Zain at Dave Schultz Memorial this weekend


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2012
Registered at 65 kg / 143 lb freestyle.

Should be a very good test for him. Jordan Oliver, Reece Humphrey, Montell Marion among the big names registered so far. (Pardon the lack of formatting, no idea how to set up a table here.)

Name State TeamBebeto Yewah (N/A) Minnesota MN Storm
brett robbins (College) Iowa pwc rotc
Cole VonOhlen (N/A) Colorado Air Force WCAP
Evan Henderson (N/A) North Carolina Titan Mercury Wrestling Club
Jordan Oliver (N/A) Arizona Sunkist Kids
Kevin Iwasa-Madge (N/A) Ontario Canada/Guelph WC
Mario Mason (12th) New Jersey Blair
Michael Dunkum (N/A) Colorado Unattached
Michael Mangrum (N/A) Oregon Titan Mercury Wrestling Club
Montell Marion (N/A) Maryland Titan Mercury Wrestling Club
Nicholas Villarreal (College) Arizona Sunkist Kids
Reece Humphrey (N/A) Ohio NYAC/OWC
Ridge Kiley (N/A) Iowa Titan Mercury Wrestling Club
Zain Retherford (College) Pennsylvania NLWC
2015 Dave Schultz Memorial International

GR 66 KG Mason Manville (11th) New Jersey MN Storm/NLWC2015

Dave Schultz Memorial International

MFS 70 KG Mason Manville (11th) New Jersey MN Storm/NLWC

This post was edited on 1/27 11:17 PM by crazylegs2
2015 Dave Schultz Memorial International

MFS 86 KG Quentin Wright (N/A) Pennsylvania Nittany Lion Wrestling Club
Q also registered at 86 kg / 189 lb freestyle.

Andrew Sorenson (N/A) Iowa pwc rotc
Austin Trotman (N/A) California Titan Mercury Wrestling Club
Austin Morehead (N/A) Oregon NWRTC

Clayton Foster (N/A) Wyoming GRIT Athletics/ Cowboy WCDeron Winn (N/A) Iowa Titan Mercury Wrestling Club

Quentin Wright (N/A) Pennsylvania Nittany Lion Wrestling ClubRichard Perry (College) Connecticut NYAC
Robert Hamlin (N/A) Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley Athletic Club
Manville's competitors at 66 kg / 145 lb Greco:

Alan Alvarez (College) Florida NYAC/NMU
Alejandro Sancho (College) Michigan NYAC/NMU
Jamel Johnson (N/A) North Carolina Army (WCAP)
Jessy Williams (College) New York NYAC/NMU
Joey DeNova (College) Georgia NYAC/NMU
Lara Marco (N/A) Colorado Army (WCAP)
Mason Manville (11th) New Jersey MN Storm/NLWC
Thrasher Porcher (N/A) Florida NVRTAP
Manville's competitors at 70 kg / 154 lb freestyle:

Dustin Schlatter (N/A) Minnesota MN StormGanbayar Sanjaa (N/A) Oklahoma NYAC/OWC

Jason Chamberlain (N/A) Idaho Titan Mercury Wrestling ClubJason Welch (N/A) California Chicago RTC / Wrestling Prep

Kevin LeValley (N/A) Minnesota MN StormMason Manville (11th) New Jersey MN Storm/NLWC

Nazar Kulchytskyy (N/A) Wisconsin Titan Mercury Wrestling ClubNestor Taffur (College) New Jersey NYAC/FMWC

Nick Marable (N/A) West Virginia Sunkist KidsVladyslav Dombrovskiy (College) California Army (WCAP)

This post was edited on 1/27 11:30 PM by El-Jefe
Greco starts today.

The Anvil is now at 71 kg / 156 lb, which makes more sense given his freestyle registration (70 kg / 154 lb).

His bracket:
- First-round bye
- quarters: Keita Yuda (Japan) or Colin Schubert (USOTS)
- semis: Kendrick Sanders (Northern Michigan) or Hunter Muskrat (OKC Wrestling Club)

Sanders is the likely favorite at this weight.

BTW, anybody know if "Hunter Muskrat" is his real name?
Manville with a quick day in Greco ...

R1 - bye
R2 - pinned by Keita Yuda (Japan) at the 5:53 mark
Consolation R2 - TFed by Christophe Gonzales (USOEC), 10-2

Re: Manville with a quick day in Greco ...

Originally posted by Tom McAndrew:

R1 - bye
R2 - pinned by Keita Yuda (Japan) at the 5:53 mark
Consolation R2 - TFed by Christophe Gonzales (USOEC), 10-2

FS matchups on Friday ...

Zain has a bye in R1, and will face Murad Nukhkadiev (Russia) in R2. As El-Jefe indicated in his post, 65 kg is absolutely loaded.

About the only weight class that seems as stacked to me is 86 kg, where Q is competing. He has Alexandru Buzulan (Moldova) in R1.

At 70 kg, Mason Manville will face Victor Hernandez Luna (Mexico) in R1.

At 74 kg, Danny Vallimont faces Kiril Terziev (Bulgaria) in R1.
Re: Manville with a quick day in Greco ...

Originally posted by Tom McAndrew:

R1 - bye
R2 - pinned by Keita Yuda (Japan) at the 5:53 mark
Consolation R2 - TFed by Christophe Gonzales (USOEC), 10-2

The Anvil was beating Yuda 9-7 late in the match, when he got taken to his back and pinned.

Can't be too terribly surprised at him going 0-2. He's a high school junior competing in an international senior-level tourney. Off the top of my head, I think he was the only high school entry at his weight in either FS or Greco, and there were very few college guys either. He's giving up a lot of physical maturity and experience.
Is anyone surprised at the weight where Manville was originally entered at? I know it is different weigh in and Manville didn't end up competing there, but the thought process was at least there for him to compete at 145.

He's got another year to go, but perhaps Manville enters PSU as a 57?
wow, all things considered, winning that match late is awesome. Too bad he didn't get another match. Will be fun to watch today!
If Track Wrestling is correct, Zain beat Mike Mangrum 7-6 and faces Jordan Oliver next.

Manville over Luna (Mexico) 8-1, and gets Kevin LeValley next.

This post was edited on 1/30 11:44 AM by jrod9

Wright 12-2 over Buzulan (Moldova) and gets Austin Trotman next.

This post was edited on 1/30 12:29 PM by jrod9
When I saw that I thought no way Manville getting down under 70 kg. Wasn't he at 152 this past summer? If he would have found a way under 150 I would have been shocked

A good tough first round win for Zain
Oliver 6-2 final over Z-Pain

Lots of shoving after whistles and cautions. No love lost
quarters of FS ...

Zain loses to Jordan Oliver, 2-6
he's face the winner of the Evan Henderson - Mario Mason match in the consolations

Manville loses to Kevin LeValley (MN Storm), 1-10
he'll face Ganbayar Sanjaa (NYAC/OWC) in the consolations

Q lost to Austin Trotman (TMWC), 6-9. He was down 1-8, tried to rally, but ran out of time.
he'll face Ryder Newman (OTC) in the consolations
consolation round (first for each) ....

Zain defeated Evan Henderson, 10-7. He'll face Borislav Novachkov (Bulgaria) in the consolation quarters. The winner will face Murad Nukhkadiev (Russia) in the consolation semis.

Manville lost to Ganbayar Sanjaa, 2-4, so he's done.

Q defeated Ryder Newman (OTC), 10-3. He'll face Austin Morehead (NWRTC) in the consolation quarters. The winner will face Robert Hamlin (LVAC) in the consolation semis.