Wrestling Experts - How Did Mich State End Up With -.5 Pts In The Tourny?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
A forfeit? A dangerous move? An unsportsmanlike penalty on him or his coach?

Thanks in advance!
Originally posted by ILLINOISLION:

A forfeit? A dangerous move? An unsportsmanlike penalty on him or his coach?

Thanks in advance!
Deleted response. I can't read.

This post was edited on 3/21 8:13 PM by fairgambit
Rizqallah, the one MSU wrestler who won (a consolation match) scored .5 points, then lost his next match in overtime, said something not too nice to the official afterwards and received an unsportsmanlike for which the team was deducted a point .5 - 1.0 = - .5.

This post was edited on 3/21 8:33 PM by mn78psu83
chewing gum - Didn't bring enough for everyone. *

Re: chewing gum - Didn't bring enough for everyone. *

"Boy is he strict"--Blazing Saddles