2016 Fargo Junior Freestyle begins today

That's great. You knew it was only a matter of time. The center of the wrestling "world" is shifting to Central Pa.

It's been a sleeping giant for a LONG time Ian...Coach Caslow is a legend, Jason Bainey has resurrected tiny West Branch and turned them into a powerhouse at the AA level(think Benton, Reynolds, Brookeville, etc...) So many wrestling greats have come from the area...former PSU All American Jerry White, the iron-tough kid with the long name, James Yonushonis, Q himself from powerhouse Bald Eagle Area, and on and on...I have VERY good info on the club and things are coming along quite nicely....The kids LOVE Q and work hard for him.
Not worried about Jody. Cael will continue to bring in top level talent from anywhere and more elites than most.

Any word on where the kid from Oregon leaning? Any scuttle but about Fix? The longer it goes, it would appear OSU is not as sure a bet as you would think, otherwise, he'd commit. Clearly, he is conflicted!

That last part about Fix (in red font) is pure supposition. Fix isn't announcing until November, and it's very possible he is already in the fold OSU.
It's been a sleeping giant for a LONG time Ian...Coach Caslow is a legend, Jason Bainey has resurrected tiny West Branch and turned them into a powerhouse at the AA level(think Benton, Reynolds, Brookeville, etc...) So many wrestling greats have come from the area...former PSU All American Jerry White, the iron-tough kid with the long name, James Yonushonis, Q himself from powerhouse Bald Eagle Area, and on and on...I have VERY good info on the club and things are coming along quite nicely....The kids LOVE Q and work hard for him.
I can't imagine a better role model than Q for these kids - and I'm sure he's quite a technician as well.

You can be an awesome wrestler without bully boy nonsense and cheap theatrics. Q was a treat to watch.
Quentin is working with Jason Bainey, the head coach at West Branch(2015 District 6 champions AA) in forming a wrestling club, in the vein and style of young guns, right outside the Happy Valley area in Philipsburg.
What is their club called ? The real name not young fun
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It's been a sleeping giant for a LONG time Ian...Coach Caslow is a legend, Jason Bainey has resurrected tiny West Branch and turned them into a powerhouse at the AA level(think Benton, Reynolds, Brookeville, etc...) So many wrestling greats have come from the area...former PSU All American Jerry White, the iron-tough kid with the long name, James Yonushonis, Q himself from powerhouse Bald Eagle Area, and on and on...I have VERY good info on the club and things are coming along quite nicely....The kids LOVE Q and work hard for him.
Name of club ? Where and what days ?
The Young Funs
Q and Bainey need to get this on face book and get a few studs to start...If they can get some good wrestlers to attend they will be beating Jody and young guns....We would have Q talking up PSU then...I love that idea....Lets help the them!!!! It's only going to help Pa get even tougher....
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Okay Thanks...Q and Bainey need to get this on face book and get a few studs to start...If they can get some good wrestlers to attend they will be beating Jody and young guns....We would have Q talking up PSU then...I love that idea....Lets help the young funs club out guys !!!! Is that really the name of the club ?

Hahahaha, that's ridiculous...
The Young Funs

Good one Eric
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Teasdale attacks legs with constant pressure. He is going to be special imo. I'm not sure about a 133 lb. or not, as he didn't look like a big 120. Ramos was never a big 133 and had great success. I expect a similar career from Teasdale. Iowa has an awful tough looking 1-2 punch in he and Spencer Lee to look forward to.

Nick Lee is indeed a hammer!
I'm of the opinion that the second referee needs to be permitted to look for and call falls when the main ref is out of position. In freestyle they should add a second ref for that purpose. Too many times in a college dual a wrestler is pinned, but the main ref is on the wrong side and the second ref is standing 10 feet away with his thumb up his ass.
I couldn't agree more the second ref needs to have more responsibility on the mat. In college I only let them call stalling because they are back from wrestlers an can get a bigger picture of what's going on.
Teasdale attacks legs with constant pressure. He is going to be special imo. I'm not sure about a 133 lb. or not, as he didn't look like a big 120. Ramos was never a big 133 and had great success. I expect a similar career from Teasdale. Iowa has an awful tough looking 1-2 punch in he and Spencer Lee to look forward to.

Nick Lee is indeed a hammer!

Could Ramos have gone at 125 during his final year?
I believe by his senior season Tony was a pretty decent sized 133. I'm guessing he could have went 125 based on his current weight class, but it might have hurt his performance. He could have made 125 rather easily the fist couple of years he was in the line up at 133. I actually like guys wrestling closer to natural weight, and I think that is one of the advantages Cael has created for his wrestlers. PSU as a group seems to cut less weight than Iowa or OSU. Guys move up and it has worked out pretty well. It is the area where Cael has been "ahead of the game" imo. Eating is fun. Starving sucks.
I believe by his senior season Tony was a pretty decent sized 133. I'm guessing he could have went 125 based on his current weight class, but it might have hurt his performance. He could have made 125 rather easily the fist couple of years he was in the line up at 133. I actually like guys wrestling closer to natural weight, and I think that is one of the advantages Cael has created for his wrestlers. PSU as a group seems to cut less weight than Iowa or OSU. Guys move up and it has worked out pretty well. It is the area where Cael has been "ahead of the game" imo. Eating is fun. Starving sucks.

At Penn State, WRESTLING is fun. Scoring points is fun. And if you work hard and have fun, you do better than if you just work hard.
Don't think Tony would have been effective at 125 without freestyle weigh ins.
The hand-wringing over Strittmatter is beyond tired. Nobody complained about him when Nico, Jason, Jimmy, Mouse, etc., came to PSU. Or when Pletcher went tan.

Fix is part of Flo's signing day event in November. Sure, he could commit before then -- by why would he? Flo didn't line up the event, just to have its main attractions announce earlier.

Wittlake earlier (last year?) said he was interested in PSU and Oregon State. Every school will start poking around now. His golden ticket for Who's #1 this fall is a potential benefit for us -- wouldn't be surprised to see him take an unofficial while he's only 3 hrs away.

Further to Wittlake, he gives a long interview to Richard Immel and mentions a few times how big an influence Cael is on his style, that he watches videos of him, he's his favorite wrestler, etc. Doesn't mention any schools in his answer to the recruiting question but it follows that PSU would be high on his list. He did express a preference for not being at a school where he'd have to wait behind someone else at his weight. Mentioned freestyle aspirations beyond his D1 years as well, doesn't see his future in greco.