Interesting how things are perceived.
For me, I didn't take Pish69's comments negatively at all. I thought the same thing. It was to me the logical conclusion when seeing those "anomaly's" for people into stats. He just happened to say it on the board. Gut feeling. I'm sure technically he "knew" the answer (its an algorithm and therefore us), but wanted to talk about it. What's wrong with that?
An explanation of the algorithm is NOT necessary since this is obviously an outlier issue. I doubt many (if any) here truly know the inner workings and hidden mechanisms of the algorithm and programming Andegre uses anyway, to be able to truly speak to the issue. So we just say its an algorithm and imperfect.....and debate it.
What escalated this was the negativity in the responses. Pish was not "angry" least not until he was asked why bother even posting? Why do you care? I would have been too at that point.
Why talk about rankings? Why debate teams? Because its fun. Helps us learn more about the thing we enjoy. I thought that is why we are all here. Gives us something to enjoy between the matches. Why is one person's question ok and another's not? There is no hierarchy of fans here that I know of.
There is a very subtle condescension
at times on the board that ticks people off unnecessarily imo. A little patience with differing personalities goes a long way. I am guilty of it myself so speak from experience. Not everyone "knows" people inside the program or has access to inside information. We don't all think the same way. Not everyone can keep up with things all the time. If someone asks what you think is a "dumb" question....ignore it if you can't be civil about it instead of giving the dig. Let someone more patient answer, or someone with some humor, or no one at all if it doesn't deserve an answer (troll questions).
We do the same thing with visitors. A Vodka comes over who is obviously just trying to instigate, and instead of just ignoring his comments and moving on, we get trigger happy and slap down others (many times in a very subtle unfriendly way) that come in peace, but with a differing view. Same on most boards by the way, but we don't have to be like others. I will say though that we do have some very patient people on this board that do a good job in this way, much better than I would be able to do.
Stepping down.
I for one am in a good mood. I like where we are at as a team and I think differing viewpoints are good for discussion....during the time between times of no wrestling.