Not sure why you would be surprised. Seeing how I spent the better part of a weekend having an honest conversation with you via DM. Second, I have engaged you further to demonstrate how little you seem to know about the very topic you claim to know, about which I have shown you to once again be wrong on the facts. Yet in all this time you have conceded pretty much nothing, still all in on the innocence project, still buddying up with Jer in the slammer.
All you do is ask the same straw man questions you did months ago.
Regardless of what you think about Leiters practices, the only thing that matters is are they legal. I am no lawyer but the ones I speak to say yes. Maybe the judge will disagree.
As you know I am not a lawyer either, but I am friends with several lawyers who have attempted to explain to me some nuances of some of the issues that may come into play in the PCRA. I understand the odds are stacked against the defendant in an PCRA and it is very easy for the judge to dismiss the claim out of hand.
I know you have said in the past that you didn't think JS's initial trial was fair, but I do not remember you ever advocating that JS deserves a new trial. It seems to me that you would prefer that the PCRA be rejected out of hand than for JS to win a new trial, but I may be wrong.
I am asking the same questions because I believe they are still as relevant as they were a couple of months ago, if not more so. The sense that I get is that more and more people realize that JS did not receive a fair trial in the first place and that he deserves a new trial.
I know that we disagree on a lot of things in this case, but I don't believe you are a bad person or have a nefarious motive for our difference of opinions. I don't buy that you have demonstrated anything at all with what I do and do not know about the facts in the case. Please humor me and tell me just exactly what you have demonstrated regarding the facts that I have wrong.
Call it what you want. My motives are for as much of the truth as possible to be known and for justice to served. I want justice for Spanier, Curley, and Schultz as well as for Sandusky. I want a new fair trial for Sandusky and for the chips to fall where they may. If a new trial finds him guilty of CSA, then he should have to suffer the consequences. If a new trial exonerates him, then I believe he deserves a settlement from the responsible parties that exceeds what the accusers got. If it can be shown that any of the accusers committed fraud in negotiating a settlement with Penn State, I would then like to see the responsible parties (accusers, attorneys, etc.) suffer the consequences. I would also like to see the responsible parties within the OAG have to answer for their prosecutorial misconduct and have to face the appropriate consequences. In addition, I would like to see the responsible parties within the Penn State BOT, the NCAA, and Louis Freeh's organization be held to account for their malfeasance.