WOW - Rutgers requiring all to be vaxed before returning to campus in fall!!!

Tell your coworkers that until politicians change tort law in the US, employers are forced into doing things like possibly mandating vaccines. It’s not the ‘evil employer,’ it is the evil predatory law firms.
Your post is 100% spot on. If Congress passed Tort reform on Monday insulating Employers from any liability you would have 90% of the workforce back to work by the end of the month.
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Your statement about COVID vaccines not preventing you from spreading it is false. There have been no reputable medical studies that have shown this.
I am truly confused on this point then as dr f fully vaccinated is wearing 2 masks to prevent the spread. Who is lying? He is the purported expert. Is he just pandering?
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My uninformed opinion is that the vaccine is great for high risk groups and the elderly. Where I wonder is whether it makes sense for our younger population to be mandated the vaccine. The speed at which it was developed and thus the limited long-term studies makes me hesitant to highly recommend to others. Will these same schools that require it be liable should the vaccine be proven to have some side effect that presents itself down the road? I am curious about the study in women’s (and men’s) reproductive systems. I have to imagine that the vaccine was built upon a foundation of previous vaccines but there is certainly room for reasonable doubt. And I think a risk analysis using data from the younger generation might be warranted. It’s not quite so clear to me how that would prove out for the individual. I think we are now saying, you need to get the vaccine to protect the spread of the virus to others, but at the same time that you can still spread it once you get the vaccine should you come into contact with it.
Potential long-term vaccine side effects vs potential long-term Covid side-effects? Problem, no one knows. 🤷‍♂️
What is interesting is that they are requiring students to get vaccinated and we all know they are in one of the lowest risk categories and if the goal is more to protect others as has been preached to everyone a million times why aren’t they requiring the staff and faculty to get vaccinated who I would imagine are in a much higher risk catagory overall?
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The student has every right not to go to Rutgers. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. This argument is as dumb as the people who think that businesses requiring masks is obstructing their rights. Just go to another business that doesn’t require them.

I am sure liberty university doesn’t require them. Send your kid there if you have a problem or do online classes.
I am not suggesting that there aren’t any other options than Rutgers but if it becomes a point of entry for higher education as other schools adopt the same policy, then I think you would agree that is a problem. Further, using your recommendation, if Liberty doesn’t provide the education that I want, does that infringe on my options? My thought is that businesses will migrate toward requiring the vaccine and then we ultimately compel our young people to get it. I am simply stating there is a level of risk at this point that is not being discussed. And where does the liability rest? Are we really doing it for their betterment or are we saying it’s for society? It’s not quite as easy for the younger population.
I am not suggesting that there aren’t any other options than Rutgers but if it becomes a point of entry for higher education as other schools adopt the same policy, then I think you would agree that is a problem. Further, using your recommendation, if Liberty doesn’t provide the education that I want, does that infringe on my options? My thought is that businesses will migrate toward requiring the vaccine and then we ultimately compel our young people to get it. I am simply stating there is a level of risk at this point that is not being discussed. And where does the liability rest? Are we really doing it for their betterment or are we saying it’s for society? It’s not quite as easy for the younger population.

Vaccines have ALAWYS been a requirement.
no need to make everything political
Rutgers is not requiring students to get vaccinated. Those that choose not to get vaccinated have two choices; go remote (all upper class students now have lots of experience) or transfer. The upper class students would probably go/stay remote.
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Rutgers is not requiring students to get vaccinated. Those that choose not to get vaccinated have two choices; go remote (all upper class students now have lots of experience) or transfer. The upper class students would probably go/stay remote.

How hard is it for people to grasp? Sheesh
I assume Rutgers will have legal action taken against it for mandating an unapproved vaccine.

"Dr. [Amanda] Cohn [Executive Secretary of the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices] reminded everyone that under an EUA, vaccines are not allowed to be mandatory. Therefore, early in the vaccination phase individuals will have to be consented and cannot be mandated to be vaccinated. "

I assume Rutgers will have legal action taken against it for mandating an unapproved vaccine.

"Dr. [Amanda] Cohn [Executive Secretary of the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices] reminded everyone that under an EUA, vaccines are not allowed to be mandatory. Therefore, early in the vaccination phase individuals will have to be consented and cannot be mandated to be vaccinated. "

The students have choices; get vaccinated to be on campus, go full-time remote like they have been for about a year, or transfer to another school. It's really simple. They aren't being forced to do anything.
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I assume Rutgers will have legal action taken against it for mandating an unapproved vaccine.

This is a real question. Does EUA mean "approved" for purposes of federal law? Will the EUA change to approval soon?

Anyway this is a tempest in a teapot. Anybody who's sent a kid to college knows there's a pile of vaccine paperwork that has to be sent before the kid can enroll. Covid just gets added to the list. Probably by July, virtually all colleges will require covid -- the only reason they're waiting is they need to be sure students can get access to vaccine in time for fall semester.

