You have your wires all crossed up. The Freeh report was garbage and it was a hatchet job. The problem is that report as jacked up as it is has nothing to do with why a truly guilty man is sitting behind bars. Yes people were taken down due to the Freeh report, not to mention the school so there was collateral damage. That is a given, but Jerry Sandusky was not part of that collateral damage. He really did molest children and JZ can't walk back that fact no matter how hard he tries to. The Freeh report was not derived from a courtroom. The state GA and local DA did not need the Freeh report to charge Jerry as remember the Freeh report occurred after the child molester was charged.
I don't buy the Freeh report, but I'm really starting to feel sorry for those here who actually think Jerry may be innocent. They can hide behind the fair trial line, but it's pretty transparent that some here wish it was all just a bad dream and it will all go away. I actually have more respect for those who at least say they think he is innocent rather than those who talk out of both sides of their mouth. Life isn't fair and the school took a huge hit (self inflicted by some at the school) due to Jerry's sick and twisted crimes, but it looks pretty damn bad when PSU folks listen to a guy who can only smear victims on facebook or social media. Someone tends to get into radio or broadcasting because they want attention,,,,and someone here has a little audience that so badly want to believe him, they just connect dots that don't exist.
Maybe someday comes where actual proof of Jerry's innocence is revealed and the entire school/state/victims story is blown up. So far you have a nut saying that some victims of molestation aren't all there as adults. The same victims who went to Jerry's charity because they were troubled already. That sick SOB preyed on kids who already didn't have a fair shake in life. All I can do is shake my head as a few here have convinced themselves since the school screwed up so bad, the whole thing is a lie. That is just scary to me.