Women's LAX kicking the crap out of their biggest rival. PSU 8

Sarcastic? Penn State/Rutgers is THE BIGGEST RIVALRY in college sports.

Throw out the record books when these two bitter foes meet. That's why Rutgers' record is of no consequence here. They have been pointing to this game since they were babes in the womb. It surpasses all others in terms of its fervor.
I'm a PSU fan and like to see academics and athletics do well in all endeavors. That said, I don't get the recent excitement over lacrosse. A new B1G lacrosse conference?? Whoopy do. I realize it's a big deal in the mid-atlantic and that at some schools lacrosse players are a big deal, i.e. Duke. Lately I've noticed networks and conferences are trying to raise the profile of the sport. I don't get it and I never will.
Originally posted by NittPicker:
I'm a PSU fan and like to see academics and athletics do well in all endeavors. That said, I don't get the recent excitement over lacrosse. A new B1G lacrosse conference?? Whoopy do. I realize it's a big deal in the mid-atlantic and that at some schools lacrosse players are a big deal, i.e. Duke. Lately I've noticed networks and conferences are trying to raise the profile of the sport. I don't get it and I never will.
Well, that's a dangerous thing to admit. Still, you may get a pass...this time. Just don't say anything bad about soccer.
I'll bet if it was 15 years ago, you would have said the same about

women's volleyball.
This post was edited on 3/28 4:17 PM by psu00
Re: I'll bet if it was 15 years ago, you would have said the same about

Originally posted by Roar More:
women's volleyball.
Certainly NittPicker can answer for himself, but speaking for me, I would not have. First of all, volleyball is continual action and scoring, not (for 10 minutes) and then (maybe)...score. Beyond that, volleyball women wear those terrific uniforms and are not bashing each other about the head and body with sticks. I have no doubt there are many very attractive women's lacrosse players, but you would not know it looking at them in their battle gear. Still, to each his own, so I am not critical of those who feel otherwise.