One could possibly argue that covid vaccine should not be required because the risk of serious illness is so low for 18-22 population.

But arguments that the vaccine is dangerous or ineffective or won't last long are just anti-vax fiction at this point.

My only problem with Rutger's announcement is they want to continue to require their 100 percent vaccinated student population to continue to wear masks and keep 6 feet apart.

That's just silly and not scientific. After people are vaccinated, requiring masks confers about as much public health benefit as requiring burqas, or requiring everybody to wear Mickey Mouse ears.
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How hard is it for people to grasp? Sheesh

I literally cannot understand why you cannot grasp that this effectively forces students to get vaccinated.

Hey buddy... you can attend but you have to sit in the corner away from other kids. Ok?

Let's tell handicapped kids they can only attend with a helper. I mean it's three options. Helper, remote or leave school right?

I literally cannot understand why you cannot grasp that this effectively forces students to get vaccinated.

Hey buddy... you can attend but you have to sit in the corner away from other kids. Ok?

This is a real question. Does EUA mean "approved" for purposes of federal law? Will the EUA change to approval soon?
EUA is not an approval for federal law. Pfizer wanted to get its vaccine fully approved by end of summer, but who knows if they'll get that.
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You have a choice. Feel free not to get the vaccine. Feel free to send your child to another school or do online learning. You have a choice.

Boy GreggK, given your posting history, I never would have pegged you as being a supporter of Jack Phillips and Masterpiece Cakeshop. As you say, as long as someone has choices, then no rights are being violated, correct? A kid at Rutgers is being given the Hobson's choice of either being vaccinated or transfer or go 100% online. But as you've said repeatedly, they have a choice so no harm, no foul. Well, the gay couple in Colorado who demands Phillips bake their wedding cake has many, many more palatable choices than the Rutgers student. So no rights violated because they have a choice. I mean, that's what you keep saying right? I'm sure Phillips will appreciate your support.
Boy GreggK, given your posting history, I never would have pegged you as being a supporter of Jack Phillips and Masterpiece Cakeshop. As you say, as long as someone has choices, then no rights are being violated, correct? A kid at Rutgers is being given the Hobson's choice of either being vaccinated or transfer or go 100% online. But as you've said repeatedly, they have a choice so no harm, no foul. Well, the gay couple in Colorado who demands Phillips bake their wedding cake has many, many more palatable choices than the Rutgers student. So no rights violated because they have a choice. I mean, that's what you keep saying right? I'm sure Phillips will appreciate your support.
Not even close to being an apt comparison
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The fastest human vaccine developed was a little under 5 years. Forcing people to get a vaccine for someting under EUA is just plain wrong. Making it worse is the simple fact that if you are healthy, you are at greater risk from dying in a car accident than from Covid.

There is zero long term safety data from these vaccines, know why, it takes years to develop. if you are 80 years old, than you could very well die before any long term effects harm you. People should be allowed to make their own choice using risk reward.

I am not getting the vaccine, I am 54, zero co-morbidities and in excellent health. Why risk a vaccine that has unknown long term effects to protect me from a virus where I am at greater risk from dying in a car accident. It makes no sense.

Keep in mind, you cannot untake the vaccine if there are unintended consequences.
The fastest human vaccine developed was a little under 5 years. Forcing people to get a vaccine for someting under EUA is just plain wrong. Making it worse is the simple fact that if you are healthy, you are at greater risk from dying in a car accident than from Covid.

There is zero long term safety data from these vaccines, know why, it takes years to develop. if you are 80 years old, than you could very well die before any long term effects harm you. People should be allowed to make their own choice using risk reward.

I am not getting the vaccine, I am 54, zero co-morbidities and in excellent health. Why risk a vaccine that has unknown long term effects to protect me from a virus where I am at greater risk from dying in a car accident. It makes no sense.

Keep in mind, you cannot untake the vaccine if there are unintended consequences.

Fair enough and I don’t think anyone supports someone being forced to take a vaccine. I certainly don’t.
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Not even close to being an apt comparison
Actually this is a very apt comparison, only the cake buyers have far more choices to go for their cake, like to any grocery store bakery shop, etc., with little impact on the persons rights.

Having to transfer universities to continue to pursue a degree is much more intrusive on a person/student ~ who likely has far less choices to accommodate their needs when factoring in costs, timing, declared major, type of degree pursued, possible distances traveled, etc....
Actually this is a very apt comparison, only the cake buyers have far more choices to go for their cake, like to any grocery store bakery shop, etc., with little impact on the persons rights.

Having to transfer universities to continue to pursue a degree is much more intrusive on a person/student ~ who likely has far less choices to accommodate their needs when factoring in costs, timing, declared major, type of degree pursued, possible distances traveled, etc....

They don’t have to transfer. In fact they can still live in New Brunswick if the choose. They just have to work remotely.

If Rutgers is the baker in your comparison, they are still baking the cake. The costumer still gets the same product, they just don’t get to come into the store.

Its a pretty bad comparison.
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