Thank you for supporting the Hawkeye Wrestling Club's NCAA Raffle. As usual, HWC fans showed their true colors!
I thought it might be nice if the guy who one the raffle could introduce himself.
His name is Gary DeRaad and works as a Nurse Anesthetist in Perrysburg OH.
Take it away Gary...
I am Originally from Brandon, SD. I was 3 years Varsity HWT for Brandon. I wrestled 2 years for Paul Kendle at Augustana College where I received my nursing degree.
I have loved wrestling since 4th grade when the high school coach brought some wrestlers to our elementary to do a demonstration and tell us about the kids program. I didn’t know wrestling existed before that and it was love at first sight.
I’ve been an Iowa fan for a long time. Many of South Dakota’s best have gone on to be Hawks. My uncle lived in Iowa City and always had wrestling season tickets. My best friend in high school moved from Iowa and we followed the Hawkeyes as closely as we could.
At Augustana I was in the same class as Clayton Mcllravy. His little brother would visit Clayton and practice with the team. Far and away my favorite wrestling related moment was to then be able to watch Lincoln win that first title live.
It’s been a few years since I’ve been able to make it to NCAA’s and I couldn’t be more excited to go and meet some Iowa wrestlers. I’m bringing my next door neighbor who is also a wrestler. We’ve become good friends over wrestling, traveling to several Big Ten’s together.
Gary DeRaad,
Go Hawks!