2021 B1G Tournament

Flat start for the youngsters. Backside will be a good test to where they are mentally. Tournament wrestling is a roller-coaster for the fans and wrestlers! Glad we finally have one.

Yes. I hope Howard & Bartlett respond well. They've not been in wrestlebacks too much in their stellar careers. Time to wrestle for the team.
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that’s stalling on Maryland. These refs literally don’t know the rules
Robbie needs to figure out how to get to his offense. He's not able to get it going.
He will be fine. He was medically released to compete, what a month ago. While everybody has been going live and developing since sometime during the summer Howard is a month into his season.
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Three losses...2 can’t pull the upset and 1 get upset to a guy that was dominated two weeks ago. Geeze.