141 SF - Beau Bartlett VS Vance Vombaur (MN)
Period 1:
Let's go Beau! Circling & hand fighting. Vombaur looks a little longer than Beau. Beau presses forward a bit, but then they're back to center. Vombaur shoots & gets a leg. Beau counters, but Vombaur finishes for the TD, 3-0. Beau gets to his feet. Vombaur brings him back to a quadpod & then back to the mat. Beau gets back up, but Vombaur trips him back again. Beau is looking for a reversal now, but it's blown dead for some reason I know not. Beau is still down. Vombaur has 37-sec RT. Beau gets to his feet, but Vombaur trips him back to the mat. Beau gets up again & gets the escape, 3-1. Vombaur has 52-sec RT. Circling in the center. Vombaur shoots, but Beau sprawls back & they break, 25-sec left. Beau pushes forward. Vombaur shoots. Beau sprawls out of it. Circling for the last few seconds of the period. 3-1 Vombaur, +52-sec RT.
Period 2:
Vombaur takes down. Beau gets Vombaur bellied out, then Vombaur works back to his feet & gets the escape, 4-1. Vombaur pressing forward now. Beau with some fakes. Hand fighting, tying up & circling, 1-min left. Beau shoots & gets a leg. He elevates it, but Vombaur is fighting hard & is long. Beau tries a dump, but Vombaur hits the splits & it's a stalemate, neutral restart. Vombaur shoots & gets to a leg. Beau sprawls back. Vombaur keeps working, but Beau fights him off until the period ends. 4-1 Vombaur
Period 3:
Beau takes down. He gets to his feet, but Vombaur takes him back down. Beau gets back to his feet, but can't get hand control & Vombaur goes over 1-min RT. Out of bounds & restart. Beau is still down. Vombaur is tough. Beau gets to his feet, but Vombaur trips him back down. Beau gets to a quadpod, then rolls, but Vombaur stays with him. Beau gets to his feet & gets the escape, 4-2. Beau shoots & gets a leg. Vombaur sprawls & it's a stalemate, 54-sec left. Beau presses forward & shoots, but no luck. Beau is looking for an opening, but Vombaur is solid. Beau shoots, but Vombaur fights him off. Vombaur fights everything off as time expires. Vombaur adds a RT point, 5-2. That's really unfortunate, because Hardy beat Mendez in the other semi. Wow! Bartlett might wrestle Mendez for 3rd! Anyone pick?
Vance Vombaur DEC Beau Bartlett 5-2