I haven't really heard anybody talk about the actual agent. Lot of people referring to the insurance company
The quality of your insurance agent is of the utmost importance.
A good agent first makes sure that you are insured adequately and properly. Then, at the time of a claim they help you with any issues that arise throughout the process.
Almost every single issue that you ever hear of a complaint about an insurance company is almost exclusively due to poor communication on one side or both sides. Sometimes it's the client that is terrible at communicating or unwilling to hear/listen and other times it's the insurance company and their claims reps that don't explain things well or are poor communicators in many ways.
The best way to deal with this is to have a good agent that can play referee and in some cases actually fight for the homeowner when necessary. Other times, the agent can clarify and defuse situations where the homeowner doesn't understand why something isn't covered or isn't working out the way they anticipated. And sometimes it claims adjuster needs a kick in the ass or to be pushed to look outside the box a bit
Like I said, in almost every situation a good agent makes all the difference in the world
Lastly companies like State farm Allstate etc are gargantuan companies that almost exclusively rely on name recognition via massive advertising campaigns.
That name recognition blindly provides a large level of comfort for a great many people when in actuality these companies are average at best when it comes to dealing with claims.
So, your best bet is to find a good independent insurance agent and hook your wagon to the best one you find. Many times, word of mouth is the best way to find one. And I probably wouldn't go to the massive agencies. Find a good, smaller agent even the agency owner.
This advice is coming from an agent who has been on both sides........... I worked 10 years for a direct writer such as the companies I talked about above and also on the independent side for 15.
I can tell you unequivocally that the independent side is a much better situation for most people..... But again, not all agents are created equal.