yep, and why? Because Frank Fina is the MASTER of the following from the OP:

"The only benefit I see to this Grand Jury approach is that invoking a Grand Jury investigation is a GREAT WAY TO CONTROL (meaning HIDE) facts from the public so that you can "leak" whatever you want to the press. A great way to create an "illusion" and craft a "story" you control."

Kathleen Kane's biggest mistake was underestimating Frank Fina and just how unethically corrupt that little prick is.