2021 NCAAs

too bad for Joe. His O is good and D isn't where it needs to be. I still think he'll be OK. Hey, but remember, we only need 8 scorers!
I might miss some/all of Aaron Brooks's match

174: R2: Carter Starocci vs. Hayden Hastings (Wyoming)

Per 1
CStar in on a leg, HH with a whizzer, CStar to a double and gets the TD, 2-0, and they go OOB with 2:04 left. HH on his base, but CStar with a nice ride (1:05 in RT) before HH with the esc, 2-1. CStar to a single, to a double for the TD with 3 sec left, 4-1 RT @ 1:07 for CStar

Per 2
HH takes bottom. A good ride by CStar, but HH finally out and they go OOB with 57 sec left, 4-2. HH shoots, CStar counters and nearly gets behind but the end of the period. RT @ 2:07 for CStar

Per 3
CStar takes bottom. He works up, and is out in about 20 sec, 5-2. HH reaches, nothing. 1 min left. RT is locked. HH shoots, CStar counters and gets a leg, and gets the TD, 7-2. OOB with 17 sec left. HH to his feet, but can't get away. End. With 2;13 in RT it's a 8-2 DEC for CStar
184 R2: Aaron Brooks vs. Owen Webster (Minnesota)

Per 1
Picking it up with 23 sec left, and Brooks up 2-0. End. RT @ 56 for Brooks

Per 2
Brooks takes bottom. He's to his feet, and out in a few sec, 3-0. Broosk reaches, nothing. Webster shoots, nothing. 1 min left. Brooks nearly a leg, nothing. Webster barely doing a thing. End RT @ 52 sec for Brooks

Per 3
Webster takes bottom. Brooks with a nice ride, then Webster to his feet, taken back down. RT over 1 min. OOB with 1:07 left. RT is locked. Webster to his feet, and AB takes him back down. Webster with a halfhearted roll, nothing. OOB with 14 sec left. Webster to his feet, and taken back down. A rideout. With 2:52 in RT, it's a 5-0 DEC for Brooks
Time for transfer portal at165 and never let Lee see the mat again
Yeah, that's over the top dumb. On the other hand, no should get real uptight with the statement that Joe Lee appears to have been overhyped by this board and has been rather disappointing in his first season in the lineup.

Hopefully he can improve a lot, because he needs to.