285 3rd Place Match: Kerk vs. Tony Cassioppi (Iowa)
Per 1
TC with a front headlock, nothing. Kerk in on a single, TC counters with a front headlock, they scramble, and TC gets the TD at the edge, 0-2. Kerk is flattened. Stall warning on Kerk. End. RT @ 1:49 for TC
Per 2
Kerk takes neutral. Kerk reaches for a leg, TC snaps the head down and gets the TD, 0-4. And Kerk is flattened once again. Stall call on Kerk, so it's 0-5. End. RT @ 3:19 for TC
Per 3
TC takes bottom. He's out in 8 sec, 0-6. Kerk tries a double, blocked. TC stuffed the head and working on it. Stalemate with 1:00 left. RT is locked for TC. TC with a TD makes it 0-8. End. With 3:30 in RT, it's a 0-9 major for Cassioppi.
Kerk finishes 4th at the B1G Championship
(And as an aside, once again Byers spent half the match doing PBP of the championship final. I wish somebody would tell him that when PSU wrestlers are competing, that's the only match he should focus on.)