2019 NCAAs -- Session 6 Thread

That’s right. The only chance Moore has to beat Bo is in a 2-1 or 3-2 type match. He’s not going to outscore Bo in a high scoring match, and as you said, he’s not going to outscramble Bo. So Moore did what he had to do to give himself a chance, but it still wasn’t enough. Bo simply outclasses him.

I always liked Sammy Brooks, the former Hawkeye, because he was never afraid to scramble, even when he was against Bo. Led to that famous spladle!

You have to love the guys who are outclassed, but just let it fly. Don't see them all that often!
I just texted my buddies that Moore and Bo could wrestle for 200 minutes and I don’t think Moore could take him Down. It’s an awful awful match up for Moore

Probably true, but, honestly, it's hard to say, because Moore looks like he REALLY doesn't want to try. I think that first pin, in the dual meet, took out any intent Moore had for wrestling his best self against Bo.
And for a parting post for the night, here's some eye candy. During the long offseason, I'm going to try to not bore yinz guys too much with recaps of the team previews I did preseason.

Nice to see Koll eat his words

Koll's comments really came off as idiotic, and also rather rude.. Not that I need any more reasons to respect CS, but if his wrestler is in a final, you'll find him in the corner, and not being interviewed during the match. And whenever he does talk about other wrestlers or other teams, either before or after matches, he's very respectful of them. Koll said that Foster was very athletic, but only for the 1st half of matches. He indicated that Dean's conditioning would be a big factor, and probably the difference late in the match. So who gets taken down in the 3rd period? Dean. And which coach ends up looking like a fool? Koll
By the way

Just rewatched the Hall / Valencia TD.

They awarded the TD, then Valencia held the ankle for about 8 seconds until they stopped action for review. By rule, that’s stalling if a TD has been awarded.
The kid had another headgear as well. Which team did the other one come from? Did they lose a team point as well?
The penalty was for tossing his headgear toward the coaches immediately after the match ended.
Had nothing to do with giving the kid his headgear after he had left the mat.
Wow, watched them read ...

Cassar ... wow .. hope we see him 2 more years

Nolf did what Nolf does.

Cenzo get em next year

Hall ditto

Bo, he could wrestle Moore from now to
Eternity and Moore wouldnt take him down even if he was sleeping
The penalty was for tossing his headgear toward the coaches immediately after the match ended.
Had nothing to do with giving the kid his headgear after he had left the mat.

Seems that there should be some judgement used here. If he tossed his headgear with an underhand throw, that's hardly a sign of unsportsmanlike conduct. Same goes for Snyder throwing his headgear to the crowd last year.
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Of note, for all of Tan Tom’s self-congratulatory fanfare about qualifying ALL 10 starters, only 5 were even All-Americans. Oops.
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ESPN Dropped the ball on the awards ceremony AGAIN. I don’t understand why they just can’t show all of the kids getting their awards. They do for football and basketball. On the Off The Mat show, they worry more about showing the talking heads and their jibberish than showing the awards. If you’re lucky, you can maybe hear the awards being handed out in the background, but that’s it. The programmers are such a bunch of jackasses.
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Weak air guitar.

You think that air guitar demonstration of Hall didn't give Valencia some added incentive?

I remember when I criticized that guitar celebration by Hall a lot of you jumped me. Remember that @smalls103? You shouldn't give an elite competitor any more incentive to beat you. Valencia just loved shoving that guitar celebration back at Hall's face.