Miami has the turnover chain. The Buckeyes can wave around their turnover dildo.
The good thing is urban has a good life coach to help...Most likely Urban’s secretary. You know, Smith’s friend he brought home on the night of his first anniversary.
The guy needs some serious life coaching.
EwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwMiami has the turnover chain. The Buckeyes can wave around their turnover dildo.
Not only coordinate...he'll be dotting the “i” in “ejaculation”!The band that can’t spell it’s own school’s name and instead spells the name of the school in Athens, OH is working full time on a new halftime show.....details are still sketchy but Zach Smith is reportedly helping coordinate the band’s “x-rated” formations, sure to bring moments of pleasure to the scarlet and grey thongs (I mean throngs).
The fact that college game day opens at a game featuring Michigan is just too perfect.
They are each others sex toys!Big deal.....I suspect Emmert and Delany send each other sex toys all the time.
Big deal.....I suspect Emmert and Delany send each other sex toys all the time.
And that Harbaugh also hired a weirdo lying train wreck after he was fired by UF.The fact that college game day opens at a game featuring Michigan is just too perfect.
- Noah Spence. I just thought of that quote too when thinking of the OSU targets who may now look elsewhere uttering the same sound.Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Just quoting an ex-Buckeye
Wow what a weirdo. I’m sure this guy has more stuff on OSU. Can’t wait for their report on Sunday but looks like Urbie will survive as they blame everyone else.
This is completely irrelevant to the greater story. Who cares?
Just quoting an ex-Buckeye
Ohio St coach fired.
Public learns fired Ohio St coach alleged to have committed spouse abuse.
Ohio St coach lies about what he knew about fired Ohio St coach.
Public learns about 10 police incidents with fired Ohio St coach including one at UF where current Ohio St coach sent 2 people to avert charges.
Ohio St coach non-apologizes since public knows he lied.
Ohio St pushes several stories to undermine credibility of the victim of abuse by fired Ohio St coach.
Public sees text exchange where fired Ohio St coach admits to the victim that he choked her. Says he's sorry.
Ohio St places coach on paid leave with a 2 week “independent” investigation in which half of the investigative team is Ohio St BOT and is lead by an 80 some year old.
Public learns about fired Ohio St coaches DUI.
Ohio St AD is found to have also been placed on paid leave potentially as scapegoat.
Ohio St announces the investigation will end as planned after 2 weeks and an announcement will follow the next week.
Public learns fired Ohio St coach has over $2k in sex toys delivered to Ohio St football offices and has taken multiple photos of his penis in said offices and the White House.
Public waits for Ohio St decision on Ohio St AD and coach as well as almost certain new shoes to drop in the case after the announcement.
You would think this case couldn’t be more twisted except that the Feds are already planning a visit to investigate Ohio St’s knowledge of allegedly over 100 wrestlers sexually molested by a now dead doctor after decades, students from the diving team sexually molested by coaches, and a former band director fired for sexual abuses to Ohio St band members.
Oh, and the Ohio St coach awaiting his verdict formerly cheated on his spouse with girls about the same age as his daughters and lost complete control of his players/criminals at UF.
The public anxiously awaits more. Each new piece of information seems almost crazier and even more twisted than the last. It is animal house on steroids. What could possibly be next?
The good thing is urban has a good life coach to help...
To be honest, "dildo" is one if my favorite words. Something about that combination of syllables always brings a smile to my face.
What a fun Saturday morning!
When they said over $2k in sex toys, I thought maybe Coach Smith installed a Sybian in his office, which is a boss move in my opinion.
When they said over $2k in sex toys, I thought maybe Coach Smith installed a Sybian in his office, which is a boss move in my opinion.
It's not so much that what he's ordering and doing is all that out of the ordinary, I feel like a lot of people have a naughty kink side that they keep hidden from their wives, husbands, partners, whatever... What you do in your own time is your own business.
What's outrageous, is that this dude seemed to have it all out in the open, it was almost like he was begging to get caught.... Begging to create this kind of ridiculous scandal... which I guess makes sense. Make a name for yourself, just because you're related to a Buckeye legend like Earl Bruce, yet you've never done anything with your life that's worth a damn, actually, you're a POS, beating your wife, more than likely was abusive to his kids, (or would have been eventually) ... and blew (pardon the pun) thousands of dollars on ridiculous lingerie FOR HIMSELF, that he had send to the football offices at Ohio State? What the Flucking Fruck is going on here!?
I'd be lying if I wasn't loving every minute of this ridiculous debacle. Here's tOSU, who's got a sociopath relative with legacy ties, who is supposedly coaching wide receivers (sorta makes sense now) ... who's also one of the Bucknuts lead recruiters. This is what happens when you let LEGACY individuals hang around a program, because of something someone before them was honored for. Man, and I thought we had it bad with JayPa coaching our QB's into the ground.
But regardless, You've got OSU still bring in top 5 classes every season. If you want to go ahead and play the card, that everyone played with Penn State, following the narrative, that "Everyone knew everything about everyone in the program," then you have to really wonder what the hell kind of sex ring they've got running over there in the Columbus WhoreShoeHouse
There’s was mention of video equipment in that article. So was this guy making porn videos in the Woody Building?
Soooooo.... what are the chances our students will be waiving dildos in the stands instead of the white towels at the the end of September? That would be freaking hilarious!!
Porn. In the Woody Building?
How appropriate.
We all knew that much of college football is in the gutter. But this is just a whole 'nother kettle of fish. It may or may not be relevant to Meyer, but you just know that the university president has got to be cringing this morning.
Certainly a funny thought. But no. I much prefer PSU fans acting with class.Soooooo.... what are the chances our students will be waiving dildos in the stands instead of the white towels at the the end of September? That would be freaking hilarious!!
It’s getting more good every day.